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Posts posted by Noba

  1. Originally posted by Seanachai:

    We're on the third day of our near-record setting heat wave, and it's supposed to be 100 tomorrow. Besides being buggeringly hot, the humidity is way up, so that the heat index (as in: it's 90 degrees, but feels like 96 sort of thing) is dancing a slow, languid tango on the prostrate, torpid bodies of all those without air-conditioning.

    Such as myself.


    I may have to strap on the Cyclone Suit.

    You are such a GIRL. Complaining about a bit of heat. Still, your body shape of short, fat and round IS the worst for retaining body heat. And to think we told you once to come out an visit us, you'd simply bitch whinge and moan all day about how hot is was, even in winter.

    Just get on with it. Winter will soon be upon you and you can complain about the cold. For a change.

    Bloody foreigners.


  2. Originally posted by stoat:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Noba:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by stoat:

    MACE!!! My binge drinking Aussie chum. Come, and speak with me, for there is much to discuss. I'll even type slowly, so that you can understand.

    "I'm sorry. Mr Mace is currently unavailable. He is...err... preparing for HIS teams loss today. Being the thoughtfull person he is, he will start his sunday imbibing early, to better forestall the sense of morbidness that comes with losing games on a sunday"

    This has been a community announcement from the centre of the paddock, just down the road from Maison Mace. Under the drunks tree.


    Noba. </font>

  3. Originally posted by stoat:

    MACE!!! My binge drinking Aussie chum. Come, and speak with me, for there is much to discuss. I'll even type slowly, so that you can understand.

    "I'm sorry. Mr Mace is currently unavailable. He is...err... preparing for HIS teams loss today. Being the thoughtfull person he is, he will start his sunday imbibing early, to better forestall the sense of morbidness that comes with losing games on a sunday"

    This has been a community announcement from the centre of the paddock, just down the road from Maison Mace. Under the drunks tree.



  4. Originally posted by Speedy:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Seanachai:

    Here, point of order! You fecking Australians: What do you lot find more hideous, a Pommie or a Kiwi? I mean, if you were pressed to it, which one would you let into the lifeboats last?

    I've been wondering about this, lately.

    We wouldn't let either in, we need the room for the Eskies. </font>
  5. Originally posted by Sir 37mm:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Noba:

    Lordie, Lordie. That was pathetic. Try and come up with a real challenge, not some half-arsed and tawdry gibe. If you can call it a gibe. We all know that Rune has made some magnificent scenarios, in a parallel universe that is.

    So come out from behind the curtains, we can see your toes sticking out. Make up a real challenge, one to pin back our ears. You never know I might send you a set up - if it's good enough.

    Actually no I don’t call that a real challenge… or indeed a challenge at all… but I’m always up for a challenge even if in this case the challenge is to be the challenger who challenges you… and so I will…


    ... challenge you that is

    ... I think

    <font size=4>You Sir Noba are a fishy man… not a living, breathing, 'well adapted to its environment' fish at one with The Sea nor even an utterly stupid fish, gasping away as it wriggles on my hook… no Sir I mean to say that you are a pickled fish! And not just any ordinary pickled fish… no Sir you are a pickled fish that has been wrapped up in the rags of Dalems undergarments & then left behind a radiator for three weeks… but worse still you are not just any ordinary pickled fish that has been wrapped up in the rags of Dalems undergarments & then left behind a radiator for three weeks… no Sir, for you are infact an Oddstralian pickled fish that has been wrapped up in the rags of Dalems undergarments & then left behind a radiator for three weeks!!

    And now you are truly in a roight pickle… how Sir, do you wriggle your way out of accepting my challenge & getting your scaly hide well & truly pickled YET AGAIN? </font> </font>

  6. Originally posted by Sir 37mm:

    Perhaps he meant sick as in…

    ... like them there oddstralian freaks who aught to have been drowned (and most likely will be if they get their hands on enough Fosters) and who couldn’t win a game of CM even if they had Rune on their side*?

