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Everything posted by Lars

  1. Another bleating Antipod goes down as an embarrassment to the rest of the free world {again}. Axis – 63 Allies – 24 Axis Major Victory You were so close to the sheep pen, AussieJeff. {snigger} Maybe next time you can do something about that virginity thing. {snigger}
  2. Nice job, CMplayer. Made it all the way to the seventh post before starting the potty jokes. The next SSN to walk in will be blamed entirely on you.
  3. Moon, Having been involved in writing several books, numerous catalogs, and piles of technical docs, I thought the manual was very good. Told me what I really needed to know to get started, thick enough not to get lost among the junk on my desk, and far better than the pamphlet most companies send out with their games. Indexes are always a pain, as no matter what you really want to find, it never seems to be in the index. Or listed where you think it should be. Or listed as what you think it should be. This ain't easy to do, folks, especially on a deadline, and if you think it is, give it a try. Perhaps some of what people are looking for here could be included as txt documents on the disk but I would just suggest putting it on a webpage for easy updating. However, do not put the manual on the CD. That bugs the hell out of me.
  4. Anybody want to buy a Bassboat? The marina lost the starter motor. Pillocks. At least they didn't lose the powerhead. Fortunately, I've just bought another boat. That makes four. I've got to stop doing this or I'll be playing naval simulations soon. This one's a square stern canoe with motor. Now I can drink Aussie beer close to water. Game Updates: Agua Perdido: Still thinking about Rees-am-Rhein. Tap, tap, tap... MrSpkr: As he sits in his rent controlled apartment complex in the middle of wide open fields, MrSpkr wonders why I decided to run instead of stroll nonchalantly across the aforementioned fields. And did he mention that his German architects had a thing for stone walls immediately around apartments? Noooo. Iskander: Is getting a extra helping of 'splody things in various forms. Send a turn when things settle down. OGSF: Haven't looked at his latest setup, but I'm sure it's full of more squirrels. Have I mentioned I like shooting squirrels? After our last match I'm sure his wee little spaniel is giving him that disgusted look that hunting dogs do when you miss. CMplayer: We have really speeded things up this time around. A massive infantry rush by both sides to see who could get to the Flags first. Fortunately, my tank shells run faster than his Airborne squads. The pummeling of his "Infantry?" markers also continues. Noba: I'm still hiding in the woods, he's still wondering what to do about it. Hint: shooting mortar crews that are out of ammo and not on the VL's will not help. AussieJeff: It's getting close. He charged, I shot back. He still might have enough left to overrun my position. Magic Eight Ball says "Outlook Uncertain". Had to beg the idjit not to send a ceasefire. Buck up and grow a spine, laddie. Don't take your example from all the units I've captured. Hanns: Needs to quit working 80 hours a week and send a turn. Or somfink. Sock Monkey: Send a turn. I'm almost into the town and I want to finish you off. Simon: Is really starting to wonder what Shaw was thinking when he came up with "Jabos!". Quick, somebody challenge him to a game of "Crodaburg" If I have forgotten anyone, you know what to do.
  5. Looks like dalem will be playing as the French.
  6. I had your problem (actually carpal tunnel, but it still hurts to move your arm). Tablets are the only way to go. I use a old Calcomp 12 x 12 with a 16 button wireless puck. I vastly prefer absolute tracking to relative. You don't have to move your arm as much. As Schrullenhaft said, you can toggle back and forth if you want. Plus, 16 programmable buttons instead of the two on a mouse. Plus, you can still use the mouse too, if you want (however, I haven't moved the thing in months). Plus, programmable tablet menus. The drawback is they are very expensive. Try here. http://www.pbsolutions.com/products.htm A good CAD style workstation helps too.
  7. Used to go hunting with the guy who owned the Pearl brewery. Great fun. Not too many guys used a Mercedes Benz as their beater hunting vehicle in the Nueces scrub. {Edited to point out that this is totally off topic, must have been the thought of all that free beer in the trunk. Mmm, free beer..} [ April 09, 2002, 03:40 PM: Message edited by: Lars ]
  8. Bet you can't lick a flagpole in January. I double dare you.
  9. Actually, we had the good taste to go to a authentic English pub where they brew their own and serve it at the correct temp. </font>
  10. In other news, just a brief note to let you all know of OGSF’s complete and utter topplement in "The Royal Regiment". By the numbers: Allies – 21 Axis – 77 Axis Major Victory. OGSF complained that his Brit armor vs one lonely Hetzer was, oh, how did he put it? Oh yes, ”something like shooting squirrels as they run along a fence” 31 vehicles knocked out. I likes shooting squirrels. Defending against the Assault is so hard these days.
  11. Actually, we had the good taste to go to a authentic English pub where they brew their own and serve it at the correct temp. Way better than Aussie beer, I'm sure. So there.
  12. This is usually the case all to often, I find these days, sadly. I find myself more often than not, turning stuff off, and trying not to get overwhelmed with info. Your playing style is obviously different.
  13. Thanks for the beers, Seanachai, we'll have to do it again soon. I'll even let you buy again. I take it Hanns never managed to get loose from Mistress Jean's bindings and show up after I left?
  14. Maybe I've misunderstood you (it is Monday, after all). If you are running a half squad around trying to generate a lot of markers, And I have markers turned off, What have you accomplished here? Am I missing something? Or lets say your half squad is popping up every 15 seconds in a tree line to generate the markers, and I have the markers set to never expire. It's not going to take me too long to connect the dots on the time stamps. All you've done here is created screen clutter (as you noted) and probably tipped your hand. But it is an interesting idea, I just wonder how useful it really would be. Couldn't hurt to try it.
  15. What about sound contacts? Your idea would work best if both players agreed to use the same settings, though.
  16. But CMplayer, if I have my computer set to not show the markers (or have them disappear) , how well will your idea of having one unit generate multiple deceptive decoy markers work? {Although I like the idea of you wasting all that time plotting fancy maneuvers.}
  17. I show all turns sent. If I owe anybody a turn, please let me know. I will send it out tonight. Right after I figure out how to stick Seanachai with the dinner check.
  18. It's Utites. Or for the very initiated, Utes. To be accurate, it's Uteless (come on, that was funny). And for the morosely insipid, Utahians. Got it? Good.</font>
  19. What CM really needs is a preview mode that would show the best move instead of the one I plotted.
  20. I would show your dad all the cool mods on the aformentioned website that you could be downloading if he would just buy you the full version. You (and he) won't regret it. Downloading mods can turn into a full time career. There's plenty more out there. Start with the Mad-Dog mod pacs and branch out from there. [ April 03, 2002, 05:26 PM: Message edited by: Lars ]
  21. Dang flood control. [ April 03, 2002, 11:36 AM: Message edited by: Lars ]
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