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Posts posted by jshandorf

  1. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Robert Mayer:

    Computer Games Magazine, July issue, has a preview as well, with screens too. Just to be fair :).

    BTW, scanning and posting is a gross violation of copyrights. It would most likely get deleted by the sysops here, one step ahead of the calls from the lawyers. This is too high a profile site, and too high a profile game, for a mag to ignore copyright infringements.

    Yes, I work for Computer Games Mag :).<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    There is a thing called fair use. If you paid for the original and you are duplicating the material for personal or private use then there is no violation.

    With that said.. Posting a couple pcitures from the freakin' mag to a BBS so that people can atleast just SEE the picture is a long leap from Copyright violations. Especially if you acredit the source.

    Going with your logic if I was having a discussion here with someone and I want to quote a history book I had I wouldn't be able to since it would be copyright infringment.

    Get real.


    P.S. Oh and one more thing.. Did it ever occur to you that the people who see this thread and then see a picture or two might actually go out and *gasp* buy the magazine?

    Oh yeah! and another thing.. If ya want to get all anal, technically the screen shot is NOT CGW's property. It is BTS's property since they took the picture form thier game and gave it to CGW to use in thier article.

    Besides, trying to equate photo copyrights to screenshots is laughable at best.

    [ 05-31-2001: Message edited by: jshandorf ]

  2. Ahem....

    Attention all you limp wristed, girly boys. It is I, ass-kicker extrordinaire, here to report to you the crushing of another within your ranks, and when I say "your ranks" I mean "pansy wussified butt munchers, who couldn't command a tank platoon out of a Hefty bag".

    Alrighty then...

    LORAK! Please chaulk up this one...

    Berli: Glue sniffin' loser.

    ME: Da frickin' winner.



  3. Well, Marlow it is good to see you show your pox ridden face in here again. That battle you and I are playing was started about 4 months ago atleast. It is about time we get back to it.

    And, Dalem, you posture like a stork on steroids. Tall and looming but waffer thin and helpless. Remember.. Next battle you are to attack me. Unless you want to play one of those wussy MEs.

    JD! You slackjawed, gibbering ape. I have sent you the battle you have so foolishly requested. Whats wrong? Being a lawyer hasn't got you depressed enough? Now you want me to open a can-o-whoop-ass on ya?

    Peng! When your CM skills surpass Hiram and that of an eggplant, respectively, send me a setup.


  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by panzerwerfer42:

    Actually there were 5976 Panthers produced, with only 1355 Tiger Is made.

    Shell energy is very dependent on muzzle velocity. It can be modeled by E=m(v^2). The Panthers shell mass for Pzgr40 was only 4.75kg, the Tiger was 7.3kg. But the muzzle velocity for kwk 42 cannon was 935m/s, the Tiger had only 773 m/s. Therefore the Panthers shell energy would be 4.75(935^2)=4152568.75 (not sure of units on these). The Tiger would have 7.3(773^2)=4361961.7. This would make the Tiger seem better. Except for all the Panthers energy is focused on a smaller area, giving it a similar effect to British sabot rounds, but not quite that dramatic. Probably just confused you all more but at least I finally got to pretend to know alot.

    [ 05-09-2001: Message edited by: panzerwerfer42 ]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>


    Here are the stats on them.

    Cal/Len Type Name W(kg) MVel(m/s)


    75mm/L70 APCBC Pzgr.39/42 6.80 935

    75mm/L70 APCR Pzgr.40/42 4.75 1,120

    75mm/L70 HE Sprgr42 5.74 700

    88mm/L56 APCBC Pzgr.39/42 9.5 795

    88mm/L56 HE Sprgr42 9.0 820


    Pzgr.39 (APCBC) - Armor Piercing Composite Ballistic Cap

    Pzgr.40 (APCR) - Armor Piercing Composite Rigid (Tungsten Core)

    Thus, applying the energy equation E=m*v^2 you get...

    75mm/L70 APCBC = 5944730.0

    75mm/L70 APCR = 5958400.0

    75mm/L70 HE = 2812600.0

    88mm/L56 APCBC = 6004237.5

    88mm/L56 HE = 6051600.0

    So you can see the differences. While the 88mm has a slight edge in over all energy the 75mm is faster and thus more accurrate but you can also see why the 88mm is a awesome infantry weapon.

    It would be interesting to see the armor penetration differences for these guns.


