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Posts posted by jshandorf

  1. Peng is a denizen of "The Pool" and a CM player...obviously. Also obvious, once you play him, is his complete lack of any military strategic planning. I dare to wager Neanderthals could punch out a better PBEM then this obtuse git. But I must admit he does make up for his spectacularly inept play with witty comments in the e-mails that carry his sad excuse for turns.


  2. Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

    Damn right it's not me! Man, a guy gets a new game (Waterloo - Napoleon's Last Battle) and has connection problems and suddenly he's a bloody lawyer or harpooner or something. The last time I heard, YOU clowns were TIRED of me posting! You were complaining that I was BORING! But what happens when good old Joe takes a day or two off? Oh my, Where's Joe, Where's Seanachai? What shall we do? Bah, you're all filthy swine and not worthy of my time.


    Joe was missing? When? I didn't notice.


    Good health is merely the slowest possible rate at which one can die.

  3. The only problem I have is with the realism with playing in mud or deep mud. The allies knew that there tanks sucked ass in mud so without a road of some sort any armored attacked over deep muddy fields would just be suicide.

    Ever notice that in ALOT of the pictures you see of Shermans in combat that they are sitting on roads. wink.gif



    Good health is merely the slowest possible rate at which one can die.

  4. Originally posted by Marlow:

    Maybe you should take lessons from Shandy Duncan who is managing to actually pull it off.

    When one fails to put ANY sort of defensive structure down on 1/4 of the map and one's opponent finds it, one should not cry, "Gamey Edge hugger!". You should spend more time defending and less time crying about how you are losing.

    BTW I got some more 170mm mortar fire coming your way.



    Good health is merely the slowest possible rate at which one can die.

  5. Originally posted by Forever Babra:

    I am always impressed by these gentlemen of the bar who presume not to know that "practice" is a noun, while "practise" is the verb form. Of course, these are the same people who would have us think that "adjourned" indicates that a proceeding is concluded when, in fact, it means quite the opposite.

    It must be an American thing, right up there with "proven" and "pled". One may consult dictionaries until the second coming (your cue, Bauhaus), and never an entry for them will one find - at least, not in anything purporting to be remotely reputable. I exclude Scottish Law, where one may encounter the curious verdict of "Not Proven", which bestows neither innocence nor guilt upon the unfortunate accused.

    Such fine examples of higher education. One has to wonder if daddy's money would not have been better spent.

    Babra! You backassed, Canadian. Hell, your not even a real Canadian, but you live there, thus you are even lower on the food chain than a Nebraskans. *shudder*

    "Proven" and "Pled" are inflected forms of Prove and Plea respectively. And if you don't believe me, you misanthropic snot, just check out webster! It's OUR (see "American") fricken dictionary!



    P.S. You suck.


    Good health is merely the slowest possible rate at which one can die.

  6. Originally posted by SirOscar:

    (geee look at all the school shootings lately, those students could not just be whacked there had to be a conspiracy)

    Yes, I see... So what you are saying is that the CIA or the mob is behind these school shootings. I think you are on to something... rolleyes.gif

    Besides... That "whacked" guy, whether Oswald fired a shot or not, pulled it off, and if it wasn't Oswald, well then... They got away with it didn't they? They don't sound all too wacked to me...

    But then again.. I am just a rednecked, bucked toothed, gun tottin, machine gun shootin', NRA SOB, so what do I know?



    Good health is merely the slowest possible rate at which one can die.

    [This message has been edited by jshandorf (edited 03-27-2001).]

  7. Heh heh.. I happen to recall someone here who prides himself on being right mentioned the Kennedy assassination, when he called conspiracy theorists ignorant and wrong.

    Well... Check out this link. It's been proven by science now.


    Okay, Matt, lock me up now. wink.gif



    Good health is merely the slowest possible rate at which one can die.

  8. Originally posted by Seanachai:


    Shandorf and DekeFentle:

    It is my belief that we are meeting at Kieran's tomorrow evening, correct? I have this creeping feeling that I may not have sent emails to you two acknowledging my readiness to be there. I will from home tonight, but I post here as a backup. However, as I work far west until roughly 5 or so, I probably won't be able to hit downtown until @5:30. Will be in further touch.


    God heavens, I almost forgot. Okay. I can stay for a beer or two but now more. I have heaps of homework to do (grrrr....) and little time to get it done.

    I will be there around 5:30.



    Good health is merely the slowest possible rate at which one can die.

  9. Originally posted by Germanboy:

    [sNIP], will be the day I give my computer up for charity and become a missionary.


    And that, my dear friend Gerbilboy, is also when primitives around the world will be better off banging two rocks together to make fire for the ritual sacrifice to their pagan sheep god, than listening to your incessant babblings.



    Good health is merely the slowest possible rate at which one can die.

    [This message has been edited by jshandorf (edited 03-26-2001).]

  10. Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

    I'm special. (drool)


    When you extract you very large head from your ass you will see what a simple and elegant taunt it was, and how it struck home and true.

    You, sir, would rather bludgeon someone about the head crudely with your verbose taunts like some aging prize-fighter desperately holding on to his fading glory.

    I on the other hand prefer quick rapier like thrusts (Bauhaus....) to dissect my opponent slowly but efficiently. Not only does this save me time but saves the other members of the pool from reading war&peace epitaphs from gibbon brained dwarfs such as yourself.

    Also, you make me laugh when you speak of standards! Ha! Ha, ha, ha! You, Joe, could barely pass for a member of our genus let alone our species. You, sir, are barely clinging to the trunk of our tree. Was it not for your ape like grasp you would have been cast aside long ago. Adrift and forgotten on the sea of genealogy as all freaks like you should be.



    Good health is merely the slowest possible rate at which one can die.

  11. Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

    Oh sure, NOW everyone is grabbing squires (sit DOWN Bauhaus ... oh, there's a scary thought eh? Squire to Bauhaus? Makes Pissboy look like a romp in the park.) But do I get any credit for bringing the issue to the forefront? Is there so much as a Well Done Sir Joe? Does anyone grant me even a smidgen of a kudo? They do not. Swine, you're all swine.


    Don't worry, Joe. I am sure this "Squire Fest" is merely a trend.

    Like break dancing in the 80s at first everyone thought it was sooooo kewl but then shortly thereafter someone realized how stupid they looked with their bandanas and parachute pants doing the "robot" for their friends and they quickly stopped it. Least they be chided as the silly posers that they be.



    Good health is merely the slowest possible rate at which one can die.

  12. Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

    As to victories, pah, a TRUE KNIGHT cares not about these baubles, as so clearly and lucidly expressed by Lorak recently. My ONLY desire is for the further education of my squire Agua Perdido.

    That's because you and Lorak SUCK. Which I am going to prove to you shortly when you get me that setup.

    Also this buffoon notion of you claiming your squire's victories is shallow and beneath my contempt. For one who is great and awesome, when it comes to my CM play, I see through your willy ways Shaw. May you be mocked as the brainless git you are.



    When nuclear weapons are frozen then only freezers will have nuclear weapons.

    [This message has been edited by jshandorf (edited 03-21-2001).]

  13. Originally posted by Lorak:


    I have no tome updates...that I know of.

    Gaaaah! Why do you do this to ME every time I give you an update!!!

    Did you record my crushing defeat over JD that I posted on page ONE!

    You addle brained goat! If you would quit for one second stuffing that gibbon ass face of yours with Waffles and painfully tear your ass free of that Waffle House booth and read the freakin' pool posts once and a while this kind of crap won't happen!

    Now kindly, RECORD MY FRIGGEN WIN!



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