    * if such a thing be possible

    Lordie, Lordie. That was pathetic. Try and come up with a real challenge, not some half-arsed and tawdry gibe. If you can call it a gibe. We all know that Rune has made some magnificent scenarios, in a parallel universe that is.

    So come out from behind the curtains, we can see your toes sticking out. Make up a real challenge, one to pin back our ears. You never know I might send you a set up - if it's good enough.


  7. Originally posted by SturmSebber:

    You are all sick! ... I LOVE IT !

    Well sick is a relative term. If it's surfing, then sick is wicked. If it's wicked, it's not always sick, but most likely naughty. But then, if it's humour, then it's crap. And I suppose if it involves women, it's likely to mean men and being bad. Of course the obvious meaning is physical, as in spew, chuck, chunder etc.

    But then you already knew all that. Didn't you? By the way, which sick do you prefer? Wait. I know. Don't tell me...


  8. In a recently completed game, my German opponent tried a new and ultimately decisive approach. We had played the game previously and he had all the problems as Germans listed above. Going straight in and having his infantry cut up and inefective.

    His answer in the replay was to load up the infantry and cut across the map from German left to right and attack the extreme left of the British defense. The Tigers had meanwhile split with one going left and the other two right of the trees. The mark 3's plastered the corner of the trees the infantry were making for with a few turns of area fire along with all the German artillery. This fire had surprisingly little effect on the British infantry and even the 25pdr spotter survived, (only to die before getting rounds onto the vulnerable infantry due to the over running mark 3's). The Tigers slipped past the trees on the right making for the far end to interdict the British reinforcing tanks... a lone 2pdr gun not able to stop them.

    The main infantry force unloaded in the gully and advanced behind the now approaching mark 3's. These broke into the trees and 4 abreast, swung left in line to roll up the defenders. Now the mark 3's have cannister... the British infantry either died or surrendered en-mass to this horrendous assault. The follow up German infantry didn't have it all their own way, but the tanks cleared out most of the defenders all the way across to the other end of the trees! My British defense had been modified to defend futher back into the trees in platoon groups (with 2pdrs in depth as well on the tree fringes) and as the German tanks passed them they tried to interrupt the follow up infantry. Big losses on both sides was the result.

    Meanwhile the left flank Tiger had been destroyed by 2 pdr cross-fire and the small German infantry force held up by a British platoon that had left the depression, and moved forward to a slight rise in the brush. The two Tigers on the German right had failed to stop 3 lees getting into the trees because of smoke and one set off into the trees only to be destroyed by British infantry. 4 Lees had moved to try and ambush the Tigers from behing the small tree area, one died quickly after attempting a "shoot and scoot".

    The mark 3's continued on, losing numbers to the Lees but two survived 2pdr hits and took the main flag with a remainders of just 2 squads that had followed.

    The last Tiger started to REVERSE all the way across the back side of the trees to join up on the main flag, also destoying 2 Lees whilst in motion...!! It then headed towards the central flag but the game ended before it got there. The fighting in the trees between the two sides infantry was "to the death". Not many troops survived. The British held two flags with crews and company HQ's in one case, and remnants of platoons in another.

    The following stats sum up the battle.

    Axis troops ok - 142

    Allied troops ok - 131

    Casualties - Axis - 278

    Casualties - Allies - 416

    KIA - Axis - 84

    KIA - Allies - 136

    Captured - Axis - 12

    Captured - Allies - 107

    Axis 58% - Allies 42% Minor Axis win.

    I have the files if anyone is interesting in seeing the end positions...

    All in all, a brilliant answer to the tactical problem set.


  9. Originally posted by Boo Radley:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Noba:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by stoat:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Noba:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo Radley:

    And with some of the idjits in here, it could be a regular Bonfire of the Inanities.

    Joe will be along soon with the petrol.

    Noba. </font>

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