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Everything posted by Lars

  1. A fart joke? Really? I mean, you could have gone with halitosis, but nooooo....
  2. Three years for lying about a $77 ticket? Gee, we had a President who got off. Oops, sorry about the pun.
  3. Finally broke the old home machine! Yea!! Only problem is, what's the point of buying a new one when the ice goes out in a couple of weeks? Computers are for winter.
  4. I have a hunch we're really not that interesting.
  5. Yep, your karma is that bad. The wife has one of those out in the garden. Cat likes to piss on it.
  6. Er, think this guy would be jumping up and down for joy about it. Can't even understand why they went and asked his opinion. New plant has already been built, btw, and they are pumping the stuff out. Maybe we should just tell the John Ainsles of the world to go get stuffed so we don't have to pay to rebuild it a third time.
  7. You've been monitoring it, eh? Hell, I can go drive down the road and look at it. Wife used to work there, matter of fact, along with quite a few other people I know. They're rather big in this town. Moved the corporate headquarters due to the state's screwed up tax policies though. Can't blame them for that.
  8. Well, He did figure out a way to make them an extra $2 billion in revenue last year. Probably why that performance bonus kicked in, eh? Heck, if he were to keep making me that kind of money, I'd get him the private jet too.
  9. Oddly entertaining. Nice find.
  10. I can just see Tennessee and Kentucky in the EU...
  11. Seems a clever design for a more variable cam. Fundamental breakthrough? Quite a bit of hyperbole there, eh?
  12. heh, the world's first Robot Stalker. btw, Twisted people, those Japanese. Just what you need, a robot humping your leg...
  13. I did tell you. I even showed you the bottle. The Pinot Noir champagne? Ring a bell? Granted, you had bigger problems at the time I showed it to you. Next time. Next time we really kill Papa Kahn, and then drink champagne. Oh yes, next time...
  14. What???? You want me to buy it with my own money? Peasant. Oh, wait a minute, the stimulus check was my own money... Let me go out and come in again.
  15. Guess somebody stole his bicycle and he had nothing else to do...
  16. As much as it pains me to put these words to print, I must admit Shaw is right. The ol beige box doesn't do CMSF. I await Win 7, and a stimulus check, before I upgrade.
  17. Why does this guy have a traffic sign stuck in his chest?
  18. Here, let me put your mind at rest. You forgot to drink the bottle of rum, the bottle of vodka, the bottle of tequila and the bottle of port. You did do a hell of a job on the wine (four bottles) but forgot the champagne in the frig. There, you need wonder no more. And yes, it'll all be gone before you can come back over.
  19. 100 to 0? Geez, I thought the computer AI took over at 99 and made that last guy run for his life. Good work, Nidan, you have foiled Battlefront's best efforts again.
  20. No pink triangle either. Bunch of homophobes over at eBay.
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