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Everything posted by LGMB

  1. Soldier, [Joking] Take it to the oponent finder, newbie! [/Joking]
  2. Soldiers, You all laugh, but really you know your days are numbered! I will rule the cess! You pond scuma re no match for my divine crushing blow!
  3. Soldiers, The general wishes to challange the many fools who live amongst the cess, and slime of this here pool, to a game of dominance. Pick your champion and bring him to me, in a game. Should I win, I will become your king! Should I loose: death. You dicide your fate; Me as your monarch, or no more of me at all. BTW: WOOT!
  4. Soldier, Seanachai, you sir claim greatness... but really you are no better then Peng! You are over boiled cabage!
  5. Sodliers, Blah, Blah, Blah, Jamming Tank Mg's????? Keep up the good work!
  6. Soldier, You gonna hook me up with a turn Peng? Or do I have to come over to your smiley torture house and get it? SAVE THE SMILIES! Edit becuase I can think of good insults... but it takes me time. [ 11-11-2001: Message edited by: Lord General MB ]</p>
  7. Sir, Well take your time. I'd rather wait a while, but get a great looking site, then have a quick site missing some 400 pages. Best of luck to you sir!
  8. Sir, Well yah... thats what would happen... But not if they had gone out the exhaust pipe like I sugested!
  9. Sir, Work you say.... Is that what your doing right now? ...hehe.... Can't wait to see what you got comming at us Manx :cool:
  10. Soldiers, Isn't it odd that Manx came in claiming greatness and then just vanished..... Very strange.....
  11. Soldier, Jeese! You'd think that those tommies'ed have enough sense to get out and run, what with a Tiger that close and all!
  12. Soldiers, Wait a sec.... Which one of you is using sarcasim? I'm confused. Either Panzer Man was saying that I'm an idoit for pionting out he obvius, or Ales, is saying that Pazner Man was saying that he was NOT pionting out the obvius..... in a sarcastic way..... :confused:
  13. Soldiers, Seems like a lot of the senerio forum stuff is drifting over to this forum. Shouldn't these senerio release messages be posted in the senerio forum...? Not that I mind, I'm just kinda wondering whats giong on.
  14. Soldiers, Your sugesting that the dog was under the influance of a CM loathing wife? My god.... They've found the perfect stragety for takening out our CM stuff! We better come up with a new flanking move....
  15. Soldiers, Can't wait to get my hands on this baby!
  16. Sodliers, "Duck!" Steve and Matt dropped to the ground, when suddenly a large chocolate cokie hit the wall. "Steve WTF have you got yourself into?" Cried Matt, Steve turned to Matt and replied, "Quick, jump into my time machine!" Steve reached into his pocket and pulled out his time machine. He flicked some noches, and presto- it was ready to go. "This better work Steve!" The manatees were inaged in brutal hand to hand combat, with the beatniks and girl guides. One of the manatees turned to Steve, and in a lispy but respectful voice, muttered, "Gloood, shluck tloo joo Sdeev!" Steve was about to respond, when that very manatee was skured by a Fairbairn-Sykes Trench Knife weilding beatnik. Steve and Matt wasted no more time, jumping into the time machine. There were many screams, and then landing with a thud, the two adventures found themself facing a small white rabit. The rabit ran down the hall, and then vanished behind a door. Steve....
  17. Sirs, Good to see some other vancouver-ites on the board! Know any others?
  18. Soldiers, .... Rallied, and began a clever flanking move, inforce. Steve, and his manatee comrades, thoguht it better to sallyforth and attack, then sit and defend. As they lowered the drawbridge, there was sundenlly a crackling scream, "Ohno a witch!" thought Steve, and sure enough, into the castle swooped Matt, ridding his magic broom stick. He turned to Steve and cackled, "....
  19. Sir, IRRC? What is that? "I Require Repated Correction?" Glad to here that the QB generator will under go changes, as I currently never use....
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