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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Chupacabra

  1. BTS has stated that wheeled vehicles' offroad speed will be toned down in the next patch. ------------------ Grand Poobah of the fresh fire of Heh.
  2. I'd agree with that. I've won a few defense games against humans, but only when A) the AI picked both sides' forces or the other guy did something exploitably foolish. ------------------ Grand Poobah of the fresh fire of Heh.
  3. Himom I'mgay - Your dea...er..."map" is ready. The map is quick and dirty and most likely unbalanced, the force mix is probably wildly unrealistic, and the briefings are a snotty attempt to be semi-humorous. I love it. The working title is Chupazuma's Revenge, and you two poor bastards get to stumble through it like the headless chickens you so admire. Ha ha ha! Silly man-animals! ------------------ Grand Poobah of the fresh fire of Heh.
  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Hiram Sedai: QUESTION FOR THE POOL Would there be anyone who would like to provide a scenario for me and the guy named after a town that sits on the River Thames? A sufficiently evil one would do nicely thank you. QB's have become tiresome for me. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Sure, but I make no pretensions whatsoever of fairness, sound map design, historicality, or just about anything else. The greater your pain, the more I'll laugh. ------------------ Grand Poobah of the fresh fire of Heh.
  5. I don't have a problem with the instantaneous nature of the withdraw command. Most movement orders are relatively complex, and would take a bit to process. For example: "Head down to that treeline on the left, sprint across the clearing, and hit the dirt. Crawl forward 50m and establish a base of fire with your BAR." To me, it's both correct and realistic to assign a delay to this. The platoon leader would have to contact the squad leaders, who would then have to convey that information accurately to his men. On the other hand, it doesn't take any time at all to understand "EVERYONE RUN AWAY!" The smoke analogy is a bit misplaced - considering that you can only move backwards, and considering the risk involved, it's not like you're getting something useful for free. Dunno, I don't use the order a whole lot, but I'm not sure anyone in their right mind would be able to find a way to abuse it. ------------------ Grand Poobah of the fresh fire of Heh.
  6. Matt - yep, I've upgraded to dx8. CM's still locking up, though. Dunno what to do. ------------------ Grand Poobah of the fresh fire of Heh.
  7. WD40 makes a pretty nifty propellant. But it can stick to things and burn if you're not careful. ------------------ Grand Poobah of the fresh fire of Heh.
  8. Bow down, children, Daddy's home. Files have been sent to those who deserve them. If I missed anyone...well, tough. I hate you all so much that it's a bit difficult to read your insipid emails for fear that I will spontaneously combust with bilious black rage, let alone download any attachments. So if you don't get a file from me, it's your own fault for being such a hateful person. Oh, and Sheepshagger: it's you, not me, who owes the file. I've been waiting for you for some time. The delay has at least given me a chance to think about the patterns in which your lower intestine will look best in when croched into a scarf. Cheerio, illegitimate foundlings! ------------------ Grand Poobah of the fresh fire of Heh.
  9. They sure do. As you lose units, your victory percentage and global morale will drop. Keep in mind though that the victory percentage displayed during the game is a rough estimate only, and may in fact be considerably off. ------------------ Grand Poobah of the fresh fire of Heh.
  10. You have to look at what cost the victory came. Picture the following exchange: "Captain Smith! Have you captured the town yet?" "I sure did, sir, and I've taken seven German prisoners!" "Excellent, Smith! What were your own casualties?" "My entire company, with the exception of the cook, the BAR gunner from A platoon, and my dog. I also lost the jeeps under my command, and the TD platoon is completely wiped out." "WHAT??!? Sergeant, arrest this idiot!" I realize that's a bit hyperbolic. But anyway, the final score takes into account your own casualties as well as your enemy's. Even if the enemy winds up surrendering, it might still be something of a pyrrhic victory. ------------------ Grand Poobah of the fresh fire of Heh.
  11. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by rune: May I recommend a real baseball team, and one that actually can win games Rune<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Ah, you must be referring to the Yankees or the Mets ------------------ Grand Poobah of the fresh fire of Heh.
  12. Has anyone noticed a significant performance increase with Dx8, though? From the list of improvements over Dx7, it sounds like the majority will be more important for game designers rather than for gamers themselves. Which is fine in that it paves the way for the next generation of games, I'm just curious to see if there's a noticeable difference over Dx7 for my purposes. ------------------ Grand Poobah of the fresh fire of Heh.
  13. 105mm VT. 100 shells of that for 278 points? I say, yes please! ------------------ Grand Poobah of the fresh fire of Heh.
  14. ...untouchable front the front, but it dies real pretty to side and rear shots from even a lowly Sherman 75. Or a zook, for that matter. I'd take a Mark IV or a Panther over a KT. Actually, even that's not necessarily true - I've seen Hellcats kill KTs from the front. Not even a weak spot penetration, just a plain kill. Jacksons, ditto. And if they load tungsten, just about anything has at least a shot at a frontal kill. ------------------ Grand Poobah of the fresh fire of Heh. [This message has been edited by Chupacabra (edited 11-10-2000).]
  15. I hope you mean 256 MB of RAM, rather than 256K What sort of video card are you using? That seems to be the real kicker for performance. I'm running CM on a C433, 96 MB RAM, which isn't wonderful but isn't too shabby either. However, my video card is a woeful 2x AGP model with 8 MB VRAM. CM runs very choppily with that setup. ------------------ Grand Poobah of the fresh fire of Heh.
