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Everything posted by Lars

  1. Cool, then it's -42F. Heh, cool, get it? Sorry, my sense of humor gelled up along with the oil in my transmission. On a brighter note, they were pounding in nails with a banana on the news again last night, which is always worth a laugh.
  2. Didn't you hear the Justicar? Wind chill numbers don't count. According to Intellicast, your -8F low is going to be our high for the day.
  3. You lucky downtown heat island bastages, it's -26F out here in the sticks.
  4. Well, that didn't take long. Supposed to get colder tomorrow. Probably -25F to -30F here on the outskirts of town. Always doing our best for you, Joe.
  5. Ok, but you have to promise not to sing. I'd try to ban the underwear dance, but we both know that's hopeless.
  6. When you have to leave the dang door open to push the truck in.
  7. Did you hear the one about changing the dead battery at -19F? Good thing I have a garage, as the wind chill is -34F. Wee bit parky out today. Still, I hate it when the socket wrenches stick to your fingers.
  8. Btw, Emrys, if you're going to pretend to be a engine grog, Get your numbers right. The A model is the one with the R-1300, which had a single row of cylinders and only put out 800hp.
  9. Let's see, I can take your word for it, or the guy's who was a Navy flight instructor in them. Hmm...
  10. Oh, you say the sexiest things. A little light reading for you, to keep the buzz going. http://www.airbum.com/pireps/PirepT-28C.html
  11. Umm, the T-28 was the replacement aircraft for the P-51. Basically a P-47 engine slapped onto a set of P-51 wings. Back in the day, would beat a jet to 5,000 ft. Oh, almost forgot. Dolt.
  12. Looks like an A model? Or did they just take the hard points off of a D? Next time, tell her you want the one with the big engine, and a hook on the tail. T-28C. Bit rare, but still, we must have standard here. Otherwise, great gift.
  13. They're not saying you're only going to live 22 years. They're saying they are going to have to pay out more than they'll take in in premiums in those 22 years. So light up a smoke, have a drink, and don't get depressed about it.
  14. Actually, I use Svedka in my Bloody Mary's. No point going top shelf in a mixed drink, but it's certainly not off the bottom one either. Btw, try Uncle Dougie's Torpedo Juice, if you can find it, and throw in a Vlasic Zesty Pickle. Good for what ails you in the morning.
  15. Well, I really don't think Rajini & Satish Narayan are typical Aussie names. Which just goes to show there's too many Aussies, I guess.
  16. Actual plane here. http://museum.eaa.org/collection/aircraft/Bugatti%20Model%20100%20Racer.asp From a barn in Paris...to a barn in Wisconsin.
  17. Had a good weekend, caught my first shoplifter. Your typical baggy pant big jacket wearing wigger. Came in, went to the back, then walked right out 30 seconds later without buying anything. I mean, come on, who leaves a liquor store without buying anything? A quick review of the security camera showed it clear as day, even Boo would have been able to see him slip the bottle into his sleeve. Even the cop was amazed at how clear a picture we got. But here's the best part. Kamchatka Vodka – $6.99 a liter. Dear Lord, Jesus wept. All that lovely booze on the shelves and the lad steals from the bottom one….
  18. Grew up in Corpus Christi. Oh, and diesel, they made you take it again in high school. And most colleges. US history took a decided second place to Texas history.
  19. Learned about de Vaca back when I was forced to take Texas history in sixth grade. Nice link. I'll have to sit and give it a read.
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