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Posts posted by jshandorf

  1. Then run-out, don't walk, and pick up Tropico. This game is just too addicting to stop playing!

    The learning curve is a little steep, but if you run through the tutorial it should be enough for you to hit the ground running when you start you very own tropical island.

    Okay, lock me up, Matt! Oooo! Oooo! The padlock! You know I just love it when you get the padlock out! And especially when that balloon smooth brow of yours wrinkles! ;)


  2. Keeerist! (As Peng would say...) I just can't believe that. Not a single soldier lost on Elvis's side? Not one stubbed toe? Hangnail? Not even a pulled groin? (Bauhaus...that's a good lad.)

    Wow, Hiram you really know how to embrace the horns when you mess with the Bull.

    The only way you are gonna improve is if you start learning from your mistakes. Regardless, I am starting to believe the only way you could be helped is if someone stood next to you with a ruler and rapped your knuckles each time you attempted some stupid manuver.


    Don't bunch your infantry and walk them through the open. Run! You fool! Run!


    Now do it again.

    Not to brag, heh heh, but I have a few 99-1 victories under my belt, and even I make mistakes.

    Heck, the other night I tried to ambush 2 STUG IIIs of Berli's with my Hellcat and my Hellcat died faster then you can say, "Shaazbat." But am I going to lose? No friggin' way am I gonna lose to that luffa.

    You need to play some educational TCP/IP game where your opponent critics and helps you with your battle plan and tactical strategy.

    With that said, I am way to busy to do it, so bugger off and ask PeterNZer or something. He seems to have a soft spot for you that could use some pokin'.


  3. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Nabla:

    Please calculate how many brown-bag lunches you need to buy a decent 32 MB video for a laptop. ;)<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Okay, here at my work eating in the Cafe, which is subsidized by the company costs about 5.00 dollars a day. Now assuming that your brown bag lunch, (Sandwhich, chips, banana, Coke) costs at most $2.00. Thus, after 30 working days, six weeks, one could feasibly save 90 US dollars. (Note: This is the worst case scenario, in most cases it costs people more than 5 US dollars a day to each lunch.)

    Thus, in six weeks 90 dollars can easily buy you a 32Meg GeForce2 MX card.


    [ 04-25-2001: Message edited by: jshandorf ]

  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MrSpkr:

    Perhaps it has been debated . . . I only got the game in February and didn't spend all last fall on the board.

    My question is, if the enemy has been scouted already, why the heck does the attacker go in totally blind as to enemy positions - even large, immobile positions such as pillboxes? Attackers aren't given a shred of information in a QB as to where the front line starts - you have to guestimate. Then you have to guess where the bad guys are in that area.

    I find that annoying, much as you appear to find games against people who do take some time to set up an attack annoying.

    It seems to me that if this is BTS position, an attacker should be given at least some idea as to where the lines are (not the setup zone, but the line.)


    I assume you are mostly reffering to Scenarios? Well, if the scenario designer is worth his salt he will give you that needed information in the briefing.

    But wanting to know where the "magical" line is that you opponent has setup at is unrealistic. In QBs you know roughly at what point and beyond to expect resistance, you know exactly what the terrain ahead of you looks like, you CAN and DO spot bunkers, roadblocks, barb-wire, etc... (In my current game I saw of that in the first turn), and all the information is disseminated by ALL your troops.

    I would almost argue that from what I have just pointed out you know as much if not more then what you would get from scouting.


  5. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MrSpkr:

    On a more serious note (because I am having a rotten week and don't see why anyone else should have any fun either), we do need a scout - low cost (8-20 points), maybe slight bonus at sneaking/hiding, carrying only his rifle or a pistol. The scout would also have "low" ammo and would never fire the first shot to reflect the fact that engaging the enemy was simply not his job. He would also be insufficient to control a victory location, though he could deny it to the enemy. This would save having to use sharpshooters for this role.



    This whole concept has been debated and argued thoroughly. Some people believe it is within the scope of the CM battle to employ "scouts" whilsts others believe that at the moment of the CM battle you have moved passed the scouting stage.

