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Posts posted by jshandorf

  1. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by John Kettler:

    Shandorf says I'm still mortaring my own guys?

    Guess it's time to pull mortar maintenance and have a few people reamed/shot for good measure. The mean point of impact is right where it needs to be, so why should rounds be dropping short by some 100 meters? This goes double considering how many turns I've fired. I await his next turn. I'd love to take away some of his evident smugness, too.


    Seriously, John, I haven't fired any arty since that initial barrage of 120mm. Since then all the arty has been yours, and it is falling on both sides I might add.

    Even with a good LOS an arty spread will deviate +/-50m on the E-W axis. With BAD LOS that number approaches +/-100m. But hey.. its your arty. Drop it where you want to. ;)

    Mr. Smug himself,


  2. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MoatnGator:

    Point being, if you want to analyze great. Put don't forget to model everything down to my stove I carried for my coffee.


    Ahhh, yes! But if we included your stove how would we compute the CP (Coffee Power) rating of it against the German KampfOfen? That is considering it can make coffee at a rate of 1200 cph (Cups per hour)! Whereas the american stove is only rated at 650 cph! Imagine how much MORE coffee the typical German soldier had to carry to sustain that much coffee output! This is unbelieveable! Even Jan Valdez and his little mule would be impressed!


    [ 08-28-2001: Message edited by: jshandorf ]

  3. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by John Kettler:

    I just got a movie from Shandorf a little while ago. It shows further mutual abuse via

    mortars/artillery, the confirmed arrival of an

    apparent jagdpanzer (ensconced behind the lateral road on the next perpendicular road, and did I mention what looks like at least a platoon of SS infantry a bit to the right of the church covering the flank and left approach to his new AFV?

    Himmler's new boys have moved across the road in a three up configuration and are deployed primarily in houses. Shandorf may not have had enough infantry for a counterattack, but he sure seems to have enough for an attack.

    Things were also spiced up somewhat by my infantry deployment across the rightmost road which just happened to coincide with a probe forward by what may be a Luchs. The resultant burst of fire from the AFV prompted a quick crossing of the suddenly exposed road segment, followed by an urgent dive for cover.

    I thought I had him fairly pinned down, but Shandorf is on the move. He seems to be trying to envelop the left flank of my forces on the right. I've shifted some troops to deal with this, but the artillery still crashing down is making it difficult and dangerous to get my men to the right places at all, let alone quickly.

    Right now, things are very much up in the air, but I expect a push soon. It coulod come on one of several axes. Let's keep Shandorf guessing where i think that might be, shall we?


    John Kettler


    Hmmm... The artillery that has you pinned down is YOUR artilery John. ;) I stopped firing my arty after a couple turns of pounding. Your arty is so out of LOS that it is falling on your side also.

    Game Updates

    Ketter: Other than bombing his own troops I have the current front well fortified. John has taken a timid approach my scouting with half squads and snipers. This has cost since by the time scouts out my position I am already in position waiting for his advance. And with the LOS being so crappy he needs to bring his troops within small arms range to engage me with any effectiveness therefore almost nullifying the advantage of his initial scouting.

    All in all this battle goes well. ;)

    Manpie: This is quite a fustrating battle now that i have confirmed the King Kitty roaming the battle field. Hopefully I will get a gun damage on it. ;)

    Fuerte: while he has taken out on of my tanks I am not too concerned as of yet. I have his advanced reigned in and I am funneling him towards his doom. Muahahahah!

    Galanti: His play is timid so far so I may have the upper hand just yet. Not much has happened to speak of so I am stil waiting for something to sink my teeth into.

    Claymore: The fool. He sent me the previous turn to the turn I send him. Doh! I resent the correct turn. I suppose I will have to wait another week for the reply. ;) Regardless I have a 30 meter side shot on his Panther and I expect that M4 to miss and then die a horrible death.

    I need more games. I will be sending out more challenges since it seems some of the people I have challenge never responded. Spineless bastards.


  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Wilhammer:


    I never did like that explanation. Seems to me that the battlefield is so confusing, how could you determine on bit of kicked up dust and damage from another?

    Otherwise, yes, it is a deliberate design decision for the opposition to have near perfect intel on area fires.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    The reason is that if a tank is shelling a hose or tract of land you should be able to determine that. Just as if it was targeting a unit of yours.


  5. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by John Kettler:

    There is some good news to report from the American side, though. While the martial insanity on the far right raged, my men quietly slipped in and took the church, the central and strong VL on the map. This gives me two of three VLs. I expect a counterattack soonest.


    LOL! Counter attack? This is battle is turning out to be really interesting. ;)


    [ 08-27-2001: Message edited by: jshandorf ]

  6. I would gamble to say that one "shot" in CM for the HMGs atleat would be a about one second of firing. That would see "about right" to me. So...

    MG42 ROF 1200rps or 20 rds a sec.

    1919 MMG ROF 650rps or 10.8 rds a sec.

    So, I can see why the MG42 has a FP 1.6 greater.

    I really don't see why ammo capacity has anything to do with FP. The duration of fire on a target is a variable so I don't see how you can quantify a FP from that since it would chnage depending on the situation. To be mathematicly correct you need to calculate the FPs with constants thus you need to fix the time. Therefore ammo loadout has nothing to do with FP.


  7. Bah!


    I have finally seen the tanks has has been harrassing me with for the past 6 turns. Amazing. He also pounds me with some HUGE arty which has caused minor damage but annoying none the less.


    A corpse could get turns out faster. This battle is quite the struggle as we constantly manuver and the advantage tips from side to side as the battle rages. At this moment my little old M4 Sherman has a 30 meter side shot on a panther. Hopefully he doesn't miss but I suspect he will and thus will die a flaming death.


    While things haven't went that well for Feurte it is just the beginning and I am sure I will find a way to screw this one up enough to get him back into the game.


    Turn 1 and we are blazing away at each other already. John has sent half squads forward to scout the area out first. Hmmm... It would seem to me that sprinting halfsquads forward into the fog right into the awaiting arms of my hamstertruppen is not the best "scouting" tactic to use.


    Nothing interesting to report. When something interesting happens in our games I will report on it.


    [ 08-24-2001: Message edited by: jshandorf ]

  8. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Darwin:

    Oh boy, just about tossed my cookies there. Sycophant? Psychofan? Stalker?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Sycophant? No way! I woud never dream of taking Slapmonkey's job from him.

    Psychofan Ahhhhh... maybe a litle. "I'm your number one fan."

    Stalker? No way. I am way too lazy for that kind of commitment. Now if I could actively stalk while sitting in front of my computer, than I am all about that, but until then...


  9. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Username:

    CM2? AKA CMBB? CMII (aka CM part doo) is the engine rewrite after CM2.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    For kiiirist sake, yes I am talking about the east front version. CM2, CMII, CMBB, call it what you want. I am talking about the game they are working on RIGHT NOW. See, if you would actually read my post I think it was pretty clear.

    So, is it gonna make it in time for X-Mas, or what?


  10. Well, then the marketing for this movie has totally sucked.

    First they were pushing it as a "love story first" angle and now the more recent adds have been pushing the war angle. Whatever... If it's a war movie I might see it, if it's another "doomed" love story I'll pass again.

    My life is already filled with enough "doomed love" to last me a lifetime. I need some more war in it to round things out, ya know...


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