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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

The Commissar

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Everything posted by The Commissar

  1. Im a big fan of this idea myself, and I dont think BTS ever answered this yet, so *BUMP*!!
  2. Did you check combatmission.com ? It's an old mod, so look for it deep in the archives of "interface/flag mods".
  3. Im just glad knowing this is being looked into. *whew*
  4. Nice mods! Manx, Where oh where did you get that grass mod from pic 2?? Juju, I love your work. I have your original explosions installed and everything - up until now, that is! Scipio, thats the best looking Tiger ive ever seen. Very nice colour.
  5. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by God: Blah blah blah I hate Bush blah blah blah<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Isn't this the kid who's sole purpose on this forum is to post topics much like this one whenever the opportunity presents itself? What was his name before he was banned and picked this one up...? Listen, dewd, we don't care.
  6. I like your idea, but would like to add some things of my own: 1) When a building explodes or topples over, it never does it in the same way twice. One time the whole structure may spray itself over a wide area, and lightly cover all roads with debree, but not enough to block movement, but only hinder it (chance of bogging present). Other time, a building will collapse to one side only, completely covering one avenue of approach (can't move vehicles through). Still other times, a building collapses in on itself and we see what we have in CMBO now. My idea: If BTS is to seriously take up city combat, they may consider something like this: If a building is destroyed, either by arty, engineers, tanks, etc., a random "dice roll" should be made. This will determine, out of a given many options, how the buildings will collapse. Some possible collapses: a) Building collapses in on itself, not blocking anything around it. Building explodes completely, covering all tiles adjacent to it with debree, but not enough to completely immboilize vehicles, and provieds only slight inf cover. c) Building topples to one side. Another dice roll can determine which side the building collapses to. The side which the building collapsed on is impassable to vehicles and provides good inf cover. --- OK, comments? EDIT: Because I can't spell this bloody late. [ 10-04-2001: Message edited by: The Commissar ]
  7. Germanboy, When you mentioned "map design", do you mean the in-game "world" or an actual map? Ive had some experience with the former, but Im afraid the later would leave me stupified. In any case, where can I look for a position of this sort? Things have been slowing down lately, and random QB's at CMTH aren't the same anymore. Nice to be a "part of something". Thanks again, btw.
  8. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Madmatt: Umm, all I said was that we *should* have some new stuff for you soon. I don't recall giving a date and due to some recent events there will be nothing special coming in Mid-October.... Sorry to bust bubbles... Madmatt<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Well, Im sort of relieved. At least now I won't have to sit up 24-7 on a cafeene high, refreshing CMHQ every 15 seconds until mid October.
  9. Germanboy, What is involved in being a member of the "staff" in the CMMC campaign? Thx.
  10. Up until now, BTS has been showing us old shots. Notice how most of the terrain is recycled CMBO stuff? Well, I hope they'll show us some nice new terrain. If it's a movie (which is very unlikely IMO), my one wish is to see a city fight! That, or a Sturmtiger leveling something. Or an IS-2 brewing up Tigers. Or-or-or... *goes stark raving mad and runs up and down the street screaming something about the new AT Gun ambush techniques*
  11. *sigh* Damn those boozing laws. Live in Staten Island myself.
  12. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Cos: Get the November issue of PCGamer when it comes out. Jedi Outcast is previewed and there's a nice shot of a stormtrooper's arm going airborne after getting tagged by a lightsaber. Mom must be asleep already tonight.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Ironically enough, that game doesn't have any blood either. The developers didn't feel it was necessary and would just disgust some potential audience.
  13. Hey Fieldmarshal, do direct me to that thread. Ive been trying to dig it up and find out what did happen to one of my favorite mod artists. Any and all help will be appreciated on this matter. Besides, it might englighten this guy here.
  14. Mattias, The difference between our results is easily explained. 1) I used the scenario editor to create a perfectly flat field, with no terrain features. I placed 25 Shermans on one side, and 2 Tigers on the other, with a VL, to lure the Shermans to advance. 2) I did not command my Tigers to pick targets or to move. Because I felt this was a test of the game mechanics (the optics and gun on the Tiger), and not my skill as a player, this would desrupt the test (as it did in your case). 3) My Tigers did not close in, although with the help of their smoke, the Shermans were able to. This allowed them to score hits on my machines and actually cause damage. Thus, once more, my Tigers were on their own. Another interesting bit is when I played the same "battle" from the Allied side. Starting out at the 1800 metre range, I lined my Shermans up in a column, 4 tanks wide per line, and rushed the Tigers head on while ordering to lay down smoke. The result was a landslide. Using their smoke mortars, the Tiger's line of sight was completely covered. While the enemy tanks slowly advanced out of the smoke, one was given several flank shots and had its gun damaged. Later on, my Shermans sped by its flank and KO'ed it. The other machine decided to stay where it was after seeing the onrushing Shermans, and was overwhelmed. It didn't get a shot off before recieving some 8 nearly simultaneous hits in 3 sides of its hull and turret, KO'ing it. This makes me wonder why the Soviets didn't seem to use smoke. For had they used their immense atrillerly capabilities to cover the enemie's LOS with smoke, they could have surely made the advance to as close as 500 metres before the enemy could get out of the smoke and place a bead on the Soviets, giving even the T-34's a good chance of victory. I think the Soviets learned their lesson though, and smoke was an important part of the doctrine of the cold war days.
  15. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by aka PanzerLeader: I feel there is a huge difference between a company sized engagement and a battalion sized one. Or rather, between a game played on a small map and a game played on a large map. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Agreed.
