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Everything posted by Lars

  1. A lot of manufacturing is coming back home due to high shipping cost. And China is really killing themselves with all the bad products they've been putting out lately. No point in importing cheap toys if they're tainted with lead.
  2. Actually, fairly self sufficient. Depends on what you mean by it. If you must have a color tv, vcr, and a ipod to live, well, things are going to suck. If you prefer good stuff to eat on your table, no sweat.
  3. He needs to know if you have an agreement with somebody else. In short, does he have to split the commission. The listing agent is not necessarily the same as the guy showing the house. In fact, rarely is it ever. Hey, the guy did take his time to show you the house, he does deserve something. You were cutting him out. You found the place how? Drove by and saw the sign? (pay the agent) Looked it up on a real estate site? (pay the agent) Or did you knock on the door and ask the guy out of the blue if he was interested in selling? (pay the homeowner). Look, this is how these guys earn a living. They do a lot of advertising and leg work for you. As in telling the homeowner he's smoking crack if he thinks he's going to get that price. Get a good agent working for you and the process can go very nicely. He will find the homes you didn't even know were out there. btw, Zillow is almost worthless, they are consistantly over the real value. When you find the right place next time, make an offer with earnest money, and make it contingent on an independent appraisal and an independant home inspection. Both very important, and if they don't come in right, you just walk away from the deal.
  4. Basically correct, but China doesn't have $1 trillion in cash, they have $1 trillion in US T-bills and other instruments. They can't dump it, as they'd be shooting themselves in the foot. As for the big change to petro-EU, go look at what's happening. The EU is cratering quicker than the US.
  5. Didn't say they did. But guess who they hire for advice?
  6. Given that these are the same people who came up with "structured investment vehicles", I'm sure they'll think of something.
  7. Doesn't matter. Go back and read it again. What it allows is bad foreign debt (of whatever origin) to be transferred to a US bank, and then sold to the Fed.
  8. And that's why it's important to keep them flying.
  9. Well, we've moved on from Bail Out Wall Street to... Bail Out The World! And he ain't kidding, either. It's in there.
  10. This one is worth watching. Painfully funny
  11. I think the more important question is, why are both his hands on your shoulders?
  12. Well, of course they made it up. When nobody knows what the dang things are worth in the first place, what else could they do?
  13. Because both sides felt it was being crammed down their throats, without any time to propose alternative plans. http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601087&sid=aGUdAgJdBQL0&refer=home And here's his plan. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/09/26/AR2008092602200_pf.html
  14. And even when they fail, you can still get the data recovered.
  15. I've used tape drives and as noted, slow. Very slow. CD's in all their flavors,become another management hassle. Just get another hard drive, in whatever flavor you wish, and backup to that. Shouldn't run you more than $50.
  16. It's not for me to explain your mistake, just to make a bumpersticker with the above and send you to Compton.
  17. Here, we'll skip the editorials, and go to the history books. Note date on New York Times news item. It's nine years old. http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9C0DE7DB153EF933A0575AC0A96F958260&sec=&spon=&pagewanted=1 You might want to look up Franklin D. Raines in the wiki. It's rather interesting reading... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Franklin_Raines
  18. I see somebody left their computer on and wandered off to make a drink while a short one was about. Happy B-day, and come over again. We'll move on from brownies and try this awesome cake recipe I just got. psst, I'm going to need $200 for the ingredients...
  19. LOL. Oh, and I suppose you think Oz is in better shape?
  20. Think I saw a girl do that trick once in Tiajuana. Or was it Puerto Plata? Eh, whatever. Emrys must have the same taste in bars, and obviously has been practicing for tryouts. Hey Emrys, it's only pays $5 a day, plus tips. You might want to consider another field.
  21. Because they were originally set up by the government. There was an implied guarantee. And as you can see, a real one. Yep. That's what capitalists do. As Congress well knew. Congress let them off the hook. In exchange, they made loans to Congress's favorites. You did read that part, didn't you? How is he negligent if he knows he can turn around and sell it to Fannie Mae? The banker is even more negligent if he doesn't take the closing cost revenue and return it to his stockholders. I'll let Obama off the hook. He hasn't been around long enough to have had a conversion to anything. Empty suit there. But Dodd's fingerprints are all over this. He's been a crook since way back. Or did you miss the Arthur Anderson accounting scandal too? Would you like a few more financial papers to argue with?
  22. "Hey Hon, can you pump out a few more quarts? We need to pay the cable bill."
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