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Posts posted by Noba

  1. Originally posted by Boo Radley:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Noba:

    ...I bet you wished there was sound on the internet so you could hear your posting instead of having to read each of them out loud. I feel sorry for your family, they must go through an inordi... Bloody LOTs of earplugs. No wonder you think you sound like a motor boat. Droning on, going nowhere important, slowly...


    Not even remotely true. I read my posts silently to myself because I like the echo I get inside my head.

    Sounds like Richard Burton (The actor bloke) reciting Shakespeare in a bloody cathedral, it does. </font>

  2. Originally posted by Boo Radley:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Noba:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Speedy:

    4x2 packs a bigger wallop.

    Yeah, only a Yank would get it arsed-about.

    Say, Boo. How about I hit you around the back of your grotesque head with MY piece of 4 by 2 and then repeat the process with Your piece of 2 by 4 and you tell me if you can feel the difference.


    Noba. </font>

  3. Originally posted by Michael Emrys:

    You know, Nobody, one day you are going to get so drunk you forget the way to the liquor store.


    You're going to wake up to that which you fear the most: sobriety.


    You're going to catch a glimpse of the reflection of your face in the mud puddle you slept in, and nothing will stand between you and the horror of realizing that you have spent your entire life being wrong about everything.

    Yep, I can understand that - I'm married.

    Just think of it, your entire life wasted. And then you are going to wish with every fiber of your being that you were dead. So why wait? Avoid that agonizing moment. Kill yourself now.

    If it pleases the court. Can I have Community Service instead ?



    ps. You sir, are still a coward.

    pps. You spelt fibre wrong.

  4. Originally posted by Michael Emrys:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo Radley:

    And I believe his name is spelled Jon English.

    He looks like a washed up alcoholic old has-been trying to squeeze a few more bucks out of a hapless audience by permitting himself to be publically humiliated.

    And the blond looks like a twit who is hoping that this will be the big break that leads to stardom.

    The whole display is purely disgusting. It's a wonder someone in the audience didn't do the world a favor by gunning them both down. How did they miss having Pshaw as the MC? That would have rounded out the production perfectly.

    Michael </font>

  5. Originally posted by Battlefront.com:

    Congrats to Joe Shaw for posting the 9th, and obviously best, podcast to his website. The only negative thing I can see here is that now that he has hit his apex, there is but one direction this can head now. On the plus side, this is Peng Challenge Thread stuff we're talking about, so it's not like it has far to fall before smacking into the pavement.


    There is one more peak left for Joe to climb, and that would be getting Charles on a podcast.

    Go to it, Joe !!

    (Of course if he fails in this last quest, well, we would think that's normal. We are used to Joe's failures).


  6. Originally posted by Mace:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Noba:

    Why don't you hop onto the MIGHTY WEST COAST EAGLES bandwagon before it's too late? It's ok, we take all types of recalcitrants.

    OMFG! You've left yourself so wide open there's almost no joy in responding, but since I'm a pr*ck........

    ....."That's obvious from your membership".

    PS tsk, tsk, what's this blatant use of a smiley in our own MBT? </font>

  7. Originally posted by Speedy:

    Something must be wrong with me I went to Telstra Dome today and actually barracked for Geelong.

    Well I'm glad to see you know class when you see it. :rolleyes: Mind you, it's the lowest class you're likely to see around for a long time - unless it's Carlton... Backing losers must be in your genes, or sumfink.

    Why don't you hop onto the MIGHTY WEST COAST EAGLES bandwagon before it's too late? It's ok, we take all types of recalcitrants.


  8. Originally posted by Seanachai:

    ... the death of every good person

    ... lessens me.

    Then you have nothing to fear..

    ..because your SELF must be made of very stern stuff. Even if you reduce all good people to only those good people you knew, then your inner reserves are unquenchable.

    Think back to those closest to you and how saddened you felt at their passing. Think about how you felt then.

    Life renews itself. Your life, everyones. When it stops renewing, we die. Those you knew have given you something to take forward towards your last breath. Use it, nurture it and make sure you don't waste it with maudlin thoughts.

    You ain't dead yet, you old bugger. I know your time lies a long way in the future, you're too ornery to pass away easily.


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