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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by lcm1947

  1. I imagine JasonC is correct but can't you just imagine how badly some of the Russian officers wanted to use those tanks in maybe a sneak attack against the unknown Germans? I bet it had been suggested at least. They sure could have played hell for awhile.
  2. That's all very nice and all but may I ask you a question Mike? Why do you have a German in your living room? Have you found that friends don't drop by as often anymore either? Just a thought. No actually, very cool looking. You really didn't sew that yourself, did you? That is cool looking. I was just thinking what somebody would think if they pasted by and seen that thur the window. :eek:
  3. Yeah and the Pershing was never reworked either. It still is the original one that Tiger did years and years ago and while it was the best in it's time it just falls short compared to what everybody is puttin out now. So couldn't -for the love of God- somebody fix or do something about this poor tank that is so outdated. Maybe that's why it didn't see any action to speak of in WWII - it was just too ugly compared to the newer cooler looking stuff there.
  4. Oh Andrew you are truely a nice guy. I even consider you a good friend - wheather you want to be or not. Outstanding additions guy. I love the winter uniforms with the white collars. They will be replacing what I have for sure. Man that's going to look so cool in the game. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Oh, here comes the meanest in me. Is there anyway you could include the iron cross as an option for the Kubelwagen? I can't help it I just got to have these additons (stars, iron crosses, etc ) on my vehicles. I know it's camo'ed but hey I'm the only one that sees it and just got to have them. Pretty please. Thanks for the treats Anderw. Extremely nice as usual. Love the helmets. I don't know if they have looked that way before or not, I've been using a black helmets for a long time but I'll be switching over to these. Very realistic looking. Good improvements on all the uniforms. Outstanding and thank you again Andrew. Perfect timeing also I might add. Now let's see if the original mod users can past these up.
  5. Oh this is going to be good. I am sitting here with my coffee and getting all comforable for what will surely happen next. Now Seph I don't know who you are and I certainly have nothing against you but you shouldn't have said that. Good luck lad. Maybe you won't get beaten up too bad seeing that you're a young fellow . No I guess that won't matter
  6. Long story short about 2 months ago I had to reinstall the game and when I did I thought -well I'm just sticking with the original mods that came with the game. Well, I did play it that way for a couple of games and just didn't enjoy it like I had when I was all modded up. So, here I went downloading and searching all over for the right mods. It took a while but I am 100% modded again and enjoyed every minute of it. The game is back where I want it and it looks so so much better and more fun to play. It's got to be the best game out there with no game even second close but it just isn't as much fun to play or look at without all the many mods out there. No I personally think that the modders out there have contributed greatly - I mean greatly to this outstanding game and I for one will forever be appreciative to them - a bunch!!!!!!!!!! I don't know who I love more my wife and family or the modders that have contributed to this game that I love so very much. I feel that strongly about it. I guess as the saying goes " To each their own" but you won't ever catch me saying anything bad or making little of what they the modders have done for this game. I love those guys. I will close with just one last statement that I just made up. Never has so many owed so much to so few. Modders forever! Long live the glorest modders. Hail the Modders. Ok, I guess you understand I really like and appreciate them. Oh, I got a little carried away about them over the family but next to my family I love them second best.
  7. Well It's 5:37 AM here in Texas and I don't hear anything going on with CMBB. Oh well I knew the big day wasn't today anyway. Or just maybe - just maybe they're not up yet? We can still hope, can't we?
  8. I've read few things on this forum that made me smile more then your following post Parabellum. ------------------------------------------------- I just set up a small test. An axis 5000 pts force as attacker in an assault QB with 200% bonus gets 26250 points. With this I bought 118 veteran Tigers. For the allies I bought a conscript british rifle platoon. And a PIAT team. Anyone want a PBEM? I prefer axis. -------------------------------------------------- That was very witty my friend. Thanks for the laugh this early in the morning.
  9. I throughly enjoyed your stories Kump & tiborhead. Yeah, this game is truely fantastic. And as already pointed out the modders contribute so very very much. It really would not be the same without all the truely excellent mods that these guys have done for us. Long live the modder!!!!! and BTS of course.
