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Posts posted by Splinty

  1. Hi guys, Splinty here. I'm currently deployed to Iraq with the U.S. Army and although I have some access to the Internet, I don't have the access to download any thing, so I thought I,d ask for a little help. I have my trusty copy of CMBO with me and was able to burn most of the mods I have to disk so I can play on my laptop with the game looking as I like it. But I missed a few of my favorites. Could some be kind enough to E-mail some of these mods to me? I'm looking for:

    Sherman Fireflys, CMMOS

    Ram Kangaroo CMMOS

    Andrew TF's allied uniforms

    Andrew TF'sCromwell CMMOS

    GEM's Jagdpanther CMMOS

    Fernandos Pz234 Mono and Bi color CMMOS

    Nashorn and Hummel (CMMOS or not)

    and Andrew TF's M24 Chaffee

    I'm sure I'll think of more but in the meantime these would be excellent. Many profuse thanks in advance; Splinty2001@hotmail.com


  2. Originally posted by Aloicious:

    Why not mount the Flak version in an AFV? Aside from the Ostwind. Or is it the Wirblewind that mounts the 37?

    And yes, that did help thank you very much. [/QB]

    Although not relevant to CMBB the Germans did mount the 37mm Flak on the Mobelwagen. However only about 250 of these vehicles were manufactured and saw combat in the West.

    [ March 14, 2003, 09:55 AM: Message edited by: Splinty ]

  3. Hi again,

    In answer to 1F: Exactly.

    As far as 2F goes, maybe he did play the bugle in garrison. That's only a guess.

    As far as the armorer goes in the modern Army the answer would be both. The armorer is a supply specialist who has additional training in weapons repair and maintainance.

    4F: Commo IS short for communications. The signal section usually consists of the signal Sergeant and a couple of those additional EMs attached to the H.Q. Platoon.

    5F, The messengers were both radiomen and runners for the Platoon Leader.

  4. To expand a little further on the rank vs. appointment question, a First Sergeant usually held the rank of Master Sergeant, as did a battalion or regimental Sergeant Major.Another type of appointment was the position of platoon sergeant, which was held by a person with the rank of technical sergeant.(although the chronic personell shortages experienced by the U.S. Army often placed the most experienced NCO in the platoon in that job regardless of his rank)Also in the U.S. Army Staff Sergeant IS a rank between Sergeant and Technical Sergeant,(Sergeant First Class in todays Army.)Staff Sergeants were the normal rank for a Squad Leader.

  5. Have you looked into getting CMMOS? That's about the only way I have of seeing what's installed and what's not. At this point my own CMBO is modded pretty much how I like it. I use CMMOS to switch between the various mods for different nationalities on the allied side. My German mods are pretty much how I'd like them. Go to www.Combat Mission HQ.com and check out what they've got, there's some really breathtaking stuff there.

    [ January 18, 2003, 06:53 PM: Message edited by: Splinty ]

  6. I assume you're talking about the mods for the North African Campaign etc.? If so keep in mind that the mods will only affect the appearence of the game, not the performance of it. As far as I know you can play the new scenarios without using the mods. But, if you use the mods ALL of your CM will look like the mods. IOW if you play one of the scenarios that came on the original CMBO disk with the DFDR mod installed it will look like the desert. If you play one of the DFDR scenarios without the DFDR mod installed it will look like Western Europe.

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