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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

Mr. Clark

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Everything posted by Mr. Clark

  1. WOW!!! That's excellent news! Why has there been no talk of it here? Or has there and I've somehow been blind to the fact? Anyhoo, let me voice my opinion that a second "beta" patch before a final release is a GREAT idea. ------------------ "The truth was that the Germans were losing faster than the Allies could win." - A Bridge Too Far
  2. No idea about German Narratives, but I highly suggest the following books, in the following order of preference: * Band of Brothers - The story of Easy Company (just a great, great book) * A Bridge Too Far - One of the best narratives you'll find. * Currahee! - a Screaming Eagle in Normandy. Same guy who wrote Seven Roads to Hell. Have yet to read his other book, Road to Arnhem. I've also been told that COMPANY COMMANDER is good, and am getting it for X-Mas. I do not suggest A Blood-Dimmed Tide. At first I thought it was good, but after reading more and more WWII books, I just think that the narrative of BDT jumps around too much, and becomes a little hard to follow. ------------------ "The truth was that the Germans were losing faster than the Allies could win." - A Bridge Too Far [This message has been edited by Mr. Clark (edited 12-08-2000).]
  3. Man, this guy sounds sooooo annoying. Sorry, but there it is. When it was YOUR turn to pick the battle... he "refused" to be an attacker (gamey). When it's HIS turn to choose the battle, he MAKES YOU the attacker (gamey). As the defender, he attempts to limit your inf (which in my opinion are incredibly necessary to an attack... tanks can take a position, but infantry hold it), and attempts to nullify your arty (in my opinion the single most important element of a good attack... can you tell I play allies?)... once again, GAMEY! Finally, the guy has the NERVE to "bitch" at you to SPEED UP YOUR ATTACK!!?? I honestly do not know how you have the patience to play this guy... All that said, I wish you luck on the second half of your battle. I personally suggest using your (un-used) arty to shell his area of town to hell right about now. Good luck. "On my signal, unleash hell." - Gladiator
  4. I'm 90% sure that a pause order always takes place at the start of a turn, no matter what else you attempt to have going on. Sounds like a great battle! I agree with calling in the big arty next time. You noted in this battle how the mortars suppressed his inf. Next time try to disrupt more of his plans with more/bigger artillery. Looking forward to the AAR for your next battle! Good Luck!!!
  5. Lots of great ideas here. I like the fighting him in deep mud option! He He... it would be hilarious.
  6. What about the GUNS you so effectively destroyed my last armored force with? Can you use the same tactic on him? Use what you know against him. It's the advantage of replaying the same opponent numerous times. So far we know he uses KT's, fights in open spaces, and blows up all buildings in a town. Also, minimize your "bad luck" situations as much as possible. You should know your opponent by now, and that's a huge advantage. (Write me and let me know who this opponent is! I think I have an idea of who it is...) KT's - Use the best anti-tank items available to you. Try sticking some bazooka men on jeeps and manuevering them in for a shot. Perhaps pay the price for an Airstrike? Open Spaces - Use Arty spotters to cover those open spaces. If he sits on one, let him have it. Also use smoke and artillery to split his forces, and break up his plans. (Attack the enemy plans!) Buildings - Play in a hilly area. Play defensively, and let HIM come to you. Let him walk his KT's into your ambushes. (Below hills, etc.) I KNOW you know how to lay ambushes! Write me! It's now my mission to help you win one!!! (Not that I'm really good... I just like a challenge... after all, I play Allies by choice don't I?) ------------------ "The truth was that the Germans were losing faster than the Allies could win." - A Bridge Too Far
  7. I'm betting a German "Mech" would appear on Charle's "team" somewhere around turn 4... ------------------ "The truth was that the Germans were losing faster than the Allies could win." - A Bridge Too Far
  8. Agreed about the poor disk drives. Mine died when I was VERY far into the D&D game POOL OF RADIANCE. What a nightmare. Perhaps I'll try one of those emulators...
  9. Well, since in our current PBeM game, you managed to alight ALL my vehicles except one halftrack within a 3 turn period, I'd say you are not a poor player! (I don't consider myself a poor player...) Blame the German armor. He He. Speaking from someone who ALWAYS plays Allies (by choice), I have witnessed my own forces shredded by German armor time and again. Luckily, I am a decent Infantry player, and manage to pull victories out with my soldiers. I've managed to somehow drop Tigers with grenades, etc... Perhaps you need to support your tanks with more infantry? Just a friendly suggestion from one of your opponents (who you pretty much stomp on.) Also, I have noticed your stunning lack of artillery attacks in both games we have played. Perhaps your opponent needs a gigantic shelling? I'll gladly play you in a tank battle (I'll be Allies, natch) once we finish our current battle. (Which I must say is probably one of the bloodiest I've ever seen.) ------------------ "The truth was that the Germans were losing faster than the Allies could win." - A Bridge Too Far
