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Posts posted by jshandorf

  1. Okay.. I have played a few games and there are two reasons why a anyone will lose.

    1) The terrain just sucks for any plan you can think of, OR the terrain fits perfectly into your plan.

    2) You HAVE to setup an attack that PREDICTS your attackers advance. If you succeed in this you WILL succeed. If you fail at this you WILL fail. Likewise for the attacker.

    It's really just that simple. Too bad we can't discuss this over beers since I could probably get my point across better that way but alas...


  2. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Seanachai:

    The first long winded, but sitll a small story, from Seanchai that actually made me chuckle.


    Besides, it my job to be rude. I have been doing it since I waded in here. Why quit now? Nobody else wants to job. Heck, I'll do it.

    Where is this heath? And if Peng is drunk again you guys keep and eye on him. Peng will try to mount anything when he gets a good litre of whiskey in him. Come to think of it, kind of like any Catholic I know...


  3. Well, how are things sizing up here? I am kind of curious as to my competition. So far the only two opponents I have played, and i use that word liberally, is Berli and Fionn. While I think Berliy was caught off gaurd a little bit and thus my routing of his troops was merely a "rare" event, Fionn has proved to be made of stiffer material than a vibrator at a LPGA tournament.

    As for the wine, yes, yes a few bottles are earmarked for the elders. If they want the rest, they will have to pry them from my "tiny fists".

    BTW, if pressed, which I am sure this tournament will do, I can get out 2-3 turns per person, per night.


  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Elvis:

    OK..the slate is now clear for two additional PBEM games.

    I would prefer to play jshandorf as I feel he is the only one left in th pool who han't been smacked around by me. And I would also like to try Y2K out.

    Time is precious for me right now so choosing a game is not a real option for me now. Hell set up phase will tax my time.

    But anyone who has wanted their ass handed to them by me can feel free to send a set up.

    Here is your chance to play a real pro folks...not some cut rate piker.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Damn! And just when I was looking to hone my blade for the upcoming tourney. Crushing the likes of Dalem and Seanachai just doesn't cut the mustard as "serious" training. More of a leisure activity if you ask me.

    Crap! Double Crap!


  5. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Seanachai:

    Who was Shandorf's sponsor, come to think of it? Was it Berli?


    Though I doubt that he remembers nor will admit it... It was Shaw who validated my existence here and it was only through dogged determination and much persistance on my part that Lorak finally enscribe my name within the sacred tomb. I think I was a squire, or the now more popular SSN, for about half a year. It was winter of 2000 during the great "Mass Induction", as I like to call it, where I got my spurs.

    I think Fancy-Lad is just jealous the poor little mop.

    Riiioght! Who is poppin off the e-mail to that wine chap? I am much too eager to start adding to my "out-boarder stuffhead collection". It's right next to Marlow's stuffed ass since he hand that to me way back when I kicked it. I am already dusting off a place for Spock's ass when I get done kickin' it also...

    BTW... I knew my bribing of Peng with wine would work.


    [ 06-14-2001: Message edited by: jshandorf ]

  6. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by WineCape:

    Dear Gentleman and not so Gentleman,

    Would it make your nomination task easier if we could get not one, but *TWO* nominations from the cesspool for the PBEM Invitational Tourney of "Stars"?

    Just let Treeburst155 know. I have not discussed it with him (have no time as I am boarding a plane in 2 hours) that it will be OK I guess to allow 2 cesspoolers on the Invitational instead of 1. But hurry up, as the invitation return deadline is closing soon.


    Charl Theron<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    If only good fortune such as this could play out day to day in my REAL LIFE. I don't think I would be so high strung and generally mean spirited.

    But this is the pool....

    Send the darn e-mail Seanachai! And remember the lives of your soon to be captured digital men depend on it.


  7. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

    Ooooo... Look at my plummage, ain't I pretty? I am so kewl and smart, and I am still a SSN!


    I posted to this thread with frequency, let me say this slowly so you can fully appreciate this, A---L-O-N-G---T-I-M-E---A-G-0. This was right about the time when you really didn't matter or count around here, and the only change to that now is that I am pointing it out to you in public. In truth it is whiny, little pukes like you that sucked the inspiration and soul from me in the past that prevented my almost eager daily attendence here. So in essence nothin' has changed.

    I have felt inspired to return to claim, AND MY RIGHT TO DO SO (you snot nose git!) a nomination for the tourney. Who the hell are you to even make a peep about it?

    Until you get a few more games (i.e. losses)under your belt AND get knighthood, as I have said before, shut yer piehole!.

    Besides even the great Peng himself has said "...his game play is truely a wonder to behold. modest players such as myself have no real chance against him, while good players will have a hard time. when it comes to cesspoolers shagdorf is truely the creme de la scum."

    That should answer any of your pathetic little questions SQUIRE. Now run off and wet yourself or somefink.


