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Everything posted by pzvg

  1. I play wargames because nowadays ammo is too exspensive and causes are way too cheap. I think there is alltogether too much sh@tstirring going on here, and Doc don't refer me to your "I'm sorry but it's your fault post" I'm not buying, you came in here looking for trouble, and like the loudmouth drunk in the bar, now that you found it you're out crying in the parking lot. I don't feel anything for you, at all. ------------------ Pzvg "Murphy's law of combat #10, never forget your weapon is made by the lowest bidder
  2. In combat they sometimes do use fire and adjust as it is the fast and dirty way, however if you don't or can't do that, registering the guns on a ref point takes anywhere from an hour to 3 or more, (lotta map time, sun sights and number crunching) ------------------ Pzvg "Murphy's law of combat #10, never forget your weapon is made by the lowest bidder
  3. Hell ya hadda go and remind me, My Opa brought his Zundapp home from the war, used to keep in the storage shed of his friend the corner butcher, Oma sold it for 100 Dm after he passed away, I was in the Army at the time and couldn't get leave to go and save it It was still in Heeres colors and ran like a top. ------------------ Pzvg "Murphy's law of combat #10, never forget your weapon is made by the lowest bidder
  4. Suh, ah don' believe the good ole Doc will give ya an answer, 'cuz as far as ah kin see, he don' evah talk ta you'uns 'bout actually playing the game Ah hold thet ha ain't nevah dun it, and nevah will, it prolly being a tad too c-e-r-e-b-e-r-a-l foah the likes 'o him In all non-redneck seriousness, Dr. I hold that you merely harangue this forum, and do not actually bother to play, you are, of course, welcome to prove me wrong, but I'm afraid in this instance I must insist on facts, not rhetoric The world (in a smallish CM kinda way) awaits ------------------ Pzvg "Murphy's law of combat #10, never forget your weapon is made by the lowest bidder
  5. Hmm, let's see I'm half german, use the shortened form of the panther as a handle must be a nazi lover I'm from Georgia, in civil war games I use the name Longstreet, fight for the South must be a racist Actually I'm a pretty average US army vet with lot's of respect for my grandfathers (one on each side in WW2) because I know what they went thru. I don't dislike anyone, or much of anything I think Us marines were badass, I think the Tiger,Panther,and T34 rocked, I think the Sherman was a good motorcar and a lousey tank. I find that the hate being spawned by people WHO HAVE NO RIGHT TO COMPLAIN is funny, some people lost relatives in the war, yep roger that, on both sides friends, on both sides the quote runs "War is hell" for those who don't understand, now I don't fall into the calibre of education that some folks on this board display, but then again, I don't display the ignorance of some of the folks on this board. I do however have a suggestion to make, if one can tolerate such from a lowly landser as myself. If it bothers y'all that freakin much, get gone, don't let the door hit ya in the @ss, ya might as well leave 'cuz I'm staying and I will not tolerate the thinly disguised attempts to put "your own spin on how we play this game" I might want your opinion on the camo scheme of a vehicle, I certainly did not ask for your opinion of the war, evil or even for that matter rap music. If any body has a problem with that, well, it's your problem, not mine. ------------------ Pzvg "Murphy's law of combat #10, never forget your weapon is made by the lowest bidder
  6. Could we possibly shut up, get a life and continue playing a game? yes game, herr Doktor (what doctorate,btw?) Since you list in major interests quote,"teaching the world about the evils of nazism" unquote, I'd say it was probably a P.H.D. in Sh@t stirring, if you want to play lurking troll, if that is your idea of fun, first off it's a free country, but not a free BBs, second off, you might want to look into getting help for that problem of yours, I can recommend a number of good people in that field if you wish. In closing, BTS really should lock this, as it serves no useful purpose except the self-gratification of one ego, and the annoyance of the grogs. ------------------ Pzvg "Murphy's law of combat #10, never forget your weapon is made by the lowest bidder
  7. Correction Rommel22, Army AVN cannot locate snake, flies 3 sorties a day NOE looking for snake, one ship has blade strike and lands for visual inspection, crewchief finds snake and puts it in pilot's helmet bag as revenge for denting his bird And another Murphy, It is generally a bad idea to request maintenance support from the guys you just stole 4 tires and a gas can from <pzvg was 67N, > ------------------ Pzvg "Murphy's law of combat #10, never forget your weapon is made by the lowest bidder
  8. Yawn, when you folks back off pontificating, you realize that you would buy and play, ANY wargame dealing with any era or theatre, 'cuz that's what we groggies do personally, ost is welcome, if only to get it out of the way for 1939,'40, the desert war and the rest of history in general. (pzvg who owns polish army mini's and ran poland '39 at Dragon Con in '95) If you make it BTS, you are garwunteeed at least one sale, and probably more than that. ------------------ Pzvg "Murphy's law of combat #10, never forget your weapon is made by the lowest bidder
  9. thanks for the reply steve, now that you mention it it does bear a strong resemblence to a 501 KT in Panzer Colors, being slightly darker is all, good job there man ------------------ Pzvg "Murphy's law of combat #10, never forget your weapon is made by the lowest bidder
  10. No PBEM for me 'til I can get my box to run CM for longer than 2.3 minutes sorry (Yes I have the latest drivers,version,direct yechs, etc etc ad nauseum) As for the article, I'll look thru my DB's (can't recall which computer I wrote it on, got 4) When I get this wonky thing fixed, we'll do pbem, and party like it's 1939 ------------------ Pzvg "Murphy's law of combat #10, never forget your weapon is made by the lowest bidder
  11. Hehe Fionn I wrote an article for ya,which never got published 'cuz ya left the site (It wasn't that bad was it?) To all; I show up at every wargaming site and quite a few cons P.S. Fionn, article was on military oddities, titled "It seemed like a good idea at the time" Now, about that tiger II ??? ------------------ Pzvg "Murphy's law of combat #10, never forget your weapon is made by the lowest bidder
  12. Hi guys, first off, great game , bought the cd 12 minutes into the demo (Now the game keeps locking up, not your fault, everything's locking up) Anyway, to the question, where did you get that camo scheme for the Tiger II? I've never seen that one before and if it's in a print or book I don't own I need to rectify the error. BTW, Hello Fionn, remember me? ------------------ Pzvg "Murphy's law of combat #10, never forget your weapon is made by the lowest bidder
  13. Please don't call hackers thieves, it's very demeaning to the thieves, after all, they take risks. Personally, Matt when ya trace this guy, give out a real world addy, bad things have been known to happen to hapless sociopaths that cross the line, real bad things ------------------ Pzvg "Murphy's law of combat #10, never forget your weapon is made by the lowest bidder
  14. '79-83 67N pause for divorce '84-88 52c,19y,54E,52s (I get bored real fast) IRR- "don't call us, we'll call you" combat service- buy me a beer sometime ------------------ Pzvg "Murphy's law of combat #10, never forget your weapon is made by the lowest bidder
  15. First off, Hello Fionn, long time no see Secondly, why are you guys discussing the "reality" of hollywood? (an oxymoron, methinks) P.S. I don't think Denise Richards is real either, at least parts of her aren't ------------------ Pzvg "Murphy's law of combat #10, never forget your weapon is made by the lowest bidder
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