    Since I hate to be bored silly with people who play 40 turn 1500 points battles on medium maps where I spend the first 20 turns, as the defender, hitting "GO" and contemplating surrender because I am bored to tears, I HATE SCOUTS.

    Just get in there and attack! I have won numerous battles without EVER scouting. Just plan an attack, then determine what YOU would have done for the best defense and go with it.

    Heck, I will even challenge ANY of you here to a battle where I will attack WITHOUT scouting and show how it is done.


    P.S. Oh.. and BTS doesn't think scouts are within the scope of the CM battle either. That is why they never put one in and never did even after all the debate. FYI.

    [ 04-24-2001: Message edited by: jshandorf ]

  6. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Phoenix:

    The idea is totally unrealisitic.

    Men that are counted as a casualty are wounded to the point that they can no longer participate in the battle. No amount of bandaging or pain killers is going to change that in a 30 minute to 1 hour battle.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    But a "Cure Serious Wounds" spell would do the trick I think!


  7. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mannheim Tanker:

    ...prodigee stuffing the complaint box! Wow! First a Phillies, and now a Cubbies! Next thing you know, we'll have a...


    ...some chap, whose name rhymes with "Wanker", posting unfunny drivel.

    With that said Phillies Phan composed himself and ignited his phallic saber and steadied his stance preparing to square off with his evil arch-nemesis Cubbies Phan. With a commanding presence Philles Phan moved forward thrusting his...

  8. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

    Hey... I really SUCK. No, seriously. I REALLY suck.


    Do you honestly believe I feel even slightly compelled to spend even a fraction of a second more on processing OUR battle turns then I have to? Even if it means adding a few extra words to the e-mail I feel it is utterly wasted on you. I would rather play patty cake with a baboon then converse with you at length.


  9. Just in case none of you guys knew it, but you can place FOs out in the open (on a defense mostly) in foxholes and as long as they have a PL or CO with a sneak bonus they enemy won't see them for some time. Anyway....

    LORAK! You dribbling louse! Please record the following...

    PENG - Lost like the mama's boy he is.

    ME - Handed him his ass neatly wrapped with a bow tie on top.

    The score was like 85-15, I think I took around 90 casualties and Peng suffered close to 250.

    Ahhhh... No (*) next to my name.


  10. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

    Of course, as a Knight of the CessPool, you understand that competence at CM is hardly something to boast of, but some of the newer lads might actually take you seriously so maybe a BIT more irony next time?


    You just say that because you suck.

    I of coarse place GREAT inportance on CM skill. Therefore, as much as I am revolted to admit it, I hold PeterNZer in much esteem, along with Marlow (atleast until our current game continues, after it's over he will return to "pond scum sucking loser" in my book) since they both have bested me in combat.

    Currently you, BLOW SHAW, are managing to lose to my vastly outnumbered forces. If I count correctly you have about 2 companies of infantry to my one, 8 armored vehicles to my 4 and NO FOs to my ONE 105mm, which I might say saved my ass.

    For all this talk of "Growing a pair" I sure would like to see you display some in digital battle, you silly ankle chewing fop.


    [ 04-20-2001: Message edited by: jshandorf ]

  11. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by mensch:

    Jeffy boy of wonder again thinks hes winning.. look at the score dude.. its looks like an immenent draw! LOL


    A draw??? You you really think that having a squad of pinned, pissing themselves, soldiers on a flag makes it yours?

    It appears I am going to have to put the jackboot into your ass and get this battle over with. As it appears a cat(ME) can only toy with a mouse(YOU) for so long before the cat smashes the little bugger under his paw and then rends the mouse's flesh with it's razor sharp teeth. Meowing in delight said cat goes on a fornicating spree in the neighborhood inpregnating any female feline that moves. That being done, the cat returns home, cracks a Harp, and enjoys the good life sleeping on top of the warm TV set. *sigh*


  12. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

    What a sorry little toad you are jshandorf. You are hardly worth the effort to step on you, but if I must... send a setup<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>


    Perhaps our little Berli forgot about the ass stomping I gave him in our last encounter? Hmmm?

