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Battlefront is now Slitherine Ă—


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Everything posted by lcm1947

  1. Yes it sounds good and I like the idea that BTS is or might be blessing it. Anyway, keep us posted. I might even play PBEM if it was easier to find an opponent.
  2. Very interesting info. Appreciate letting us know about it. Talk about detail.
  3. If I am not mistaken the reason why the Brits don't acknowledge thier uniforms as being green is so not to be confused as frogs. Yes frog. Frogs are green as we all know. Well, anyway, since the France are known as frogs the British didn't want to be confused with them. So there you have it. Please don't ask me to refer you to the vast amount of material I used to arrive at this conclusion. It was mostly just common sense.
  4. I know nothing about mortars or field piece cartriges but knowing something about rifles and pistol cartridges I would say that that is probably incorrect but watch somebody that really knows come along and correct me. My thinking is that say take a rifle cartridge for example each cartridge is different in shape. It is formed to fit very tight in the breech. This is what keeps the cartridge from expanding too much and blowing up the rifle when fired. The other thought is that while the captured enemy ammo is smaller bullet diameter wise and would fit and fire it would surely mess up the inside of the barrel and might even cause an explodion and if not that certainly would have a great effect on accuracy. I assume tank and field gun barrels are grooved like a rifle. This is what stabilizes the bullet or shell effecting accuracy. If anything I would think that the Russia's would have made their calibers larger to keep the enemy from being able to use their captured ammo. Now none of this might apply to mortars as they may very well all have the same shape. I really don't know. Anyway, my thoughts.
  5. Seems I've taken out just about everything at one time or another with the old .50 Cal. but probably not the big cats like Panther or Tiger. Can't really remember the distance however. It's a powerful weapon though.
  6. It's getting harder and harder to wait but now that I have the prescription I'll be fine. The picture is really cool. Oh it's going to be so cool.
  7. Yeah for sure let us know. Sounds good.
  8. Very, very nice looking site guys. Looking forward to watching as it comes to life. Good luck and thanks to all that worked so hard on it. It tells.
  9. Pvt. Ryan I think you are confused. Model tanks. You know like what you see in war.
  10. Pretty darn neat Michael. Looks great! I'm so lucky to be a close and personel friend. I would love to have it. Maybe a thank you in advance would be good here.
  11. Oh cool, a new mod. Outstanding! Thanks Ted for letting us know, the original modders Saturnin and Andrew Fox and Tom for the touch ups and site. I kind of feel guilty for getting a mothers day present since I'm not one but hey I takes them when I can get them.
  12. Thanks Ted for the heads up. Sure hope it's a mod. Sure would be nice to have a mod on Mother's Day, or Father's day or Christmas or somebody's birthday or well you get the point. Well let me go see what all this hollering's about.
  13. No big surprise here. Ted is the man and damn nice guy. Truely. Now if only he would give us links when he tells us of some new happening on the various sites he always wants us to go to.
  14. Well, Welcome Smokingkipper. You are in for a treat of all treats if you like playing the best ever WWII game bar none. I have been playing for over a year and a half and still have to play at least a small game each and every day. Thank God I've been married 28 years and the wife is more then happy to have me enjoy what I want, well with some exceptions but not many. Anyway, I could go on for pages about it but you'll see soon enough I suppose. The other thing I think is so cool about this game is this board. Some very smart and intelligence guys and some even know something about WWII and normally more then happy to answer any question you have. Normally. The makers of this game BTS are also responible in a very large way in making this board so pleasant. They do an outstanding job of monitoring it and keeping trouble makers out of it or at least controlling them. I for one am very impressed for while they do monitor it like I said they don't go overboard either which is a tough line to walk sometimes. The last thing I will mention is the mods. The game never gets old because you can change the troops, vehciles, landscape and skys as you please and to me anyway this has certainly prolonged the pleasure of it. A lot. Course I'm a mod happy fool. So again welcome and enjoy. See you around I'm sure.
  15. I understand where you are coming from and I agree it would be fun to play around with but then you have to ask yourself - self, would you really like to see it if it caused another more important or needed vehicle in the game to be excluded? Probably not and I know you agree and just wanted to talk about it. I myself have to keep myself from getting too excited about when and what it's going to be like when it comes out. I bet it's going to blow us away. So yeah I'd like to see the thing too.
  16. Here's some info on a couple of antitank rifles that I thought might be of interest. I'll skip talking about the Polish 7.92 mm Mascerzek Mod.35 since they were captured in large numbers and used extensively in the earlier part of the war. This weapon however led to the development of the German rifles known as the Pz. B. 38 and Pz. B. 39. The 7.92 mm Panzerbuche 39 (Pz. B. 39) was a bolt action rife it fired a cartridge similar to the Polish Mascerzek. The projectile has a tungsten carbide core and is known to have a small pellet of a lachrymator as well as a tracer mixture. Penetrating power of the bullet at 300 yards is 3/4 inch at 20 degrees, and 1 inch at normal against face-hardened plate. At 100 yards , penetration is 1 1/4 in. at normal. It is fired single shot from the shoulder with the aid of a bipod. It uses ammo boxes holding 10 rounds each, mounted on brackets on each side of the wood stock. There are not magazines but serve to hold the ammo so that it can be quickly and earily removed for hand loading. The rifle weight was 27.25 lb. Muzzle velocity was 3,540 fps. The book then goes on to talk about the 7.92 mm Granatbuchse 39 (Gr. B. 39) This was a grenade throwing rifle and a modification of the Pz. B. 39. The launcher is threaded to the barrel is the Scheissbecher, which is also used on the Mauser Kar 98K rifle to fire the same grenades. Three types of grenades can be fired from it. (1.) antipersonnel (Gewehr Sprenggarnate): (2.) small antitank grenades (Gewehr Panzergranate): (3.0 large antitank grenades ( Gross Gewehr Panzergranate). Effective ranges; 80 yards on moving targets and 136 yards on stationary targets. Anyway that's about all it says except for describing the rifles in detail, but basically a very long rifle with a handle on top so it can be carried. Oh yeah one last thing that might be of interest to some is that it uses a 13mm cartridge necked down to 7.92 mm.
  17. I had the same problems months and months ago and finally just gave up so glad you asked. Now I can have some of these excellent sky's that are out there.
  18. On a more serious not, will the American's have laser guns and if not will they at least get atom pistols? I realize this has been discussed before but can't remember what Steve said about it and the search doesn't work.
  19. I play that way a lot because - well I just like to. But to answer your question - yes. As mentioned above just change the number of turns to Max. that way the game will end and give you the totals after one side surrenders.
  20. I'm way ahead of you wbs I took today off and guess what I did and actually still doing the entire day. Yeah, that's right. I've killed more German's then you could count. It's fun - taking the day off that is not just killing German's. although I do seem to get a kick out of it.
  21. Don't feel bad Thumpre. Happens to me all the time. However when I tried it (American's taking out a Panther) my troops got all shot up for the effort. I guess the lighter tanks would be easier for troopers to take out however so makes sense. And Darth welcome and enjoy I know I have for over a year and a half.
  22. Hey thanks for the heads up. I shall have to mark this site for future use. BTW very nice gooding site.
  23. Glad to hear it's coming along. I don't have the current version waiting for the 3.02 version to come out. Very glad to hear about it. Any idea when it might be out or still by June date accurate?
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