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Everything posted by pzvg

  1. Hehe Nick I was thinking of doing that one actually Since you have Panzer Colors, check the hetzer in the color plate on page 80, Madmatt should be releasing my hetzer mod soon (note, my mod isn't exactly to the plate, I've only been using the paint program for a month now, It's much easier with oils) ------------------ Pzvg "Murphy's law of combat #10, never forget your weapon is made by the lowest bidder
  2. Actually the US "batbomb" tests were scrapped after it was found that dropping bats from 25,000 feet caused them to A) die of hypoxia, or freeze to death. Since they would only drop straight down after results a or b, it was decided that elminating the bats and simply dropping the thermite bombs themselves would suffice. (Just an FYI) ------------------ Pzvg "Murphy's law of combat #10, never forget your weapon is made by the lowest bidder
  3. Yep they are quite fun I have the Wehrmacht troop and am planning on some others. A note for the groggies, while nice, there are a few details wrong or missing, however, a little skill with a needle and some converted hobbyshop stuff can usually fix that. ------------------ Pzvg "Murphy's law of combat #10, never forget your weapon is made by the lowest bidder
  4. Tiger, ask MadMatt to send you the jpeg of the hetzer I sent him, you'll find yours to be a close match,(and I know mine is accurate,just my skill in painting won't do it justice) ------------------ Pzvg "Murphy's law of combat #10, never forget your weapon is made by the lowest bidder
  5. Don't let them bug ya John, I've learned over the years that the definition of "historically accurate" depends on what book they've read. (not a shot folks, it's a fact) I like your work, keep doing it I just sent matt a camo hetzer which I'm sure will have people screaming. But it's accurate I don't think folks should pick on mod makers for the small stuff, especially when it's a questionable niggle. You don't like it that way, try your own hand at it, no really, try if your's looks better, I'm not proud, I'll download it in a heartbeat. ------------------ Pzvg "Murphy's law of combat #10, never forget your weapon is made by the lowest bidder
  6. And what may I ask, do you bloody barbarians have against Cragenmore? (a truely fine drink, if a little sharper than the usual) And it goes well with a cigar (once again displaying political incorrectness) ------------------ Pzvg "Murphy's law of combat #10, never forget your weapon is made by the lowest bidder
  7. I find it to worthwhile when it hits 70%+ exposure, you might not hit anyone, but they usually shift to "better positions" (those always being to the rear Addenum: I have had a sniper kill a guy in a squad, but the squad wasted him rather fast afterwards, maybe we (all of us) are putting snipers too close? Finally, Toad, are you perchance the Toad from WB? (if ya aren't that makes no sense to ya, if ya are, hiyas) ------------------ Pzvg "Murphy's law of combat #10, never forget your weapon is made by the lowest bidder
  8. No pip on the shoulder boards, soldat and what is that thing he's holding supposed to be? ------------------ Pzvg "Murphy's law of combat #10, never forget your weapon is made by the lowest bidder
  9. Since some folks hold that all business concerns are alike, Ie; no difference between ford and Jag, Do you feel in the name of "customer rights" (and I'd like to see the legal definition of that one) that you should have the right to go to Hardees and demand a steak dinner? no, It's called being silly. No body, anywhere, at anytime, should have to kiss your ass for a measely 45 bucks. And as far as "everybody here always jumps down the throat of anyone with a negative opinion" hmm, I think a quick search of these boards will show that many of these flamewars are started by people who really don't want any positive feedback, they're in it simply for the ego-rise of starting a flame. (Btw why did you post an open letter?) See, you could go about getting answers, and you would get them, IF you were really interested in answers. I have no problems with BTS's behavior, but then again, I'm a 5 year veteran of the boardwars over at AGW, and I must say you guys have a long ways to go before you make it to "experten" levels To close, and your point is? ------------------ Pzvg "Murphy's law of combat #10, never forget your weapon is made by the lowest bidder
  10. I second what John said, the camo paints they used were delivered in paste form and designed to be cut with thinner, In the field, troops would use deisel,gas or even water, which would vary the shade by a large amount, If you hold to the basic camo style they used, almost any shade is acceptable. Btw John, keep 'em coming ------------------ Pzvg "Murphy's law of combat #10, never forget your weapon is made by the lowest bidder
  11. LOL, Anyone who has done a tour at Graf or Hohenfels knows that Deutsch pigs (read boars) do NOT qualify as noncombatants (And they's mean too) ------------------ Pzvg "Murphy's law of combat #10, never forget your weapon is made by the lowest bidder
