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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

Col Deadmarsh

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Everything posted by Col Deadmarsh

  1. LOL! ------------------ Youth is wasted on the young.
  2. I don't know and I don't care. All I know is that its a word little boys like Maximus 2k use. ------------------ Youth is wasted on the young.
  3. Moon said: And this is one of the things that I love about the game. People may not realize it but there are things in place like the aforementioned that already deal with the gameyness issue of rushing we are talking about. This is one of them because it allows for subjective opinions to cause the player to act in one way or another. It says I control the flag but what if the enemy has snuck up some units in those trees over there without me seeing him? If that were the case, I may not be granted control of this vl. Maybe I need to establish more control of the area just to be sure.... In other games, we are given an absolute, objective which everyone can see. There is no guesswork as to whether your enemy has taken the vl or not. You know one way or the other. One more reason why other games are inferior in many ways to CM. ------------------ Youth is wasted on the young.
  4. I still stand by what Lt. Bull said but KiwiJoe is right on the money in the fact that in both CM and in real life, you know how long you have to hold a position, but only in CM do both sides know. Of course there are exceptions in real life which I think also back up Bull's theory. For instance, let's take the last scene in Private Ryan. The Allied squads are holding off the Germans in the last 5 minutes so they can get everyone to the other side of the bridge to blow it. The Germans *know* this what they are doing. They also know they will be able to do it in the next few minutes so they must act now with the tank and the remaining infantry to put a stop to this plan before it goes into effect. I think that there are arguments to be made for each theory, both Bull's and KiwiJoe's. Let's face it, there is no clear-cut answer here. ------------------ Youth is wasted on the young.
  5. Excellent post Bull. I totally agree with you. ------------------ Youth is wasted on the young.
  6. Are you sure that isn't just another picture of John Hough? ------------------ Youth is wasted on the young.
  7. ...you look at your car and wonder what its armor slope is. ------------------ Youth is wasted on the young.
  8. LOL! I'll bet that was a productive meeting for you. ------------------ Youth is wasted on the young.
  9. Steve said: Hey Maximus, weren't you already on Double Secret Probation? ------------------ Youth is wasted on the young.
  10. ...Battlefront.com is your home page ------------------ Youth is wasted on the young.
  11. Would like to start one tonight if possible. I prefer moderate hills, mod-heavy trees, village, with 1500-3000 pts. If you're up for it, post here or mail me at gregor22@pacbell.net. Edit: I should also mention that this will be a T-House ladder game. If you're not already on the ladder, then you need to join for us to play. Also, I'd like to play someone at a beginner/intermediate level. So, you're probably too good for me if: 1) ...you know what Brinnell hardness means. 2) ...you are a charter member of the Cesspool. 3) You spend hours on end pasting photos on the CM forum of Gerbils firing bazookas, etc. One more thing, I'm in Los Angeles so it would be nice to play against someone in the U.S., preferably on the west coast. ------------------ Youth is wasted on the young. [This message has been edited by Colonel_Deadmarsh (edited 02-16-2001).]
  12. Blue Falcon, That was...beyond weird. ------------------ Youth is wasted on the young.
  13. I'm for letting us save a movement turn while we're in the middle of moving units. For anyone who's played a 4000-5000 pt. game, you know what I mean. It can't be done in one sitting which means leaving on the computer and coming back to finish, hoping to God CM didn't freeze or your electricity didn't go out. Okay, so only those of us in California can identify with the last one. ------------------ Youth is wasted on the young.
  14. I'm not sure what image program you're using but you might want to try blending your images together using layers and different opacity settings. It might give you a more seamless transition between the images. Then again, maybe you weren't going for that. I'm no expert in graphic design but I'm educating myself in the field so I thought I'd throw that out there. By the way, I like your use of the color red in the Stalingrad pic...nice touch. ------------------ Youth is wasted on the young.
  15. Why don't we call this the Bates Award? This award will be given every week to the person who writes the most acinine statement. Bates, take your liberal crap somewhere else and turn off your MTV so they don't further poison your mind. Oh, and one more thing...I can't wait for CM2--The EASTERN Front! ------------------ Youth is wasted on the young. [This message has been edited by Colonel_Deadmarsh (edited 02-15-2001).]
