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Everything posted by LGMB

  1. Soldiers, You fools! Now I'm insane! What the heck are you nuts talking about? Anyway.... I sure do love Marco's sherman, and would be greatfull for anything he does, int he future.
  2. Soldier, Panzerman: I'm on Bowen Island. Yes its a dump but what you gonna do? You in Burnaby? Come on cunfess! Hehe.... Canucks sure suck this year eh?
  3. Soldiers, Yes.... VoT is only in the demo
  4. Soldiers, The population of this furom is close to 7,000. That makes it 4,000 larger then the town I live in (which by the way, is a suburb of Vancouver, BC {well its in the sound, for any of you Vancouverits}). Doesn't that creep you out? Ohyah: Does anyone here still have the demo? Or still have the demo, and not the game? On average how many times a day do you fantasises about CM2? (Never for me) Do you feel asthough Charles and Steve are now your gods? They appear sometimes, and bring with them great wisdom.... and the as soon as they post, thousands gather, hoping to be recignized by thier new gods... That reminds me: I hope I did not offend my lords by posting this message... I beg that you do not smite it/me... Isn't it odd how Steve and Charles post less and less, and Matt has become the number one locker? He is like an Avatar fort he gods.... (Where does this put Dan? We already know that Fioin would be soem underworldy creature of some kind.... hehe)
  5. Soldier, You can get a snow, "camoed," Hertzer over at the CMHQ, as part of MDMP1. I hate winter mods anyway, as they take up too much space.
  6. Sir, ...Nacho seeking quad .50 cal Niecho guns. Charles, nowing that the plywood on the hull offered about as much protection as a bloody sherman M4, simply hurled his nacho's in the general direction of the sleds. Massive explosions rocked the castle, as the bodsleds exploded in a ball of flame. White letters appeaered above the bobsleds, reading: "Front upper sled penetration. Knocked out." As charles completed his happy dance, the thrown room door exploded, and in walked.....
  7. Soldier, Very true! The TD's look as though they were made in someones garage and not in a massive factory, which pumps out clean looking (shiny) models. Gotta love them "real" mods. Another neat one that is kinda half half, is the red, rusted, Panther A that I found at Tom's. Its really quite nice!
  8. Soldiers, Ahh yes... 'Slingers is of course a touched up version of Kwazy's MDMP, which as far as I knew WAS hand made (please corerct if wrong).
  9. Soldier, Strike one for the, "real" brigade! Maguas are wonderfull examples of "real mods" :eek: Gunslingers JT is a nice peace of art too, and It's hand made, not coppied and fitted.
  10. Soldiers, Another example: Ferdando's mods are beutiful, adn they make up about 70% of my Axis mods, but again they are much to clean. I quickly grow tired of them, simply becuase they are TOO (!) nice. I find it hard to look at them for very long, as they seem to out of context with all the darker, "real" mods. I find it muich easier to look at Kwazy's Jagd Panther, and Bfamily's new tiger, as it is slighlty ruffer. Again, I really do like Ferdando's stuff, but I find it just too out of contex. I'm surching for more real mods now. In my mind a "real" mod is mod that includes a fair amount of detail, but is also dirty, not to harsh on the eyes (I.e. not to "busy"), has a good ingame, "feel." One mod I really think fits the bill, is Magua's German Halftracks. Magua's buildings also fit the bill nicly, as they are not too nice, but are pretty anyway. Commisar: Again, your totally right. This whole mud thing is just a greedy way of asking for more mods Remember that whole thing I brought up about the "snowy" winter mods vs the camoed winter mods?
  11. Soldiers, ...burried under Charles' nacho cheese. Charles was standing on his porch chewing his nachos when suddenly he spyed the vetern Girl Guides. They porceded to whip small choclate cookies in his direction. He pulled out his.....
  12. Soldiers, The Commisar has hit this one on the head of the nail. By no means am I impplying that Marco's work is not excellent, (Like I said, I use it, and love it) I am just saying that some of the models are too shiny, brihgt, whatever. I would certainly like to see some dirtier tanks. Cartoonish may be the wrong word to use in this case, so I will not use it anymore. I'm just saying that most current mods are two bright, or shiny, or new.
  13. Sir, Lovley, looks rather great! Most, "real" hertzer mod Iv'e seen yet!
  14. Soldiers, Quick little rant if you don't mind: Current summer CM tanks look like cartoons. An example of a "good" tank, one that looks real, has some damage, is muddy, camoed nicley, looks 3D not cartoon flat: John Tucker's StuG (available at CMs). Most of Tigers mods looked about halfway, they were muddy, dirty, not cartoonish, but also rather bland and color less. I for one would like to see some more, "real" looking tanks. Another good example of a, "real" tank would be Kwazy's Jagd Panther from MDMP 1. It looks very real, not cartoonish. Some cartoonish mods are Marco Bergamns (Not that I dont like them, infact I use his quite a lot) Shermans. The level of detail is very high, but the actual look is rather flat, almost too good... I may be way off here, but I think most people will agree with me on the issue of, "Clean," and, "Real."
  15. Soldiers, ...Richard the 3rds castle. Luckily the casatle was well defended by our hero's, the crack manatee platoon. The platoon commander turned to his comrades, and shouted a cheering moral boosting cry, "Bring on your betniks! Bring on your bobsleds! You shall not claim this tower!" Cheers errupted from the castle, as .50 cal bullets began to pelt the stone massonary. The betniks...
  16. Soldiers, I cant stand senerios with low quality maps! The worst experiance with this was a D-Day landing map, which was just awful. The author made it night time (!) and then put all the german pillboxes at elevation 19 (!!), with my units sitting at elavation 7 (!!!). It was like attacking a mountian. Not to mention, that they put all of my units in those god dam assault boats, which might I add, are NOT LCI!! or Higgins boats!! I played the first turn of the senerio and then gacve up..... It was just to awful!
  17. Soldiers, ...no laughing matter! So one day, I thought to myself, "My that house could use a new roof!" And off I went, to ask the owners if they wanted a new roof. I was surpirsed to find that the onwers of the house were....
  18. Sir, Owen W? Would that be Owen Wilson? The best dam actor in the world....
  19. Soldiers, Hunh? eh? Whats going on? Something bout some CD? What I miss? :confused:
  20. Soldiers, Bloody hell! I want in on these campaign games now!
  21. Soldiers, ....too much CM when: After an earthquake you rush home to make sure your house hasn't exploded. You find yourself running to work carring a breif case full fo bricks--- just to prove that MG's CAN run.
  22. Soldier, Wont.... Dignify... With.... Respone..... Dammit! Too late.
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