  12. For the benefit of those whose education is revealing some glaring gaps, a quick primer Grate-ful adj. 1.thankful. 2.pleasing. also, Grat-i-tude n. thankfulness. In short, Thank you BTS for making this and other great games, I really like them, I feel I have gotten my money's worth, and I would recommend them to my friends. You guys ever pass thru Saint Marys, Ga. the beer's on me. ------------------ Pzvg "Murphy's law of combat #10, never forget your weapon is made by the lowest bidder
  13. Hehe Lindan, look up the Karl's weight WITHOUT ammo, and then ask yourself, "where can it go?" selfpropelled, <snort> If I glue wings on a pig, will it fly? ------------------ Pzvg "Murphy's law of combat #10, never forget your weapon is made by the lowest bidder
  14. Doh! ------------------ Pzvg "Murphy's law of combat #10, never forget your weapon is made by the lowest bidder
  15. Cool it guys you're starting to get a little mouthy, for no real reason. It's a good argument for realism,countered by a good argument that computers aren't there yet. (no, a 2 Ghz wouldn't do what you're asking) And it's a moot point, BTS has expressed no desire to go in that direction, so unless someone is going to pony up the money to buy the rights to CM, (assuming they'll sell) it isn't going to be. Game,Point,Match. ------------------ Pzvg "Murphy's law of combat #10, never forget your weapon is made by the lowest bidder
  16. Hehe don't sweat it Cavscout, at least they gave you a whole 9 seconds (67N10, UH1-H crewchief, life expectancy in combat, 4.5 seconds) Ya know what? figures lie (actual combat time 38 minutes, Grenada) ------------------ Pzvg "Murphy's law of combat #10, never forget your weapon is made by the lowest bidder
  17. Well there is the other issue Namely, yes 1Ghz systems are only $450, now I'm not poor, but I still object to using "only" in conjunction with $450, after all, I could be using that fundage for CM's 2-11 instead I can see both sides of this, and ya both right however, consider that modelling 300-600 infantrymen might bring a 2Ghz to it's knees, because while algorithms are scalable, the total quantity of computations your CPU has to make is based on the total quantity of computations your CPU has to make (no that's not nonsense, 300 trackable items is 300 trackable items, period) Maybe when we get 30Ghz machines as baseline we can start sweating the small stuff. I'd allow them to take it down to 2 figures if that would allow my men to dig hasty positions ------------------ Pzvg "Murphy's law of combat #10, never forget your weapon is made by the lowest bidder
  18. Lindan, so you're saying you want to be confined to rails, spotted at 12 miles, and only able to fire on targets 3 maps away? (every 12 turns that is,) ------------------ Pzvg "Murphy's law of combat #10, never forget your weapon is made by the lowest bidder
  19. Hehe ya know, that's the original "french" paintjob Wonder how the panzertruppen stand it ------------------ Pzvg "Murphy's law of combat #10, never forget your weapon is made by the lowest bidder
  20. Hmm, lessee, You can't be botherd to write in a coherent manner, you can't be bothered to research if this has all been said before, and the answers you did get are patently unacceptable to you, Methinks we should not be bothered to listen to you anymore. If you write an understandable post, in a polite, knowledge-seeking manner, and listen to what people reply, then you have a chance of getting somewhere. ------------------ Pzvg "Murphy's law of combat #10, never forget your weapon is made by the lowest bidder
  21. First off, recon elements are never supposed to engage the enemy unless they can kill them and disengage at once. Second, the Cav uses mixed platoons of Bradley's and Abrams for added weight. Thirdly, to make it worse, that's an aluminum-maganese alloy, same as a flare "twinkle,twinkle, little light, bradley burning in the night" (We air cav guys love P/Oing the cav) Lastly, The Chaffee was a redesign of the stuart, incorporating all the wartime lessons, and was also purpose-built to share many components with the Sherman, to ease the load on parts stocks, As far as light tanks go, it was one of the best ever made. ------------------ Pzvg "Murphy's law of combat #10, never forget your weapon is made by the lowest bidder
  22. I'm re-doing the Hetzer in the game to look like a color plate of one in my ref. books, Now for the stupid sounding part, when I'm done with it, how do you put something on the net for others to download? (pzvg knows history, but natters thru computer matters) ------------------ Pzvg "Murphy's law of combat #10, never forget your weapon is made by the lowest bidder
  23. Kingfish, according to my Opa, the ROf of the Brumbar was "every now and then" which I take to mean very slow ------------------ Pzvg "Murphy's law of combat #10, never forget your weapon is made by the lowest bidder
  24. Hmm Stuart, hands down, It's a sweet little machine,but ya gotta have biiiig brass ones ta crew it ------------------ Pzvg "Murphy's law of combat #10, never forget your weapon is made by the lowest bidder
  25. Hehe it's nice to be loved considering my nick, what else could it be? PanZerkampfwagen V ausf G (the fact that it's a deadly sucker don't hurt it's rep none) ------------------ Pzvg "Murphy's law of combat #10, never forget your weapon is made by the lowest bidder
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