    [ 06-13-2001: Message edited by: jshandorf ]

  8. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MrSpkr:

    *Babble and worthless drivel that could barely pry a smirk from a 16 year old hazed over by an Ectesy induced binge.*


    You worthless little twerp. I have been insulting those of the pool long before you were a wet spot on the collective pool concious. If you think you are "all that and bag of ****e" then send me a setup and quit hiding behind you Momma's skirt, boyo! Otherwise shutup.

    Geier, if your opinion really mattered I might have responded... but alas...


    P.S. Oh and the fact that you are about as funny as a broom stick enema.

    [ 06-13-2001: Message edited by: jshandorf ]

  9. First off Hiram won't play and as much as all of you want to mock this little competition you won't get very far sending the likes of Hiram or OGSF.

    Let's be honest, these players care not for our banter or witty repotays, they care about the fight and if you send some week kneed pansy (See: Panty Liner) in there they will chew him up and spit him out AND THEN laugh at the pathetic little poolers! Now while I for one could care less about what I or anybody else in here say about any of you, I am NOT going to have some stick up the arse grog make fun of ME nor anyone else here! That is unless he wants to wade in here knee deep and go toe to toe.

    So, with that being said, get REAL people! Hell! I would support someone but me if I thought the were better but other than PNzer I can't honestly think of anyone else.

    As for the Feckin' SSNs havin' a say in this....How about a tall, cool, glass of SHUT THE HELL UP! If I want any noise out of you I will squeeze your heads to listen to the air quickly pass over your nasal membrains and make that whistling noise I am fond of.

    And one more thing... If any of you panty sniffing wankers think for just one second that you can beat me in a game then SEND ME A SETUP! I will show you pain and angoy that doesn't even measure up to gettin' you nuts in a vice! You got me, PANSY MAN?!

    This chest beating comes with an spine back 30 day gaurantee! If I don't kick the **** out of you, then I'll send your spine back to you unharmed and whole!


    [ 06-13-2001: Message edited by: jshandorf ]

  10. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

    As for you Getyerhandsoff I think your desire for the wine is causing you to act a little, shall we say, nervous.

    I nominated once before, and I will say it again: Peng or Seanachai no one but them will do. They are the light and dark side of the Mutha Beautiful Force.


    Fancy Leader: Shut you mother lovin' piehole. A buttload of crap spewed on a wall garners more respect than you! Is that your sack crawling it's way back up inside you?! Damn straight!

    Now.. Good God in a Gravy Boat! You have to be freakin' completely daft if you want Peng or SeanaPoop to play in any tourney with the likes of Fionn. I hate to say this to you.. but Peng sucks at CM worse then, imagine if you can, a giant mass of suckitude so massive and huge that nothing can escape it.. not even the hot wind from Seanacheap's mouth or rear, not that it makes much difference, but imagine it! Okay, got it? Now Peng's playing ability is buried somewhere inside that blackhole of suckitude. And Seanachai's playing skill lingers somewhere really close to the event horizon.

    You MUST be joking. I am this pool's best chance.....sans PNzer but he hates you all so there.


    [ 06-12-2001: Message edited by: jshandorf ]

  11. At this moment I am beating a nomination out of my fellow Poolers' hides. So bear with me...

    I am, sans PNZer, I believe the "best" pooler in active duty. I believe I haven't lost a game since... I don't know.. last year. Anyway, enough braggin', all I know is all the time I have spent kickin' the snot out poolers is going to finally get me something.

    Hell, if I get a shot at that saucey windbag of an Irishman I will take it! Stick that potato in you pipe and smoke it Fionn! Sunken-Lane this! Uh!


    [ 06-12-2001: Message edited by: jshandorf ]

  12. WHA! Noooooooo!

    Please tell me you numbnuts didn't nominate SteveMyAss as the representative from the Pool in the WineOff?

    It can't be any clearer then my 4 a.m. piss that I should be representing you FOOLS!

    Now get with it!

    SteveMyHairyAss pulled out of the competition because of some boobs-a-plenty and making them do a happy dance on him or somefink. I don't care.

    Anyway, with Marlow's (he does still count doesn't he?) nomination I put myself forward as the "second", and DAMMIT I am going to make you twat suckers prouder then a one-legged whore in a V.F.W parade.


    [ 06-12-2001: Message edited by: jshandorf ]

  13. HEY! GUYS!

    Tell me you DIDN'T nominate some else for WineCap and Treebusrt's little league thingy?!!!!

    By all that is warma and fuzzy about him Marlow nominated me earlier!

    Shandy Duncan always enjoys a little stiff (nudge, nudge, wink, wink, say no more) Competition.

    I nominate Jefe to kick some Boardie ass.

    I am sorry I have been remiss in my posting duties but between school now and work I have little time to banter with you folk here let alone get my PBEM turns out on time.


    See, give me the thumbs up!

    If not me then atleast PNzer... we then atleast have a chance for a good showing....

    Vote Shandy!



    [ 06-12-2001: Message edited by: jshandorf ]

  14. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Wolfe:

    And the $100 video card upgrade would help laptop users how, exactly?

    Besides, software mode is always a fail-safe mode for folks who have problems with their machine not initializing the 3D graphics. Without software mode, you get nothing (or a crash back to the desktop or even a full system crash). Fun fun fun!

