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Posts posted by jshandorf

  1. God, I hate the media. They are such ignorant fools.

    They keep referring to "Special Forces" but then use the words "Rangers, Seals, etc.." in the same breath. How fricken annoying.... Don't they know that there is a specific unit in the US Army called the "Special Forces" ala.. Green Berets? All this does is confuse the heck out of the non-informed types.

    I wish they would do thier fricken homework, but they never do.


  2. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Treeburst155:

    Don't pay any attention to jShandorf. He's a member of The Pool. Nothing he says makes any sense.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Yar! Uck! Uck! Oooga!

    My battle with Ketter is over and if he would be so kind to send me back the results I will be able to see it was a draw. The bastard. He never really attack and got al his points by blindly dropping arty. Even though I control 2 major flags he will still eeek out a draw.

    Looks like I should be strating up a battle with terrance soon.

    As for Manpie.... He is a wicked, wicked man. I hate him.

    Fooog! Muwah! Yabba Dabba Doo!


  3. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Hiram's Ghost:

    Shandy Duncan!! Long time no suffer!! How are things in your neck of the woods? Have you rented a personality yet?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Damn you, man! I am leasing! Not renting! Seesh! You think I am stupid or what!?

    Not sure how I like this personality though. I do enjoy the sunroof and leather interior but the handling leaves something to be desired.


  4. Ya know.. I don't buy Fight/Bombers in my QBs but I do get them in scenarios occasionally, and there is one thing I have noticed and that is they are utterly stupid.

    For instance.. I am playing a scenario where my German defending opponent has some concrete bunkers and wouldn't ya know it.. My 2 FBs drop thier payloads on the concrete bunkers doing no damage what so ever. How inspiring. I would have prefered 4 more tanks to deal with those bunkers IMO.

    Stupid planes.


  5. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by John Kettler:


    I have Green troops in part myself, but yours are hunkered down, while mine are trying to advance across fairly exposed ground. Mine, even when in command, seem to be highly risk averse, often turning tail without losing so much as man, hence the crack about negative fanaticism ratings. It seems to take an awful lot to get your guys to flee the area, so I suspect you did better on fanaticsm than did I.

    Now, stop gloating and send me a turn.


    John Kettler<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Ahhh, that would explain your complete lack of anything resembling an attack on your part. ;)

    John believes he can bomb me out of the objective area. Ha!


  6. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Fuerte:


    Shandorf: Still a few turns until he gets a win. My damned tanks can't hit anything! We had a fight, my tank had three shots, the last was 40% probability, kill: good. He shot twice, and I lost again. My other tank tried to kill his halftrack, but missed about four shots. :(


    [in a thick Austrian accent]

    Ahhhh, Fuuuuerte, hear me now and listen to me sometime soon, your little flabby man tanks couldn't hit the side of an Oprah book reading club. My hamstertruppen took your flabby tanks and stretched the flab over thier gun sights so they could not see. Ooohhh, look out flabby man! You got Ho-Ho cream in your gun sights! Bang! You dead! Hahahaha! But I am not here to point out your snow white layers of flab. No. I am here to PUMP YOU UP! Yaaaaaaaah!


  7. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>I remain mystified as to how he was able to afford hordes of infantry and so much armor. Maybe he broke all his squads down and FOW is showing full squads to me when he really has only teams. Given the generally abysmal (I suspect negative fanaticism) combat performance of my men so far (freak at sight of mouse shadow; don't even wait for mouse), whatever he's got seems to work just great.



    It is called buying Green Troops. ;)

    Green Troops = "hordes of infantry and so much armor."


  8. Hey.. I was trying to install CM on a second coputer of mine and in the middle of the installation, about 51%, it told me that it was looking for the <something>.cab3 file.

    I checked the install disk and there is ony a cab1 and a cab2 file but not cab3.

    Wassup? Should there be a cab3 or is my disk hosed? It is hardly scratch just minor abrasions from constant use. I have seen CDs in worse shape work just fine.

