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Posts posted by Noba

  1. Originally posted by Boo Radley:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Noba:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo Radley:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Mace:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Speedy:

    Yarrrrrr WooHoooooo!!!!!!!


    Yes thats right my footy team won the Grand Final so if I owe youi a turn it will likely be delayed, just got home and I am due back at the pub in about 9 hours

    <Must sleep.

    Carn the BURR BOYS!!!!!

    Back from the pub in 9? By your typing it looks like you've already been! </font>
  2. Originally posted by Boo Radley:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Mace:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Speedy:

    Yarrrrrr WooHoooooo!!!!!!!


    Yes thats right my footy team won the Grand Final so if I owe youi a turn it will likely be delayed, just got home and I am due back at the pub in about 9 hours

    <Must sleep.

    Carn the BURR BOYS!!!!!

    Back from the pub in 9? By your typing it looks like you've already been! </font>
  3. Originally posted by Michael Emrys:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Noba:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Michael Emrys:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Noba:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Michael Emrys:

    Also, four of the five times I saw Dylan performing live were also in LA.


    So, do you want a medal, or a chest to pin it on? </font>
  4. Originally posted by Michael Emrys:

    Also, four of the five times I saw Dylan performing live were also in LA.


    So, do you want a medal, or a chest to pin it on?

    I wouldn't advertise that you like Dylan, especially going to see him four or five times. Listening to him is worse than listening to Shaw's grating voice on a podcast. Oh, that and Boo's regional 'twang'. Horrible.

    Masochism has it's limits and you just made the boundary very wide indeed.


  5. Originally posted by Boo Radley:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Noba:

    Hey, Boo. If you are ever tempted to read another MD post you should have second thoughts he KNOWS you read posts by speaking the words really s l o w l y to yourself and if you didn't die from oxygen starvation after reading the first paragraph above in that insanely long-winded drivel he will take note that you are still around and make sure next time to leave out just the right amount of punctuation to ensure with complete certainty that by the time you get half way through it will be enough to kill you which in most peoples' opinion is an entirely good thing I think and I would suggest an opinion of most if not all the other people here not in the first category or sumfink.


    This is your Noba.

    This is your Noba on 6 frappachinos.

    Any questions?

    Hey, Noba! Why don't you get yourself even more wired up and go work in a hardware store as a paint mixer.

    See how I look out for you? </font>

  6. Hey, Boo. If you are ever tempted to read another MD post you should have second thoughts he KNOWS you read posts by speaking the words really s l o w l y to yourself and if you didn't die from oxygen starvation after reading the first paragraph above in that insanely long-winded drivel he will take note that you are still around and make sure next time to leave out just the right amount of punctuation to ensure with complete certainty that by the time you get half way through it will be enough to kill you which in most peoples' opinion is an entirely good thing I think and I would suggest an opinion of most if not all the other people here not in the first category or sumfink.


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