  5. 12cm - Granatwerfer

    After germany attacked russia in 1941, they encountered the large russian PM 38 12cm mortars. Not only were any captured weapons immediately used in german service under the designation 12cm Granatwerfer 378®, the germans were so impressed by this weapon that they immediately prepared to produce their own copies. This design was called 12cm Granatwerfer 42. The tube had a length of 186.5cm and the complete weapon weighed 285kg. It fired the Wurfgranate 42 that had a length of 72.1cm and weighed 15.8kg incl. 3.1kg of explosives. The warhead was usually fitted with the Abstandszünder 41 ("distance detonator") extender fuse. With a Vo of 283 the maximum range was slightly over 6km. The weapon proved a very successful design, total production (1943-1945) was 8,461 12cm Gr.W.42; it was comparably cheap and cost the germans 1,200.- RM apiece to produce. Of it's ammunition, the Wurfgranate 42, a total of 5,373,000 was built from 1943 - 1945.

  6. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Seanachai:

    Although your taunts are always so limp that they are nearly indistinguishable from badly overcooked pasta, you benefit from both the 'Landsmann' dispensation, whereby I feel an obligation to play against a fellow Minnesotan, and the fact that I have actually met you personally, which filled me with such fear and loathing that no words of yours are even needed to provoke me to battle. Although I will be home a little late this evening, I will make an effort to send you out a set up.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Limp.... Ah yes! Now I remember. Your wife was saying something about you and limp in the same sentence, but I was in such a hurry getting my shorts on I wasn't paying attention. Thanks for the refresher!

    I await your setup tree freak.


  7. On defense try not to setup your infantry so that they are exposed to DF. Set them up so that they either cover a small killing field in front or they are set up to provide enfiladed fire.

    Also.. KEEP YOUR PLATOONS TOGETHER. Breaking off squads will only mean a quick death for that squad. Make sure that the squads within a platoon are setup so that they can support each other with fire.

    When you are advancing the general rule should be to keep you squads under command control. Also I have found that positioning and spacing doesn't matter as much on the advance as TIMING. If your opponent cannot predict when and at what speed you are going to advance he cannot effectively employ his artillery until you stop.


    P.S. Oh and NEVER let enemas isolate your squads and destroy them. When squads see friendly squads getting enemas they take a big moral hit.

    [ 05-07-2001: Message edited by: jshandorf ]

  8. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

    Should read...

    Beril: While his probe (sit down Bauhaus) on my well fortified Amis has been brutalized by my 105 arty, his main attack is about to overwhelm me like some teen-pop sensation that just won't go away. Oh the horror...


    Berli's Fatlady has yet to let out a spine chilling shrill let alone a peep. She sits and waits for the imminent DOOM that will befall him.

    One would think that marching one's troops out in the open would be detrimental to their health. I am about to prove that one would be right.


    [ 05-07-2001: Message edited by: jshandorf ]


    It's been awhile but then I have yet to see anything in my games resembling competition worth reporting.....

    Marlow: Ahhh... It certainly does feel good to crush "the one who sat so high" his head would inflate from the decreased pressure. At this moment Marlow is learning the lesson of humility.

    Beril: While his frontal assault on my well fortified Amis has been brutalized by my 105 arty, worse then any immigrant with a plunger, his left flank is threatening to overwhelm me like some teen-pop sensation that just won't go away. Oh the horror...

    Bauhaus: He brags, he boast, he insinuates, he threatens, he has yet to fire a shot at me. I have almost encircled him and the fool has yet to open up on me. After I am done with him small children will no longer succumb to his carnal pleasures.

    Babra: Looks like Goldie Locks has pulled the "My 'puter 'sploded' trick. Lucky for him...

    Joe Ma: My brave little Amis has managed to hold off the fetid horde of Joe's. Looks as if this ME will go to me.

    Dalem: Better hold on to your hats but this little bugger actually set up a good defense. Too bad I just kick ass. He will lose and Dalem's dog's left rear leg will soon mine.

    I think that is all the games I playing against this simpering lot.

    Oh and BTW anyone who plays with Fionn's 76 rules is a wussy.


  10. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by jshandorf:

    Why... I am surprise to hear such drivel spill from the lips of one sooooo small. Seanachai, you can take your Muchkinland ass back to that hippie commune you wander out of naked and drugged up on tree bark, or whatever it is you hippies chew today.

    And at least blood reaches the top of my head to feed my hair. No doubt it has been your voracious appetite of drugs and carnal pleasures, with unmentionables, which has parted you with your hair, or at least just the very top part.

    Seanchai, you look like a troll doll in bad need of Rogaine treatments. Go play in the street or some fink.


    P.S. Anytime you want me to hand you your hairy ass (maybe that is where the hair has gone?) just send me a setup.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    P.S.S. Oh.. and BTW Mark IV DOES dress funny! Just look at his damn picture!