    Also... IRRC some other people had a similar problem, is that so?



  9. I remember the smoke thing being a HUGE problem in one patch release and while, yes, I have seen it from time to time it is not nearly as bad as it was before.

    Besides.. They are shooting smoke to give your infantry units cover from suppression fire.


    While I agree you should be able to tell how badly the building is damaged it doesn't matter nearly as much to the units that are IN the building as it does to the units that are firing at it. Besides.. It was only a suggestion to counter the "gamey" play with shooting up buildings.

    Come to think of it.. Do you even need LOS to a building to determine the damage? Gonna have to check on that...


  10. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Disco Diva:

    When tanks are gun damaged does this mean that all there machine guns have been hit? why can't you use them as well armoured machine guns or maybe run over afew men, they seem to turn into slow scout cars


    There was apparently a reson for this having to do with the Coaxil optics or some such thing. BUT the bow MG will still be used... so in effect yes.. they are now overpriced scout cars.

    I have always had a gripe about gun hits being much too frequent but ever since I lowered my performance expectations of my tanks this hasn't bother me so much. Besides... I now usually buy only PzIVs which NEVER survive a turret hit. They just die, which I prefer greatly. ;)


  11. Yar!

    Sorry, Grave, but you didn't play the game BEFORE the * indicators were added AND units DIDN'T leave buildings that were about to collapse. All I can say is that it is MUCH better this way.


    I remember I first mentioned adding the * thingies to Madmatt in the chat rooms. I did this because I thought it was strange that you couldn't tell how damaged a building was when you have troops in it, and since they didn't (at THAT time mind you) evacuate of thier own free will I mentioned the * thingy to Madmatt as a solution. Now I have a second idea...

    How about if you get rid of the star thingies since now troops will evacuate buildings when they think they are going to collapse? Then players can't take advantage of the intel of the building damage for "gamey" reasons? Another solution is to maybe only reveal building damage status to the player who is occupying the building?

    Just some thoughts,


  12. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

    Hiram, you may correct me if I'm wrong but as I recall it's your sister that's ill. I apologize for bringing it up again but some of the lads don't have the background so I thought I'd clear it up.

    There isn't, of course, anything that any of us can say or do to ease the pain, but try to hang in there. Speaking from experience, hospice personnel can go a long way to make it easier.


    Ahhhh, ha! Thanks for clearing that up, Joe. You have finally proved yourself useful. Here... I will mark in on my calendar. Let's see... (writing)Joe was usefull today. Rioght. Now...

    Hiram, sorry to hear about your sister. I hope things go well for her and you.

    As for the rest of you... go take a long drive in your garages. Make sure you roll that window down and breath deeply.

    Tourney and Game Update

    If I couldn't have more bad luck. My armor has been completely impotent in almost every game. I makes me sick. And to top it off Marlow is kicking my butt! Oh and I almost forgot! Peng, that rat bastard, is showing a half-assed decent attack in our battle. Truely this must be one of the sign of the apocolypse.


    [ 09-07-2001: Message edited by: jshandorf ]

  13. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by PawBroon:

    Cancer is Gamey MikePhan, don't even think of it!!

    Best of luck to you and all of those caring for you...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Does Hiram have the Big C? Or is it his cat?

    Someone fill me in here. I am way too lazy to go back and read all your crap to find out.

    BTW, the Big C is very gamey and I suggest, Hiram, you avoid it at all costs.

    Good luck and I hope your sister gets well,


    [ 09-07-2001: Message edited by: jshandorf ]

  14. Game Updates

    Manpie: Or more like EVILManpie. Kieeeeerist! I cannot get a fricken break in this game. He has uber accurate, stealth tanks. He has uber, never panic, never run, regular Whermacht infantry, and some of the most devastating and accurate arty fire I have seen in most of my games. WTF! Man, I am gonna be lucky if I can pull a draw out of this one. Shiiiiiiaaaaaht.