  16. Hannibal, Despite what you may have seen in movies, particularly ones staring Bruce Willis, most of the time, a pistol round can kill you pretty easily. A round from a rifle will blow chunks out of you and then you'll die. A SMG burst will throw you back full of lead, and you'll die once more. A machine gun will, with some luck, be able to cut you in half and spill your guts out, effectively killing you. A mortar round, if dropped within a meter of your position, stands a good chance of shredding you with lots of shrapnel. For the larger calibres, you might as well kiss you and your dog tags goodbye, because no one will find them again. A tank gun or an infantry gun, even a small one, will work much like a mortar except with a direct line of sight to you, and thus a higher chance of killing you (unless you happen to be behind a tough obstacle, like a cement wall). Any sort of rocket will splatter you in small bloody bits over a wide area if it lands close by. An aircraft bomb will do the same. Have I covered everything? Yeah, I think so.
  17. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Guy w/gun: Lol...I just did the exact same thing! MY results were quite similar: Eight dead Shermans, exhasted AP load in the Tigers. What was remarkable was the fact that at ranges between 1800m-1300m, the Shermans scored more hits than the Tigers did! And as Commissar pointed out, the Shermans popped smoke continuosly. If I recall correctly, optics are NOT modeled in CMBO. Because if they are, those Tiger crews must be lowsy shots. (by the way, the Tiger crews were crack!) [ 09-27-2001: Message edited by: Guy w/gun ]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Well I sure do hope optics are modeled in CMBB. I can understand BTS not wishing to get involved in a heated debate with grognards, because optics of most Western countries were close to being equal, and some people say, the same. On the Eastern front, the Soviets didn't have time to develop such conviniances as good optics when the Nazis were knocking on their door, so the difference will be huge. I think they mentioned this being included, right? Sure hope it is.
  18. Listen **** face, Im not about to have Madmatt and the rest of BTS wasting their time on **** like yourself. How bout you piss off? No one likes you, listens to you, or shares your opinion. Clearly you have nothing whatsoever to do on this board, since CMBO is obvious crap and CMBB is more of the same. Leave, child, and bugger someone else's board.
  19. Cool chess pieces Ryan! Did you make them yourself or bought them from somewhere?
  20. Mattias, I just performed the test you recommended. Using regular Tigers (not the late version), and M4A3 Shermans, I the 2 cats against the 25 Shermans at an initial range of 1800 metres. The Shermans immediately popped smoke, and continued doing so for the rest of the game. During the course of the game, my Tigers only managed to hit 7 Shermans, while exhausting their total supply of AT ammunition and half of their supply of HE ammunition. On turn 30, one of the Tigers was gun damaged, immobilized, and abandoned. I got a total vic because the Allies never dared to advance. Interesting results, to say the least. Seems its very hard to hit even with "superior German optics" at ranges of over 1000 metres. Also, did the Soviets have smoke rounds for their tanks? I would imagine the Allied casualties would have been higher without them popping smoke endlessly.
  21. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MikeyD: And a newbe will get just as much of a thrill from CMBO as we did.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I don't feel that CMBO is flawed, as has been said, and nor will I uninstall it because I kind of got used to the ol' girl, but speaking from a theoretical perspective, a total newbie to wargames and WW2 would probably get more of a thrill from CMBB, simply because it looks a lot better without any mods. The gameplay will not varry too much, of course, but CMBB will definately improve on CMBO (not that the newbie will know it).
  22. I was always confused on how exactly CMBO modeled tank assaults. First of all, I always button the tank being assaulted up, so it has trouble seeing me. Second, I try to rush from behind, and nearly always get "right on top of it", meaning my infantry icons are right on top of the tank icon, even at the "realistic size" setting, which is as close to perfect as I can get them. Then the tank fires its MG's and my squad breaks and flees. Hmm. Now, can someone explain to me how exactly can a buttoned up tank dislodge a squad of infantry which is crawling over its hull, with its MG's? One is in the hull pointing forward, the other is a coaxial, which as far as I know, can't be used most of the time. I also figured that had I been one of the unlucky few chosen to assault a tank, I'd try to dislodge the coaxial MG with my rifle butt in case it was remote controlled. Some tanks also have a third MG in the turret, pointing to where the gun is, but that doesn't help much. So, is the Nebelwarfer (or something) just not shown? Is it actually blowing up my guys crawling on the tank's hull (how?! I was under the impression that the things killed infantry in front of the tank, not behind its turret) or is this just something not fully modeled in the game? I would be very interested if BTS found the time to respond, because Ive been wondering for a while now. Thanks.
  23. Col_Deadmarsh, I must symphatise with you and say that once upon a time, I also had a similar problem. What to do with my "Queen". Since every game and every opponent was different, the results were never the same. Sometimes I would move my Queen out only to discover my opponent had prepared for this and has either a bigger tank, or some other means (air attack, AT guns, smoke). Other time, I kept the Queen hidden only to discover that because my opponent went the "Quantity over Quality" approach, had I set up my Queen to overlook the map, I could of easily delt with his inferior forces. So I went around this dilema and stopped buying "Queen" units. I now prefer to have a few midium priced units which can perform medium tasks, not a high price unit which can perform highly, but only at a high risk to its own well being. <-- Misses the spell check
  24. I doubt BTS simply made the limit just because. If the engine could handle however more units, I think they would have placed no restriction on size. Perhaps they found out it would make the game freeze up (had that happen to me with a 5000 point battle on a medium computer)?
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