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Mr. Clark

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Posts posted by Mr. Clark

  1. I don't think you will be running any extra risk to your HD by playing with the patch (vs AI) than you would otherwise.

    Even though the game is supposed to run slightly slower due to debug stuff (which I don't understand) it seemed to work spectacularly well during my one and only TCP/IP game so far.

    EDIT: Damn you MadMatt for your "official" reply right before my inane babbling...

    Oh well, my advice may not have been that trust-able anyhoo, considering I'm now off to fix my car with a hammer and some duct tape...

    [This message has been edited by Mr. Clark (edited 11-29-2000).]

  2. LOL Croda... I just now understand your joke in my thread (about Screaming Meemies) when you ask Beman to hurry up and post so the thread closes! smile.gif

    Seriously, I have often felt the same way Beman. I did a search for my name once to finds a particular thread... and I noticed that in all the threads I had posted in... I had made the LAST post. That was awhile ago... I'm afraid to look now...

  3. While reading several WWII books I've seen much written about Scremaing Meamies flying over head... making an aweful noise and such.

    What exactly fired screaming meamies (not sure I'm spelling that right) and are they in CM? (as accurate as CM's sounds are... I know I've never heard anything like described in the books.

    I hardly ever play Germans, so I've not had much chance to look.

    Anyway, sorry for the idiot question, and thanks for any replies! smile.gif

  4. Heh... I agree Coralsaw. I got a big laugh out of Steve admitting Charles does not know how to program that feature, and I also have a hefty amount of respect for them stating something like that. I wish ALL programmers/companies had that attitude.

    Way to go Steve and Charles! You've actually got me looking forward to trying TCP/IP.

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