    Ketter: So far he has gone with the idea that he can win with arty. Kind of hard to do IMO with 40 meters of visibility. His arty is big, are powerful but horribly inaccurate. For the amount of arty he has droppped he should have wiped out a company of infantry by now but he has only managed about half that at most. More like 1/3rd. I await his ground assault.

    Fuerte: he also seems to think he can win by dropping big arty out of LOS. Foolish, foolish man.

    Claymore: I have finally wiped out his last armor piece and I still have two left. Hooray! Now all I need to do is route his remaining infantry and the game is mine. ;)

    Galanti: Fricken 37mm taking out my PzIVs. God dammit.


  15. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Blackcat:

    Umm, no. That isn't actually true.

    Whilst things did get pretty damn desperate on the island, ships did get through.

    The most famous example would be Operation Pedestal which was an very heavily guarded convoy from Gibraltar. The convoy had seven bells knocked out of it by the luftwaffe et al but, whilst it took severe losses, some ships did get make it. Most famously of course was the tanker which limped in some days after everyone. From memory the tanker was American by the name of the "Ohio" but I could swear to it.


    Yes, but that convoy happened AFTER June '41 I think.


  16. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by CombinedArms:

    I agree. The Axis absolutely HAD to have Malta, whatever the cost. My understanding is that Hitler was so spooked by his heavy losses in the (eventually successful) invasion of Crete that he would never authorize landings on Malta.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Yes, and the reason for the heavy loses in Crete was that the Brits knew they were coming since they interecept and deciphered the invasion plans.

    They knew exactly when and roughly where they were gonna drop in. Yes, it was a slaughter but not for the reasons Hitler believe, that is, paratroop invasions are too costly.

    IIRC that was the last real paratroop invasion the "Green Devils" participated in. After that they were treated almost like a strightleg outfit.


  17. I am not sure how many people will agree with me but I am a firm believer that the main over-riding reason for German's loss in N. Africa was the failure in securing Malta.

    Up until the execution of operation Barbarosa the German Luftwaffe had the duty of petroling the mediterrainian sea espically around Malta. They were so effective that up until June of 1941 the island of Malta had little to no defenses left and was basically starved for men and equipment. I believe, if my memory serves me right, that not a single allied ship made it into the port of Malta while the luftwaffe patroled that area. Malta was out of ammo and fuel. The island was rendered useless other than a radio communcations point for observation.

    When Germany did invade Russia the pulled the entire luftwaffe for the invasion and left the guarding and patroling of Malta to the Italian airforce... need I say more?

    Basically the allies where able to resupply the island of malta with aircraft and naval ships which then began to patrol the Med and thusly choke off Rommels supply chain.

    If they would have taken Malta Rommel woud have had an easier go at it in N. Africa I believe.


  18. "Battle of the Bulge" is just horrible on historical accuracy. IIRC the Germans are driving American tanks in that movie.

    As for the camo... Yeah, It might have happened here and there but in general, no, the Americans did not camo thier tanks. They did slap foliage on though...

    As for the winter the Americans did white wash thier tanks with some consistancy, but I suppose this would have to do with operationaal time. Considering most American tankers were always running back for antoher M4 they rarely had time to paint them. ;)


    [ 08-30-2001: Message edited by: jshandorf ]

  19. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Herr Oberst:

    Scrap your VHS machines!

    Tivo is the way to go.


    I heard those machines are evil. Especially when they start recording shows for you that it "thinks" you might like, and it can get pretty scary when you finally see what it "thinks" you might like. *shiver*

    That is all I need though.. Some machine enticing me to watch more T.V. by recording shows for me to watch later, like some sort of cyber-pusher.

    Next thing ya know it will be telling you things like.., "I have noticed you don't watch much T.V. when that "woman" is around so I went ahead and had her terminated. Now it is just you and I and ALL THE T.V. SHOWS IN THE WORLD! Moooahahahah!"

    Pure evil I tell you. Pure evil.


    [ 08-29-2001: Message edited by: jshandorf ]

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