  10. "I say old chap, we're a little low in the ammo dept. Do you think you could possibly pretend we shot you, and cancel that artillery barrage of yours? No? Well, at least we tried." ------------------ "The truth was that the Germans were losing faster than the Allies could win." - A Bridge Too Far
  11. Yeah, I'm probably firing at enemies which are too far away. I have recently begun holding a reserve platoon in most of my battles, and that has helped a lot. So what do you guys do with your LOW ammo troops? "Withdraw" them from the map, or place them in the line of fire so they shoot back occasionally? ------------------ "The truth was that the Germans were losing faster than the Allies could win." - A Bridge Too Far
  12. Thanks for the description Steve, it helps me understand them a bit better in CM.
  13. You may be correct Kwazydog, as I seem to remember slamming my sports car into buildings often! Remember, you started out as a lone man with a sports car, and soon had a huge fleet following you?! The scavenging was a blast, as you mention. I remember that battles took a looooong time to play out.
  14. I'm posting like crazy today... Anyway, I am constantly running out of ammo for my troops. About mid-scenario I have half my platoons standing around shrugging at each other, because they are at LOW ammo status. I know the ammo system is realistic, I'm not complaining. I just wonder if this happens to everyone, or if I'm doing something wrong. I secretly suspect I have the little cowardly weasel from Saving Private Ryan tagging along with my company, and hiding in the dirt when he should be bringing me some damn ammo! ------------------ "The truth was that the Germans were losing faster than the Allies could win." - A Bridge Too Far
  15. It was indeed Computer Ambush! At least that sure sounds correct! That game was the CM of it's day, in my memory anyway. Also, Yes, I did have Autoduel... a ton of fun back in the day! How about ROAD WARS from SSI? Like autoduel, except MASSIVE car combat with tons of vehicles on each side, plus boarding rules! It was turned based, another difference from Autoduel. ------------------ "The truth was that the Germans were losing faster than the Allies could win." - A Bridge Too Far
  16. Stic, the "Mods" are just textures touched up or re-created for the game, not new models, game system changes, etc. However, if you own the game, I heartily recommend checking them out... as you can custom the look to suit your own tastes. Same goes for sounds. ------------------ "The truth was that the Germans were losing faster than the Allies could win." - A Bridge Too Far
  17. Does anyone remember an old C64 game where you played as a WWII squad. The soldiers were simply numbers, and the germans were represented by X's. The map was simple line art. I think you could play hotseat, with one player taking the Germans too... not positive. Anyway, the other thread about ASL got me remembering this game. I played it often... it attempted to be fairly realistic for it's time. Anyone know what the heck I'm talking about??? ------------------ "The truth was that the Germans were losing faster than the Allies could win." - A Bridge Too Far
  18. Thanks Will! Good advice. I guess I'll rent both Bridge and Longest Day, watch 'em back to back, and decide if I need either for X-Mas. Now I'm REALLY confused about Winter War... IS IT available on DVD, or no?
  19. I'm just glad to see so many people testing the hell out of this beta patch and finding all the kinks. Releasing this as a beta was a great idea.
  20. Commissar, what the heck mods are you using? I've still got my AMD K6-2 380 mhz, 80 mb, Voodoo 2 12 mb With the new building mod, DD's tree mods, and all the vehicle (low-res) mods, my frames remain pretty much the same. It must be the Hi-Res vehicles that really kick the framerate in the can. ------------------ "The truth was that the Germans were losing faster than the Allies could win." - A Bridge Too Far
  21. While we are speaking DVD... check out this site: http://www.dvdreview.com/ It will show you how to unlock some "secrets" on some of your DVD's. Go to the HIDDEN FEATURES section. Red Devil, Kagemusha is my fav of the samurai flicks. Little known compared to RAN, but much better IMO. ------------------ "The truth was that the Germans were losing faster than the Allies could win." - A Bridge Too Far
  22. Freyland, hilarious post! Perhaps I simply find it more amusing because I have NEVER ONCE effectively walked a flamethrower team to a target and fired the damn thing... not freaking once... ------------------ "The truth was that the Germans were losing faster than the Allies could win." - A Bridge Too Far
  23. Gotta throw in my agreement to at least rent Seven Samurai. Truly a great movie. Glad to see Das Boot made the cut. I've never seen Winter War... it's available on DVD?
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