  16. Bad-ass? I'd characterize it more as "squat and ugly," but to each his own, I suppose ------------------ Grand Poobah of the fresh fire of Heh.
  17. Also naked women washing P-51s. Maybe naked women shooting MP44s from the hip. Oh, and definitely naked women 'grooming' artillery horses. Ooh, ooh, and naked women in cowboy hats firing .50 cal MGs from jeeps doing 60 mph down the Champs Elysees! What? It's time for my shot? But...oh, okay. ------------------ Grand Poobah of the fresh fire of Heh.
  18. Ah, so you're claiming divine inspiration now? ------------------ Grand Poobah of the fresh fire of Heh.
  19. Naked women on tanks. ------------------ Grand Poobah of the fresh fire of Heh.
  20. History geek? WHO'S A HISTORY GEEK??!! Boy, take that back or I'm gonna whup you like the Abyssianans whupped the Italians at Adwa!!! ------------------ Grand Poobah of the fresh fire of Heh.
  21. Ah, how rich. When Steve reacts poorly to your insufferable attitude, according to you he needs to grow a thicker skin. When I reply in kind, I am apparently a brute. As for the crowded theater example, yes, I see you did in fact bring it up. Forgive me, I missed it in the heap of your rambling, self-righteous posts. You cite it as being an exceptional example. However, you didn't answer my question. Would you defend someone's right to shout 'fire' in a crowded theater? It's a simple question, so do this unworthy penitent the small favor of answering it. Finally, I have no need to 'stoop,' as you say. I have posted as I always do, and I will continue to do so. Your choice of how to react is your choice alone. ------------------ Grand Poobah of the fresh fire of Heh.
  22. Ah Tris, it's a bitch when one reaps what one sows, isn't it? I believe I'd also have quite a bit of company in stating that your posts to Steve have been quite arrogant and high-handed. I have neither the time nor the inclination to mince words on a forum such as this, therefore I choose my words to have the desired effect in the least amount of space. If this comes across as rude or blunt, well, I can live with that. Allow me to pose one question to you. In fact, it's the classic definition of censorship weighed against the public good, of which you are no doubt aware. Still I'm curious to see your response. Would you shout 'FIRE!' in a crowded theater where no fire existed, knowing that the result might be a stampede in which people could be either hurt or killed? Would you defend someone's right to do so? ------------------ Grand Poobah of the fresh fire of Heh.
  23. A couple of things- <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>no one man is the end-all to the trickle of wisdom from the fountain of knowledge. If you haven't learned or somehow fail to appreciate that wisdom then you have much to learn indeed, Steve.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>I would add this: I have much more experience in these matters than the two years you cite for yourself on this board, and furthermore I am rather senior to you in raw years of life judging from a picture of on your site, taken recently, no doubt (correct me if I'm mistaken), and so I think I am qualified to warmly invite you to dismount your high horse, smell the roses and listen to a lone voice of quiet reason: censorship is never a good deal.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Well then, apparently you are the "end all to the trickle of widsom from the fountain of knowledge." O Wise Tris, I thank you for being the lone voice of quiet reason! How is your personal knowledge of moderating a BBS any more valid than Steve's? Because you've done it longer? Bull. Or is it more valid because you're older than he? Again, bull. As a musician and former radio DJ I have very strong views on censorship. But you know what? In many cases it is necessary and even desirable. If I'd gotten on the radio and started reading the Penthouse Forum on the air, here's what the likely scenario would have been: First, someone listening would have called the radio station to complain, and I would've been fired. If the radio station didn't take action against me for some reason, the offended listener would've called the FCC. In fact, they may have done so anyway. Then, both the station and I would have been slapped with extremely hefty fines, I would have been banned from operating radio equipment for a set amount of time, the station's broadcasting license would have been revoked, and both the station and I may have faced addition legal action at the FCC's discretion. My point is, it's the FCC's show. The rules they set are ones which they believe will benefit and protect the community. My personal choice as a DJ was to either abide by those rules or to not broadcast. Was it censorship? You bet. Was it morally wrong? Nope. Same deal with BTS. This board is their show, not yours. There are other unmoderated fora available if you feel this one is run by the jack-booted forces of oppression. I'd urge you to go to comp.sys.ibm.pc.games.war-historical to see how much fun it is to wade through a completely unmoderated forum with any sort of posting volume. I know, I know, I'll smell the roses and get off my high horse now. Cheers. ------------------ Grand Poobah of the fresh fire of Heh.
  24. RE: relative costs, remember that unit costs in CM are based on total effectiveness, not just anti-tank effectiveness. Yeah, Hetzers are great in ambush positions against advancing tanks, but they have a low ammo loadout, no turret, and extremely weak side/rear armor. Which means that in any sort of battle of maneuver, they'll most likely be dead very quickly. Shermans and Mark IVs aren't what I'd choose for anti-armor work, but they absolutely murder infantry. Both are much better at that task than say, a Panther. A King Tiger will be an expensive piece of burning metal if a couple of relatively cheap Shermans can get on its flanks. If you're assuming that a tank's combat effectiveness only relates to its capabilities against enemy armor in a straight-up slugfest, then yeah, their costs are going to look a bit skewed. But in terms of overall utility, I find their costs quite accurate. ------------------ Grand Poobah of the fresh fire of Heh.
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