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Posts posted by Noba

  1. *Breaking News* *Breaking News* *Breaking News*

    In an exciting new development, the secret of Stuka's great successes in life, AND Combat Mission, rely on his now unmasked -


    He relies on his <font size = -3> CHARM</font>.

    Yes Folks. You heard it hear first !! Be amazed, be very amazed. Apparently he can greatly increase his "Charm Rating" almost at will... all it needs is copious amounts of alcohol (although we're not sure if he means for himself, which undoubtedly would raise his self-esteem a point or two, maybe).. Or, whether it requires copious amounts of alcohol on the part of the receive-ee of this SECRET WEAPON.


  2. Originally posted by Stuka:

    Its great in the Seychelles, warm azure seas, gleaming white sands, blue skies with some pretty white clouds, beer....the vodka I bought in duty free....the red and white wine I bought in duty free.... the Cohiba cigars I brought with me...the good lady Stuka.... yep, it's pretty damn fine... but the best thing is, non of you tossers are heer (little military joke, get it?) to spoil it for me...


    Just hang around a little bit longer... Global Warming will fix your little holiday. I hope you can breath under water.


  3. Originally posted by Boo Radley:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Noba:

    Does it not feel that we have only just started?

    No. That's why I originally said that it seemed like we'd been playing longer, Mr. Attention-span-of-a-hummingbird-on amphetamines.

    Your incompetence is shining like a beacon pointing the way to your demise.


    And your head is like a large weather balloon, filled with the collected excrements of vegetable-eating ruminants suffering from colonic disorders. </font>
  4. Originally posted by Noba:

    A priceless line in an email...from Boo.

    When asked if he wanted to try another scenario because my wandering artillery was dealing random death. (Damn stuff hasn't dropped on target once !)

    This is after 7 turns (out of 30).

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Nah, I'll hang tight until it becomes totally hopeless.

    Game should be over very soon.

    Noba. </font>

  5. Originally posted by Stuka:

    I say we keep Paul Austria (who says the 'AU' isn't Austria, like we need another goobernational) and poke it with sticks until it goes all Rimjobby and spits the dummy in Stalins Organny fashion.

    Everybody loves a good meltdown, especially when Peng is involved.

    Coventry, I say. The meltdown would be all wishy-washy... and we already have Joe covering that area.


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