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Posts posted by Noba

  1. Originally posted by Boo Radley:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Noba:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Ju-das H. Priest, I don't think I've EVER seen such a verbally convoluted post...

    Your brain is GONE. Just go over any one of your fingered drivel to see how low posts can go. Lower than a Gnome's belly, for sure.

    Some one intelligent once told me to look out for SNAG's* like you. "

    "When you see one, nod wisely whilst backing away.."

    Never truer words were spoken. You are not safe to be anywhere near. Gawd help the rest of the 'mericans.


    * Stupid Non-Australian Git. </font>

  2. Ju-das H. Priest, I don't think I've EVER seen such a verbally convoluted post...
    Your brain is GONE. Just go over any one of your fingered drivel to see how low posts can go. Lower than a Gnome's belly, for sure.

    Some one intelligent once told me to look out for SNAG's* like you. "

    "When you see one, nod wisely whilst backing away.."

    Never truer words were spoken. You are not safe to be anywhere near. Gawd help the rest of the 'mericans.


    * Stupid Non-Australian Git.

  3. Originally posted by Boo Radley:

    Have all the Oddstralyuns finally staggered off to bed?

    About time.

    Ahh, himself has surfaced from his nap.

    Now listen, Boo. Instead of swapping nicities around these here parts and giving you an ex-scuse to pad your post count... (I'd give that one away, no-way are you going to catch the mad canadian).. you should send me along a setup, one such that it will showcase to the world your ineptitude on the pixel battlefield as exactly as you show us every day with your soporific posting.

    Much like your boss, Joe, really, who is another person held in high esteem, being rank even, within the league of "posts-to-skip-over".

    What say you young Clod? Shall we meet on some flat and dusty map so that the blood you spill with abandon of your pixel troops will at least lay the dust somewhat?


  4. Originally posted by Speedy:

    Noba has been very quiet since Friday.

    He has Not!

    He has been quietly crying, heartfelt sobs wracking from his pain-filled body, crying sorrowfully over those poor, injured Eagles.

    Such a great team, cut down by the agonies of horrible, horrible pain. Sob. The cream of the team cut down. Terrible.

    (And to think we now have to play Bloody <font size=-2> collingwood</font>, with a largish chance of losing).


    Hey Mace...! Any room on the Geelong Bandwagon? I'm sure if I chuck one of the monkeys off your back, there would be room...


  5. Originally posted by Stuka:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Noba:

    One of you drunken sotts owes me a setup... trouble is, I can't remember whom it is. Talk amongst yourselves whilst I try and remember.

    Better still. Both of you send a setup,

    I don't owe you jack-****e!

    You want a crack at your old Unca Stukey punk, you better cough up the setup yerself.

    Make it CMBB too as its all I have here in the desert. Nothing enormous with a dozen flags and bugger all turns to complete it in like some gamey *cough* Boo *cough* people here.

    Oh yeah, you could have tried a taunt or two you know, *sigh*, kids these days, what would Joe say? or worse what would Seanachai say? </font>

  6. Originally posted by Stuka:

    On a Monday night?

    Speedy you are naught but a dirty old rum drinker!

    One of you drunken sotts owes me a setup... trouble is, I can't remember whom it is. Talk amongst yourselves whilst I try and remember.

    Better still. Both of you send a setup, that I way I won't have to disappoint one of you. Or sumfink.*


    * Bought to youse all by the Challenge-less Pawbroon

    What else can you expect from the French?

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