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Everything posted by Noba

  1. Excellent, that means you won't be at TANKFEST. Score one for House.. ? What House was I in... ? Where is Slapdragon when you need him? Noba.
  2. Psst. I'll let you into a secret..... I have an EU Passport. (Shhh, don't tell anyone) And Tankfest is going to be awesome, without you even better. Noba. p.s. Did I mention I'm going to Tankfest?
  3. Make it a slouch hat and you've got a deal. And nothing half-arsed, PROPORTIONS are EVERYTHING! Noba.
  4. What sort of STD is that then? Is it a new strain, or sumfink? Do we want to know how you caught it, or are you going to sell the film rights? Noba
  5. I have some good news, some good news, and some GOOD news. In the mention of the first good news, both Speedlump and Nidan1 are itching to get at my Glorious Pixel Troops to try and recover what little modesty is left to them after their last feeble attempts to best me on the electronic field of combat. Rape and Pillage come to mind. Really, they are the Star Trek equivalents of the good old Red shirted actors. It doesn't matter how or why, they never survive combat with the enemy.... In the case of more good news, I am no longer in the Great Southern Land. Nope, by hook or by crook*, I am in the land of the once - a - week bathers... England. Which leads to the really GOOD new - I am going to TANKFEST, and you lot aren't .... How positively AWESOME is that? Noba * Boeing 777 and Airbus A380 actually. ps. If the Donkey reads this, I could pass by the paddock and kick it's ass...... if I knew where he was hiding the rubber gnome, that is.
  6. Well that explains everything, and nothing. But really he has been missing in action for years, ever since his French Waiters hacked into our last game and gave my troops dodgy wine. Noba.
  7. Update Time: It's time to expose the complete and utter nincompoop-ness of those members of the Shavian House. Not only do they smell, they can't play the Great Game at any level of competence. Incompetence and no doubt, incontinence is their modus operandi. An example.... You would think when faced with hordes of rampaging Churchill's that to retire gracefully would be the better part of valour. The only graceful part of Speedbump's Stug manoeuvres was the turning 360 degrees in place. Twice. This no doubt was ordered by the said Speedbump to prove that the denizens of the Shavian house like to show their rear to all and sundry. This piece of decadence is then topped off by moving past a gap in the walls separating our two forces, a gap cunningly prepared by my cleverly placed Engineers who had blasted said gap with uncanny accuracy. Praaang One dead StuG. Nice work, sunshine. In other news, my poor Para's are not winning their battle vs Nidan1's stealth - cloaked Germans. Noba.
  8. I'm sure I speak for the majority when I say, "With great pleasure" Baseball bat, where are you..... ? Noba.
  9. So it's true, you say the words out loud as you type them, like you do when you read? Noba.
  10. Geez, I'm good. That 'Faust guy calmly let the tank run over him then killed it from 10 metres. Of course he was then gunned down by the crew as they escaped the burning tank.... but you expect that. Noba.
  11. In other words you rage-quit to avoid defeat. Not finished many games then, huh? Noba.
  12. Is it true that you have asked BF to "Dumb Down" the AI, because it keeps handing you your arse? Noba.
  13. Hah. Whilst you lead your troops with your glass jaw. Meanwhile the Faust team running after your tanks on their one and only leg, draw a bead on another Rusting Tank* Why do you insist on parking your tanks on the nobbliest bits of ground you can find? I've never seen so many belly plate penetrations in my life! And I fixed you compliment to Radley for you. You may thank me later. Noba. *Soon to be, that is.
  14. Whilst most of your "T34's" are on fire and illuminating the night time battlefield. (Did you actually figure out what tanks you really have?) I did enjoy your gamey infantry rush, but the electronic blood from your pixeltruppen ran down the hill towards my troops causing some consternation. Still, I hold two of the three VP locations and you don't. Noba.
  15. Well done little one, you are indeed feeling the wrath of my Panthers to the point where your infantry lie in place whilst the tank shells kill them and bury them at the same time. German efficiency at it's best. Noba
  16. Fail. I sent you a turn and you sent a file reply, without sending an email to go with it. Therefore I did not check Drop Box. Your incompetence is almost perfect, which obviously shows that at being incompetent you are following in OFJ's footsteps. Perfectly. Noba.
  17. Also technically true.... SP Guns of all types with holes all the way through, and through! IS2's - Ditto. Trucks - Basically twisted metal. AA Guns - crewless twisted metal. Numerous dead bodies and very large holes in the ground where his own planes bombed his troops. All in all a comprehensive result which shows the total lack of tactical ability from a member of the Bird Brain House. But then, that is to be expected I suppose. Noba. (Even Dalem plays better than him. Maybe...)
  18. Ok, so I'm a fan of The Far Side and I would think the (Sh)Avian House would more likely be the Boneless Chicken Ranch - which takes into consideration quite perfectly the current (and past) fools living there. Noba.
  19. No the complaint is that the Shavian House actually exists. Now if you were to just lose the first two letters of the name, then due to all the Bird Brains that live in the house it would be quite an appropriate name. Noba.
  20. You keep repeating yourself, like it's a winning mantra, or sumfink. I do have to give you some credit though and it may be a back-handed bit of credit at that... at least you play other humans, not like Emrys who just plays with himself. Noba
  21. Vacation? What's this thing called a 'vacation'?... Oh that's right - you have a job! That means you 'work' for someone. Meanwhile it's a lovely day here for going to the beach, so see ya all later.... Noba.
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