    BTW, does anyone have the exact quote from the article? Is 800x600 an absolute minimum or just a recommended minimum? Seems odd that BTS would remove a basic video mode from the game; rendering some cards completely unusable.

    - Chris<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    First off Laptops are not for games... period. That is not thier market and the hardware specs are not designed for it.

    So go ahead and play on a laptop but any complaints you have will not fall on sympathetic ears.


  15. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Phillies Phan:

    Oh, I guess I owe some CM turns to some of you and owe nothing to most of you. Lee Oh, pick your poison. The humiliating won't just be me with my lack of strategery, mister. Oh, no. You sir, are going to be scratching your head when I juke and jiggle my forces to and fro. Gaze in wonderment as I do that armor dance. "Surrender now, or prepare to fight" - Team Rocket (blasting off at the speed of light)<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    I am starting to believe that Hiram hangs around here only for the chance to play the SSNs in hopes of winning a CM match. Good enough reason as any... I guess.


    I have been trying to pare down the number of games I have been playing, which hasn't been hard, since most of you refuse to play me anymore since I rubbed your noses in your defeat like some unhousebroken mutt. But I digress....

    JD: I would assume a 90 year-old can coax an erection out himself faster then you can advance across the battle field. I get the feeling I will be left unsatisfied by this battle as would the wife of said 90 year old.

    Penile-fy: Using your mortars to top attack my AFVs will get you NOWHERE you bark chewing hippie! My penis shows stiffer resolve to tasks I set forth for it then your men seem to be capable of on the battlefield!

    Babs: Is it over? Did i win? I don't know... Maybe if you send me the FRICKEN TURN I WOULD KNOW! Wait.. maybe you did... I will check when I get home and it better be there MISTER!

    Bauhaus: You've lost. It's over.. give up now. Spare me the dull and funless task of crushing you under my boot. Your awesome defense of the town is about as clever as ballpeen hammer through the cranium. So give up now and spare me.. please.. I'm begging you.


  16. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by SenorBeef:

    At no point did I complain that my tank died. I DID however, complain, that a flaw in the tacAI made my hetzer simply sit there, pointing at NOTHING, targetting NOTHING, doing NOTHING until it was killed.

    If it had turned to engage one tank and got killed by one on the flank, then I chalk it up to losing a tank in a desperate situation. However, when the tank sits there and DOES NOT DO ANYTHING AT ALL because theres a flaw regarding the tacAI and movement orders, then I think theres a case for improvement.

    Alter the situation so that I've got a tank 1000 and 1200 meters off my flank. Now its not such a desperate situation - but if I gave the same orders, my tank would've done the same thing and simply sat there until something blew it up.

    You can't excuse a flawed TacAI to desperate situations or tactical disadvantage.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    I would call it more of a flaw in the user then the engine.


  17. In all seriousness.. In Vietnam patrol dogs saved many a GIs life by detecting booby traps, ambushes, and ocassionally actually taking a bullet for the GI.

    One platoon actually forced marched themselves out of a heavily occupied area carrying the the platoons wounded patrol dog. They marched for 4 days, all the while carrying the dog on a stretcher, to get to a safe LZ so that the dog could be Med-evaced.


    [ 05-31-2001: Message edited by: jshandorf ]

  18. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by JMcGuire:

    How would you "scan a screenshot", exactly? Maybe hold the scanner up to the monitor? tongue.gif

    Here's an idea: go buy the magazine, scan the pictures, and post them. We know Robert is a CM junkie, so we can assume the magazine will then sue you. I'm sure the rest of us will enjoy seeing who's right.

    Heck, I'll even buy the magazine for you, if Robert agrees to hold me harmless. Come on, put your money where your mouth is...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Sure.. Okay. But since CGW doesn't actually own the screen shot and BTS does it is kind of moot. But hell if I see the magazine I will post them if and when I get around to it. I just have to find someone with a scanner.


  19. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Big Time

    Just another reminder of why I will never have children smile.gif


    That and the whole finding a woman that loves wargaming and is willing to procreate with a computer geek really puts a damper on the whole thing... ;)

    BTW here is an interesting point on this whole Copywrite thing... An painter can take photograph, reproduce the work, and then display it for the public without needing permission from anyone. Period. It's been done, has been done time and time again.

    Scanning a screen shot and posting it is not a copyright violation. Especially if it is in a public forum where you are not gaining ANY financial benefit.

    For example: If I created a CD mix of my favorite music and then proceeded to play it at the night club I DJed at I would be commiting NO copywrite violation. The same applies here. A friend owns the original article and all he wants to do is take single picture out of it and show it to his friends. Somehow people here are taking the magical leap from that to reposting the article in it's entirety.

    One more thing... If the only reason people are open up your magazine is for the pretty pictures you put in it, then I am afraid it lacks the basic good writing content that people should be reading your magazine for in the first place. Thus I would think you would have more serious things to worry about then a few screenshots but then again if that's all you got...


    [ 05-31-2001: Message edited by: jshandorf ]

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