  16. Major Tom said: Doing this might bring in a certain amount of each audience but what you bring in from one gender, you lose in another. The overwhelming majority of women do not like blood, guts, and military tactics and the overwhelming majority of men do not like mushy, gushy, romantic themes in shows. The reason MASH worked so well was because it wasn't a show about battles and it wasn't a story about love relationships either. It was a show about how these people dealt with the horrors of war through laughter. You can't please the war-hungry male crowd and the romance-hungry female crowd at the same time. If you want to do a romantic war drama or such, you have to take out the battles and the blood and guts stuff that appeals to the male crowd. If you want to do a show that will be composed of battles and infantry tactics, you have to throw out the romance. Having a bunch of nurses come aboard an island of pilots isn't gonna sell to the female crowd. I have to say though, those Black Sheep Squadron guys had to be the luckiest bunch of guys in the war. I'd risk my life up in the air if I could be stuck on an island with those beauties. ------------------ Youth is wasted on the young. Um...hmmm...how did this get reposted? [This message has been edited by Colonel_Deadmarsh (edited 02-12-2001).]
  17. Major Tom said: Doing this might bring in a certain amount of each audience but what you bring in from one gender, you lose in another. The overwhelming majority of women do not like blood, guts, and military tactics and the overwhelming majority of men do not like mushy, gushy, romantic themes in shows. The reason MASH worked so well was because it wasn't a show about battles and it wasn't a story about love relationships either. It was a show about how these people dealt with the horrors of war through laughter. You can't please the war-hungry male crowd and the romance-hungry female crowd at the same time. If you want to do a romantic war drama or such, you have to take out the battles and the blood and guts stuff that appeals to the male crowd. If you want to do a show that will be composed of battles and infantry tactics, you have to throw out the romance. Having a bunch of nurses come aboard an island of pilots isn't gonna sell to the female crowd. I have to say though, those Black Sheep Squadron guys had to be the luckiest bunch of guys in the war. I'd risk my life up in the air if I could be stuck on an island with those beauties. ------------------ Youth is wasted on the young.
  18. Growing up, I loved Black Sheep Squadron. The fighting scenes looked pretty fake mixed in with the historical footage, but hell, it was the only one of its kind and damn original. Great characters on that show too. I loved that cranky ol' seargent who worked on the planes. "Damn college boys..." Anyways, going back to this thing...maybe cable *is* the answer. I could see HBO doing something like this and making it work. The key would be to aim for one audience though, the male one. You can't sell a bunch of blood and guts to women unless they're cracking jokes in hospitals rooms like M*A*S*H. Come to think of it, didn't the producers of Black Sheep Squadron put a bunch of nurses on the island at the end of that show's run? Sounds like maybe they were trying to gain some of that female audience. ------------------ Youth is wasted on the young.
  19. After having seen Saving Private Ryan and Thin Red Line, I can't wait for Enemy At The Gate. But wouldn't it be great to have a weekly show about some platoon and its adventures throughout different battles? I'm guessing the cost of such an enterprise would be too much to spend every week and that's why we never see anything like that. I suppose for it to work, you'd have to find a way around using tanks and showing destroyed cities to keep costs down. I've only seen a few episodes of Combat! but I think that's how they got around it. I'm sure with today's technology and a budget similar to Star Trek: The Next Generation, somebody could make something worthwhile week after week. Would be great to watch a cool show like that then plop myself in front of the computer and fire up CM. ------------------ Youth is wasted on the young.
