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Posts posted by jshandorf

  1. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>{snip}and then the worst part was the fact that you had to stand completely erect to fire the weapon. while standing you had to aim.


    Not true. The weapon can and was fired from a kneeling position.

    I have seen numerous footage clips of P-Fausts fired from a kneeling position.


  2. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Soddball:

    One of the problems, as I see them, is that "gaminess" lies in the eye of the beholder. One person's gamey is another person's sound tactic.


    I find that extemely hard to believe. I think the best question to ask oneself before commanding a certain soldier is, "Given the situtation would a commander make this order?" and "If he did would his troops carry it out?"

    Ordering a jeep to drive willy nilly into the enemies lines is utterly ridiculous. If such an order was givin you can be sure that the "real life" driver of that jeep would just drive out of sight and park.

    I rarely see gamey play in my games but every now and then I do.


  3. I don't have that big of a problem with people attaching armored elements to Allied airborne as much as people force mixing in general. That is, they select a couple platoons of rifle 45 and some paratroopers. That is my opinion is sorta "gamey" or more like cherry pickin if you ask me.

    I would never mix infantry types but I could see some vehicle and armor crossover on force selections.


  4. Treeburst,

    If two players agree to force selection rules you will still look over thier purchases to make sure they are complying with the agreed to terms, correct?

    Otherwise I don't see how we could police each other since I won't see my opponents units until we are already into the game.


    P.S. And someone PLEASE tell my why is it that all the players who are dropping out are people whom I have already played or am currently playing? Hmmmm? Grrr....

    [ 08-15-2001: Message edited by: jshandorf ]

  5. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by David Aitken:

    Yeees... I was going to write just that, but then I thought, "no, I'd better make it the full 'blow me down', or some lackwit will start sniggering about the double meaning". Glad to see you were able to circumvent my defenses in the name of a cheap joke.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Glad I could help.

    I aim to please, (or is that pester?)


  6. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

    Lorak, O' Scribe:

    I beat Shandorf using gamey tactics.


    Bastard. Probably setup an assault and just didn't buy the total allotment.

    How one can afford as many INF as he did and all the armor. Hmmm... Makes one wonder. Next battle I make the setup.

    We will play again you little snot nose raggamuffin, and next time I will be aware of your gamey smell and play. Phzzzzt.



    Fionn: Like Rocky Balboa I have fended off the punishing blows of Fionn's assault across most of the bridges, but he continues to advance across the rest but in smaller numbers.

    I have KOed his first Panther but in a clever move to KO the second Panther with a multiple pronged attack the Panther continues to shrug off round after round at close range while taking out one of my Shermans.

    I have slaughtered numerous infantry while losing only 1 platoon and a half of another. I fear that after I have stalled his assault I will not have enough men and ammo to mount a successful counter-attack. I fear Fionn was right when he called this one a draw from the get go.

    Super Ted: With the disrupting of his initial assault I think I have thrown him into a state of confusion. I control the field of battle and thus I am able to manuver and surround his units. All is going well.

    Claymore: Damn I hate German tanks. I had an ass shot on a Tiger with my Stuart. In any game where I was the Germans I would have lost that Tiger, but noooooooo, the rounds just bounce off when I shoot him. Darn it.

    Manpie: His uber stealth tank continues to pound away at my positions while I still CANNOT see the tank. This is unbelieveable. All I can see is a sound contact but this tank has KOed one Firefly and now proceeds to shell infantry. Very annoying.

    Berli: Jim Morrison couldn't have put it better when he sang, "This is the end, my friend." I have smashed the platoon of US infantry that was trying to flank my left. That accounts for 2 platoons, 5 tanks. He still has to have some more men runnig around somewhere but he refuses to bring them out of hiding. Looks like it's rabbit season for me.

    Texastoast: We think alike, that is, we both sent a platoon running up, my left, edge of the map. Needless to say they ran into each other going for the same patch of woods. My men prevailed. In the meantime he lurks in the fog and refuses to advance on any other axis.

    Furte: We have just gotten to the setup stage.

    Gotta run.


    [ 08-01-2001: Message edited by: jshandorf ]

  8. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

    I have burned churchills with my flak. In about 6 turns of continuous fire it first immobilized it then gun damaged it, and finally the crew abandoned. And it only took about 50 rounds!

    I ususlly run out of ammo before they are destroyed. And I usually buy about 3 times as many 20mm as 20mm Quads, to wit, if I were to buy 6 20's (which is a lot) than I would get 2 Quads. The quads are great with their super rate of fire, and I think they turn faster too, but they are a bigger target. Best used against infantry from medium to long range. I will place them back and on hills. Butthe 20's, these I will place just behind the main line<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Remind me in our next game to limit these units. ;)


  9. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Freak:

    I think, and I may be very wrong, but IIRC, the allied sherman tank does not have the ability to "turn in place" in reality. I think this discussion was brought up some time ago and (obviously discussed to death).<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Depends on what you mean by "turn in place". It can lock one track and spin the other, so in essence it would be almost in one place turning.

    The panther, Tiger, and later models could put one track in reverse and one in forward. So in effect they could spin in place. It wasn't until the Pershing, I think, that an allied tank could do this.


    [ 07-31-2001: Message edited by: jshandorf ]

  10. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Treeburst155:

    Here's the latest news of the war. Shandorf has beat up on MickOZ by a score of 58-26. This is Shandorf's first completed game and his first victory. More importantly, this is the first victory logged by The Cesspool. Hopefully it will be the last for the Mutha Beautiful Thread. :D Congratulations anyway to Shandorf!!

    Here's how we stand:



    M. Dorosh..........150...4...37.50


    Texas Toast.........99...2...49.50





    Bill Hardenberger...38...1...38.00

    John Kettler........20...1...20.00

    Sorted by average:






    Texas Toast.........99...2...49.50

    Bill Hardenberger...38...1...38.00

    M. Dorosh..........150...4...37.50


    John Kettler........20...1...20.00


    Woot! Fourth place! And it can only go up from there. ;)

    As for my Fionn game... It has commenced. What has me somewhat disconcerted is the way Fionn has manage to crawl into my head and read my thoughts like some late-night 1-900 physcic. Damn him and his voodoo magic.

    Most of my battles are going quite nicely. In fact my game with Berli should give me the chance to pad my stats in next few days. ;)


  11. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Madmatt:

    Heheheh..Yeah I like this title...

    Oh man, we're Swiss Chesse..Game Over...Game Over...

    Can anyone tell me what parts he played in Commando and The Terminitor? ;)


    Commando? Bill Paxton was in Commando? Was he one of thse marines in the begining that gets wasted by the bad guys?

    As for the rest of you... your Hudson quotes suck.

    "Oh man, I'm short too. Thirteen more days and out. Now I'm gonna buy it on this nameless rock."

    Hudson: "Oh, that's just great, man. That's just f*ckin' great! What are we gonna do now, man? Whadda we gonna do?!"

    Berk: "How about we all sit around, hold hands, have a bonfire, sing some songs?"

    "They shut off the power? Whaddaya mean they shut off the power? They're animals, man! How can they shut off the power?!"

    "Why don't you put her in charge?!"

    "F*****ck! I say we waste the rat bastard right now!"

    Hudson: "F*ck that, man! I ain't goin back in there! You can count me out!"

    Ripley: "Well, I guess we can just count you out of everything?"

    Hudson: "F*ckin' A' right..."

    And my personal favorite, non-Hudson scene from Aliens:

    Berk: It was bad call, Ripley. A bad call.

    Ripley: A bad call?! These people are dead, Berk!"



    [ 07-27-2001: Message edited by: jshandorf ]

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