    Yes, and to get revenge you had that evil little PeterNZer, or was it Gerbilboy, create some lopsided farce of a scenario for us to play so that you could pad your score! I think not! Every now and then I load it up and take a look just to laugh at you.

    You ask for a setup? Well then...considering I pasted you like a cheap butter on rye the last time we played, and it was a setup I sent you, why don't you send me something?

    If I recall correctly I attacked last time so it is your turn to attack doughnut boy.


    [ 04-19-2001: Message edited by: jshandorf ]

  13. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Schrullenhaft:

    Everyone that is mentioning reseating the video card is speaking about the cold-boot initialization problem ("3 beeps").

    For your second problem... What is controlling your video time out ? What method are you using for going into sleep (set from the CMOS/BIOS setup) DPMS or V/HSYNC (I would suggest DPMS) ? What OS are you running and what are your Power Management control panel settings for your display ? What driver are you currently using ? Some power saving issues are addressed in ROM updates, but Creative doesn't have anything posted for the Annihilator 2.

    Do you have any power saving settings on the monitor that you're using now (in other words is there some setting from the monitor's setup for power saving) ? Do you have a screen saver running at the time that power saving kicks in or is your first power saving state to shut down the monitor ?

    It's possible that the newer drivers (based on 6.xx +) with their optimizations don't cooperate with your monitor very well when it comes to power saving. Most of the time I would associate "ghosting" with a cable problem, but if it only happens after power saving, then there is some sort of issue between the video card and monitor. Are you currently running a higher resolution than you were with your older drivers ? Have you tried a lower resolution/refresh rate to see if that will make a difference ? What is your specific resolution and refresh rate ? Is this mode specifically supported by your monitor (there are resolutions that some monitors "prefer" and will often be listed in the documentation) ?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Ack! Too...many...questions...head...hurt...

    Okay, I had been running the newest detenator drivers with my TNT2 card when I installed my G2 Annilator 2. So I was running the newest NVIDIA drivers when I saw this problem.

    I have tried ALL the power saving setting in my BIOS and I get the same result.

    I am running "Optimal" for screen frequency.

    I have a second computer and I have contemplated swaping motherboards. I think I might try this. It could solve all my problems.



  14. Hey guys, thaks for all the input. My only question is that I mentioned two problems and when some of you say, "I have (or had) the same problem I am not sure which problem you are referring to.

    I assume people talking about the driver problems are referring to the ghost images I reported.

    Anyway, thanks alot.

    And, Micheal, if I am starting up a nudist colony the CM board would be the LAST place I would look for members.


  15. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Maximus:

    But you're board has to have an AGP Pro slot to use a AGP Pro card. And only some of the newest boards have AGP Pro slots, so you're probably stuck with a normal AGP card<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>


    Looking over NVIDIA's specs on GeForce2 GTS and the ULTRA I see no requirement about having a AGP Pro slot. Considering the GTS consumes less then 10 watts I don't see why any standard AGP 2.0 complient slot wouldn't support a Gerforce2 GTS card.


  16. OKay, okay.. I know this is OT but bare with me, okay?

    I just bought a new Sound Blaster GeForce Aniallator 2. It is basically a GeForce2 GTS with 32 MEGs of DDR.

    Anyway... I am a running an older ASUS PB2-L motherboard with a Katmai PIII 600MHz.

    My problem is this... I already got a second card so it isn't the card mind you...

    When I cold boot my computer the video card ROM doesn't initialize and therefore I get the dreaded "3 beeps" error code which signals no video output. After about a half a dozen reboots the card will work fine.

    My second problem is that in power save mode (when you monitor shuts off during inactivity) when my computer comes back from it the video gets distorted. It shows echos, or ghost images, on the screen. This problem doesn't occure with the Creative drivers that came from the disk that shipped with the card (those drivers really suck). It DOES happen when I use the updated Creative driver I get from thier web page, which I think are merely bastardized NVIDIA reference drivers, since the same problem happens when I use the NVIDIA reference drivers.

    Anyone else have any similar problems?



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