  20. Interesting site Gremlin. Here are some quotes: Bazookas ~ "...late M1 [bazooka] models had a different bead with crevices for 100yard, 200yd. and 300yd. range. Piats ~ ".... Tanks could be attacked at ranges up to 100yd., larger targets like houses at larger distances of 300m and more." Shrecks ~ "...There is still some controversy around the range of this weapon. Sources give figures for anything from 150m to 1,000m as range: The Panzerschreck's technical data call for a theoretical engagement range of 700m (!), practical engagement ranges are usually cited with 400m for static targets and 100 to 230m for moving targets. Then again, an army report on the fighting around Posen dated March 1st 1945 emphasizes the effectiveness of the Panzerschreck and states that static targets such as AT gun and infantry emplacements had been successfully attacked at ranges up to 1000m (!). Engagement procedures called for the Panzerschreck teams to open fire against attacking (oncoming) tanks at 180-150m. Laterally moving tanks were to be attacked at a range of 120m." The only weapon that is still in question is the Piat. My opponent Homba right now is probably staging an inquiry into our game after my Veteran Piat team which was out of command radius took out his Puma at 134m. Of course, it was stationary at the time just like those houses were in testing if you read above. The fact is, the max range is more around 300m so that shot was very much possible although probably very unlikely for them to hit. If any of these values are less than correct, it would be that of the schreck which should probably have a farther range than the 225 it's given in this game. Can you imagine being able to fire at moving targets up to 400m away? Sheesh. You'd have to double the unit's price for that kind of attack range. Would be cool to see though... ------------------ Youth is wasted on the young.
  21. Is it true that these AT weapons all had max ranges between 200-225 meters? I find it quite a coincidence that all three have similar maximum ranges and yet are each totally different mechanisms. Are these figures correct? ------------------ Youth is wasted on the young.
  22. Hey Stoffel, Don't you know that percussion isn't good for your concussion... ------------------ Youth is wasted on the young.
  23. Who is this masked man? And who are you who does all his speaking for him? His personal assistant or just his alter ego? As to the mods themselves, they look great as always. Can't wait to download them as I already have his buildings installed. One question though: Are there doors for that last building? I seem to make out something that resembles doors but they look a bit faded. Also, I noticed that all his buildings seem to have that lower layer of stone with the windows above that. Was this really how those buildings were built back then and does anybody know why? ------------------ Youth is wasted on the young. [This message has been edited by Colonel_Deadmarsh (edited 02-10-2001).]
  24. Don't mean to target Chup here but there was about 20 people I wanted to quote but for time limitations, won't. So, I'll just quote Chup and make my statement out of what he said: Hey Chup, ever make somebody a mix tape of your favorite songs? Before a couple of years ago when burners became cheap enough for the public to buy, this is what people did, right. Nobody seemed to have a problem with it back then so I find it interesting that people have a problem with it now. Downloading these songs off of Napster is the same thing. It's someone sharing their favorite music with you. You also mentioned that it hurts small bands. I disagree with this. These bands might never be heard by anyone outside their home town if it wasn't for Napster. With this technology, they are now accessible to people around the world! Yes, it's true that some people might just download a single off a band's album without ever buying the entire album but I think the fact that millions of new people are introduced to this band makes up for it. Aside from Mettalica, (not a small band as we all know) a lot of these bands and musicians who haven't hit it big are all for this. They realize the potential here. For someone to come on and say, "This is wrong" is most probably a hypocritical statement. After all, the average person has probably either taped something for someone else or accepted a tape from someone else in their lifetime. Besides the better quality (which isn't the issue here) how is this different than putting that music on CD's? With this being said, I do find myself feeling guilty when I download a game. After all, I will probably not end up purchasing that game, even if I like it. Frankly, I'm glad to support BTS because of their groundbreaking support and time they put into this game. Would I feel the same way about Atomic who wouldn't listen to anyone when we complained about what was wrong with their product and never bothered to fix it? Let's face it, there is no right or wrong here. There are only shades of grey and each person has to make their own decision about who they're helping and who they're hurting. ------------------ Youth is wasted on the young.
  25. No, setting quality to random means you might get scripts and greens while your opponent might get vets, crackheads, and elites. Not what I was saying. I'm not sure about the historical accuracy of having conscripts fighting with elite units but I would at least like to have for all selections: low, med, and high to give us 3 choices for units. Another option like this in the game can only be better. ------------------ Youth is wasted on the young.
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