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Posts posted by russellmz

  1. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Gen. Sosaboski:

    RussellMz (Hope I spelled that right),

    Whatever happened to UBB at War? I was really looking forward to it. Maybe it was released and I was away from the board at that time. Just checking on it.


    hey general!

    i sent you an email with a different scenario that has member names in it. not as many people, but it's more fun than the UBB at War, which i was not pleased with.


  2. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Soddball:

    Since my suggestion didn't make it into the shortlist, I'm going to demand a recount and a removal of all votes that didn't arrive before 3 weeks ago and I'm going to discount the votes of anyone who isn't white.

    This is "Democracy Corner" isn't it? :D<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    you want the republican corner. take a turn to the hell scenario and ask to see Beelsebub, their main supporter.:Þ

  3. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Scipio:

    Folks, because my other threat was locked for some people who starts an absolutly off topic discussion, let's restart it here.

    SO, I guess my doubts about the vulnerability of tanks is solved, that leaves us with the minefields...

    And here's another thing I've noticed :

    a) a gun or mortar (on-map) can be 'knocked-out' or 'abandoned'. Okay, when it's knocked out, it's kaput, the crew brews coffee and eat some Butterbrot (=sandwich). But what is an abandoned gun? I guess it's still operable, but the crew has run for cover, cause the situation was a little bit to hot. Why can't they return to the gun later when the situation has cooled down?

    B) I noticed that crews of support weapons usually try to flee with their heavy weapons. That's very unrealistic, IMO, especially when they are in open country. The first thing they would do is to throw away the mortar/gun/machinegun etcetera and run for their lives, maybe to try later to man their abandoned guns.

    c) why can a machinegun not be knocked out with a surviving crew? Is a MG not so vulnerable like a 60mm mortar?

    d) Maybe a surviving crew would be able to man the weapon of another - maybe killed or routed - crew? Maybe they could even man an abandoned enemy gun? I guess if you once have learned to use a fieldgun, mortar, MG, you can use also a captured weapon of this type - maybe with smaller effeciency (depending on the 'new' crews quality). I could imagine this has happend often, especially on the level of a CM game. Capturing enemy equipment could also improve the endresult - the enemy hasn't only lost that gun, it will be also used against him in another battle! This could open some new horizons...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    i still think the jeeps thing is funny looking: a 500lb lands among 6 jeeps and all the 1 man crews survive.

  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

    Hey! You stole my idea! I am currently working on a combination of the first and fifth, where a meeting engagement develops between the recon forces of the Ami's and the Germans in a small rural village.

    It also gets progressively larger with reinforcements, but I am still trying to keep it down to a smallish size. Sort of a short story or novella of battles as it were.

    [ 07-16-2001: Message edited by: Panzer Leader ]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    wait a second. i suggested the town reinforcements thing as an option. i think i DID steal that idea about the reinforcements going after a town from you but didn't remember it. my bad...

  5. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Scipio:

    Back at the front :)

    Well, when I read all the messages, they have all one common sense : the tank crews (and also the gun crews ??) were much valuable to be wasted to fight in more or less damaged tanks. It's good and realistic that the bail out, survive and man another tank. Correct?

    But now I think on something I've read just two or three days ago about the CM victory conditions and the points you gain for destroyed/killed enemy units. It said something like, for example, a normal infantry soldier counts 3 points, a crewman 2 points. Is that right? If so, then it would be a very big error, a tanker (gunner?) should be at least double so valuable like a normal soldier.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    that would suck. then if your truck was knocked out 500m in front of the exit, then you would practically HAVE to save the panicked, low ammo crew. exiting scenarios would get an extra level of difficulty (and annoyance)

  6. a lot of enetrations but continue fighting have to do with thin skinned afvs: priests, us tank destroyers, etc.

    i just played a scenario where a tiger and two jumbos tooks turns bouncing rounds off each other. funny. the tiger had a lot of internal flaking but refused to budge.

    and no one talked about the mines, which is what i posted about smile.gif

    another cm error:i have jeeps parked in rubble. a 500lb bomb lands dead center there. the jeep crews almost always survive, like 90% or better. but whole squads die if they were in same place. jeep offers too much protection to crews.

  7. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Scipio:

    a) Why does a tank don't detonate AP mines? Maybe they don't cause trouble to the tank, but the minefield would be uncovered.


    i believe the germans found out about certain anti mine tactics like the flail tanks and the heavy roller thing in front tanks. they set mines to explode only with a weight of ~100 lbs was set on them. they could even set it explode after a thrid or fourth weight was pressed on them i think.

    so i guess the same thing could be done to ap mines.

  8. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by GenSplatton:

    If indeed it is updated on a regular basis, then there would be no need to bump it with useless filler, correct?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    editing the first two posts doesn't cause it to get bumped. plus i edit it sporadically every few days and even weeks lately. so the bumping story is a nice, helpful service that few mind since they aren't forced to read it.

    the alternative is for me to write 'bump' every day like panzer leader does with the cm2 faq thread which i don't want to do. so let's all not get too worked up over the later posts that you don't want to read since you only need to look at the first two anyway. smile.gif

  9. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mace:

    ...consoled Mace, who was heartbroken that GenSpatton didn't like us.

    *Sob* "Where did we go wrong? I mean .. *Sniff* .. we slave to come up with witty posts for the amusement of our peers, and all we get is... *sob* ...is... *sniff* scorn!!!"


    "In that *Sob* case, I'm going to take this here razorblade, and slash my"....<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    ...friend GenSpatton's...

    [editor's note: just kidding ya genspatton. no physical or mental harm intended. please don't sue. :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes: ]

    [ 07-13-2001: Message edited by: russellmz ]

  10. 1)

    have a very small map. start off with the two sides opposite each other (not in los), small town in middle. make the exit zone sides friendly so ai is agressive.

    then have a small force engage for the town in middle. then have reinforcements come in every few minutes using all five reinforcement slots. so a massive firefight develops for that small town.

    i was working on one for fun but am not able to work on it as much as i wish to.


    make a ship or (in a shameless plug) use mine and have boarders or have it bombard towns and stuff.


    make a scenario based in hell. lots of smoke. tall spikes jutting up. bombers to simulate the wrath of the old school, old testament deity. no wate of course. and no blue skies either!


    a scenario with EVERYONE's name in it, not ~30 like the one i emailed everyone. then set then in a cramp first person shooter type map with an allied or germ tank (limited to whichever is most equivalent)


    have a scenario divided by cliffs into four equal sectors. in each sector have the same kind of forces fight but over different types of terrain. one would be open, one heavily forested, one hilly, or whatever. try and win all 4 sectors.

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