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Posts posted by Noba

  1. Originally posted by Elvis:

    Imade it through...took pausing and walking away and coming backa few times but I did it.

    The game of ping pong is not spelled peng pong.

    Anyone in the mood to discuss game file numbering?

    Game file numbering is for LOSERS. Oh, wait! I just beat you with a Total Victory, didn't I!

    Cunningly ambushed you in an Andreas "game".

    So there goes that idea...or does it?


  2. Originally posted by LoneSyrian:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

    LoneSybian ... please delete just a few of those FREAKING Z's ... I'm the beloved Justicar for Life of the Peng Challenge Thread and I hate having to scroll.


    p.s. As you have no email address in your profile ... feel free to <big>SOD OFF!</big>

    "SOD OFF" I will. Nevertheless, the Z's belong to bauhaus.

    As for the eBail, Sybia is a dictatorship, like in North Kobia, Sybians arent' allowed to maintain indeBendant eBail addresses.

    Sorry I obbended you. Bao Bao. tongue.gif </font>

  3. Originally posted by LoneSyrian:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

    LoneSybian ... please delete just a few of those FREAKING Z's ... I'm the beloved Justicar for Life of the Peng Challenge Thread and I hate having to scroll.


    p.s. As you have no email address in your profile ... feel free to <big>SOD OFF!</big>

    "SOD OFF" I will. Nevertheless, the Z's belong to bauhaus.

    As for the eBail, Sybia is a dictatorship, like in North Kobia, Sybians arent' allowed to maintain indeBendant eBail addresses.

    Sorry I obbended you. Bao Bao. tongue.gif </font>

  4. Originally posted by LoneSyrian:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

    LoneSybian ... please delete just a few of those FREAKING Z's ... I'm the beloved Justicar for Life of the Peng Challenge Thread and I hate having to scroll.


    p.s. As you have no email address in your profile ... feel free to <big>SOD OFF!</big>

    "SOD OFF" I will. Nevertheless, the Z's belong to bauhaus.

    As for the eBail, Sybia is a dictatorship, like in North Kobia, Sybians arent' allowed to maintain indeBendant eBail addresses.

    Sorry I obbended you. Bao Bao. tongue.gif </font>

  5. Originally posted by Boo Radley:

    Not that any of you complete wasters deserve to know it, today is Lady Rose's birthday.

    A very young 44.

    Happy birthday Lady Rose. May you have many more.

    Radley, you realise that posting ages of females on the innernet is taboo - especially for one's Better Half. (Although in your case that would most likely be, Better Three Quarters).

    So suicide is the only way a decent Male can redeem himself. Hop to it and report back on your success.


  6. Posted by Seanachai.

    If Australia had the 6 months of our winter, it would have separated the wheat from the chaff ages ago.
    When our glorious continent was closer to Antarctica, the locals said. "Bugger this for a lark, we're moving north. This is too much like north 'merica! Too bloody cold".

    So they got to working on the program to adjust the tectonics and the glorious continent has been making considerable progress towards the equator ever since. The climate is approaching perfect and will stay that way unless you stupid northern hemisphere louts keep spewing pollution into the air.

    And when we finally get there, paradise will be even more perfect. We'll be far enough away from North 'merica to be able to ignore you, and basically the rest of the world as well. We will have pushed asia into siberia and have the lower half of the planet all to ourselves. Well, except for sou' 'america and sou' africa. No matter.

    So quit whining about how cold it is there. Put on another layer of clothes, turn up the thermostat and shut the h*ll up!

    Emigrate... come and join us. You know you want to. Mace will sponser you. I'll even buy you a beer.


  7. Originally posted by Seanachai:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Lars:

    Two Minnesotans...

    BUT VAIT!!! Dere's MORE, you betcha!!

    You couldn't tell a joke if the fate of your prostate was riding on it.

    There's nothing worse on this planet than a Squarehead trying to tell a Squarehead joke.

    Horrible. It's like watching the Humor equivalent of a racist lynching... </font>

  8. Originally posted by OGSF:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Lars:

    So what did they do?

    Feckers. Fecking feckers. Wha' hadnae tha dun? Skippin' tha raint as par. Burning tha carpet as par. Droppin' non-****e doon tha toilet as par. Kickin' oot tha screen door as par. Playin tha feckin' music tae loud an' causin' tha other tenaints tae moove oot as par. Makin' oop stories aboot feck all as tae wah tha raint as noo paid as par. Feckers.


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