  11. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Seanachai:

    Ooooo... I'm make comment on his superior genes which give him his chiseled looks and tall lean stature.


    Why... I am surprise to hear such drivel spill from the lips of one sooooo small. Seanachai, you can take your Muchkinland ass back to that hippie commune you wander out of naked and drugged up on tree bark, or whatever it is you hippies chew today.

    And at least blood reaches the top of my head to feed my hair. No doubt it has been your voracious appetite of drugs and carnal pleasures, with unmentionables, which has parted you with your hair, or at least just the very top part.

    Seanchai, you look like a troll doll in bad need of Rogaine treatments. Go play in the street or some fink.


    P.S. Anytime you want me to hand you your hairy ass (maybe that is where the hair has gone?) just send me a setup.

  12. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mark IV:

    Splendid idea. Though why you think the attack was unwarranted, is a mystery. Poking lamely and belatedly at a well-known oaf is hardly redemption for a village idiot.

    Anyway, unwarranted attacks are what the Peng Thread is for... you idiot. Therefore, being an idiot, and the attack (which didn't really meet Peng Thread standards for an "attack" anyway, being a rather lame denunciation of the obvious) consisting of rightfully noting you as an idiot, you have provoked a warranted attack, upsetting our charter in a predictably small way.

    Piss off. Have a slice of tri-tip on the way out, you deserve it. See the perdidiot by the door.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Standards? Hrrrpf! Coming from a guy who would idolize a choir boy fondling man of the cloth, I would claim you, sir, know nothing of standards.

    Maybe that woman of yours can start teaching you how to dress right, THEN you might have a modicum of standards amounting to my right pinky.

    And besides... I will not sully myself any further responding to you... you...goofy looking bastard.


  13. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by jshandorf:

    There are two words that describe why I would go again...


    You have to see these women to believe it. Being in the mere presence of these mortal beauties brings many a man to his knees.

    That and the parties. The parties are really awesome. Mostly because the booth babes are now drinking which mathematically increases any man's chances. Even PNzer's.


  14. There are two words the describe why I would go again...


    You have to see these women to believe it. Being in the mere presence of these mortal beauties brings many a man to his knees.

    That and the parties. The parties are really awesome. Mostly because the booth babes are now drinking which mathematically increases any man's chances. Even PNzer's.


  15. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Skipper:

    > giving Diesel the potential of 20388.3

    > BTU's per pound

    > 20259.3 BTU's per pound


    Big difference!

    Now, keeping in mind that we are apparently talking about different petrol / diesel standards smile.gif<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Actually when you take per gallon differences, or volume differences, it does matter. While weight is a factor in the design of a fuel cell, I would argue that volume is a larger concern. Especially when combat vehicles are taken into consideration.

    Anyway, I thought desiel had more energy.

    BTW 22,000 BTUs is a significant amount of energy. Considering my furnace at home produces roughly 30,000 BTUs IIRC.


  16. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by armornut:

    OOPS, when you said brats I thought you were refering to the brat EW. I have nothing against any BBQ. I myself am making ready a Santa Maria Tri-tip roast. I would never offend the meat god!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    And isn't it interesting to note that the only person to support Eurorat is none other then our very own BTS village idiot M.Bates. Wow... he never ceases to not amaze me.


  17. With the law of energy conservation doesn't diesel contain more potential energy then gasoline?

    That is why out of one barrel of crude oil you can make MORE gasoline then diesel? Thus that is why diesel gets better fuel mileage is because it contains, gallon to gallon, more stored energy than gas?

    Thus you can carry and equal amount of diesel, volume wise, and attain a further travel range.


  18. What I find interesting is how did Catnip know that the Spotter was a 150mm? As per usual after the end of a game when you choose the "Map" button to view the entire battlefield arty spotters show up as "Artillery Spotter" for a description. In now way can you determine the size from that. That is.. unless Rocket Spotters show up differently and Catnip was just geussing at the size.


    Looking at the pictures Catnip sent I am baffled at the tactics the Germans were using. Drving around in open flat fields with no infantry support. ATG guns sitting out in the open. WTF??

    Hey, Catnip, anytime you would like a challenging game send me a setup. I don't play with "Rules" but I also don't pull "gamey" manuevers. I DO buy relatively historical units and combinations, but that could be mean alot of things depending on my force selection.



  19. Then run-out, don't walk, and pick up Tropico. This game is just too addicting to stop playing!

    The learning curve is a little steep, but if you run through the tutorial it should be enough for you to hit the ground running when you start you very own tropical island.

    Okay, lock me up, Matt! Oooo! Oooo! The padlock! You know I just love it when you get the padlock out! And especially when that balloon smooth brow of yours wrinkles! ;)


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