  10. I really believe you guys are all wrong. I have a feeling that it won't be until August or maybe not till October. I didn't say I was hoping for it to be that late but I just have a feeling it's not the way they want it yet and they want it perfect so they won't release until they are completely satisfied. Actually I agree with that. It's got to be perfect - and it will be! Just a couple more months. We can hang on. Right? right?
  11. Thanks Ted. I fully understand about real life getting in our way at times. Bummer!
  12. Very very nice detail. The color is also looking very good. The tank seems a little too light and shiny but you know that don't you?. Keep us posted please.
  13. Well it so happens we do have a Fry's. I've not been there yet so maybe this will be a good reason to visit the place. I thank you for the tip Tar.
  14. Hey Olle. I want to thank you for your help. I will go by your advice on picking me up a set. Again I do appreciate your suggestion and answering. Take care.
  15. I was hoping to get an idea or two for purchasing some real good speakers for my computer. Now let me explain and hopefully someone or someones might answer this question also. I pretty much know that speakers for music producing devices are rated for the most part by Watts. The higher the Watts the better, but I was informed the other day by a computer guy that that was not true ( Watts ) when buying speakers for a computer. Anybody know if this is correct? Then would anybody care to recommend a particular brand and model. As well as playing CM I also enjoy playing music CD's on my computer and was hoping for some advice on this subject. Would really appreciate any and all help.
  16. WOW! What a bad ass looking tank. Thanks for the picture. I assume we'll see it if there ever is a Korean game made.
  17. According to my one book only (WWII Combat Weapons German ) it seems to indicate that this auto rifle (7.92 mm Fallschirmjager Gerwehr 42 (F.G. 42) was in short supply and doesn't mention that it was of poor quality and actually states that the reciever was of high quality but doesn't mention what overall quality of the whole rifle was. Just thought I'd mention it.
  18. I created the same picture in the game that you show of the one where the Sherman is in the bottom part of your picture and I think the appearance of vehicles from a distance are much improved and even more so of the hi- res mods. Now you state that the low-res looks more detailed then the hi-res but I think the hi-res looks more detailed. Anybody else see that? Anyway, like I said from a distance they do look much better but the close up ones in my opinion don't look better when comparing hi-res mods. So I guess it's a trade off. Close up don't look better, further away one's look much better. Boy, what a decision. But overall I am very impressed with your findings. What would people mods look like with your modification I wonder? Would you care to show us?
  19. Wait a minute. Let me get this straight? No bomb dogs, horses, bikes, night flares and now no American's in CMBB? OK, I'm not playing! BTS please fix or do something.
  20. HI athkatla. Welcome to the best game ever. You are in for a treat. I look forward to seeing you around the forum. Hope you're not married? No, no it's not that it's just it'll make it that much harder to play the game 24 hours, 7 days a week like you're going to want to do if married. Oh, and hopefully you don't have a job?
  21. I can see why they would have to come up with a different barrel (gun) when putting it on the Chaffee and all but what makes you think they didn't use the same exact 75mm round? I mean here we are at war why would they go to the trouble of designing and manufactureing a new round, unless they were unhappy with the current round of course. I would think that all figures would be the same if the same round was used since the only thing that would effect the performance of the round would be barrel length. Right? Now if the round it's self was truely changed then all performances would be different. But again all depends on how and what the differences were as to how much different the performances would be. I hope somebody like JasonC or some other knowledgeable person jumbs in here. Good question however and I am looking forward to see what is said.
  22. I sure hope so. Why wouldn't they? Of course they will. Yeah they will - I suppose. :confused:
  23. Pictures didn't work for me but I understand your - shall we say - disappointment. I have had similar experiences and yes it does upset the family members when they hear screaming from the computer room late at night. Of course by now my wife just turns to whoever and states it's just honey playing that stupid game that's taken over his life.
  24. I agree it's much more 3D and real looking. I can't imagine why this wouldn't be used on everything like terrain, troops and all vehicles and equipment. I for one am impressed. What an idea! :eek:
  25. Excellent news. I will be looking forward to this new improvement to the mod. I hope they hurry and get it really to download. Thanks Joshik. Appricate your work and if I read your post correctly you are working on others. Allright!!!!!!
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