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Posts posted by Noba

  1. Noba...can I just say, at this point, that you look very...pretty?
    This from a bleary eyed, drunken Yank.

    Thank gawd. My standards arn't that low. The come hither look and the batting of the decrepid mascara ridden tufts of fluff you call eyelashes... wait one!

    They could be your eyebrows you know...

    Ah, go chase Stoat. He's a newly risen Knight, you know. Not broken in - yet. You could be the first. You know how you like to be "The First".


  2. You need to roll over and show me your tummy, and ask me to consider you to still be cuddly. Otherwise, I'll tell everyone about how you reacted when the Ghost Pirates showed up...
    Bah! You'll be wanting me to dress up in your second-hand ballerina outfit next. The one with the unwashed stain down the front.

    Only women have that sort of insecurity. And drunken Gnomes. Offering figments of your imagination a beer, is quite ok if it keeps you from your foetal position. On second thoughts.

    Assume the position, I want to kick you in the fork!


  3. Originally posted by Becket:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by MarkEzra:

    Hi Becket: Just tried one of Joe's early V1.01 turns. I was able to get it loaded, accept password, and deploy units. It saved without a hitch. Looks OK so far. I'll know more when Joe FINALLY gets out of the Peng Cesspool and send a turn.... ;)

    Sweet! must be someonthing on my end. </font>
  4. Originally posted by dalem:

    Woohoo! Mech cav! Another item on my "must learn more" list. I swear they're mentioned in almost every NWE battle I've read about and I know almost nothing except the paper TO&E.

    I built a CM:BO scenario around a mech cav troop, never got past playtesting.


    Well convert it to CM:AK and send it out... I for one won't stop playing the older BB and AK games..


  5. Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

    ... the Justicariate of the Peng Challenge Thread has it's eye on you.


    Gawd, now you're in trouble young stoat. Blowhard Joe has his eye on you!

    I can see you running so fast, that you end up blowing yourself so much - just like a knackered racehorse. Of course it is most likely to be a flyblown nag, but that's ok.

    I'd say you've blown your chances of becoming a celebrity. Mind you, things will just blow over in a while as Joe's failing memory kicks in. Then we will remind him that he had blown his chance to punish you...


  6. Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Nidan1:

    Notice all of these Australians coming out of the woodwork blaming ME! I have not received turns from (In Alphabetical order):

    Mace, Noba, Speedy

    Much better. If there's one thing worse than playing Boo Radley it's playing Australians.

    Sure you'll get the same turn several times but eventually that "down under" short term memory mutation will kick in and they'll forget they even know you let alone that they were playing you.

    Joe </font>

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