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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Lars

  1. I don't know, I think the Brits these days might have cheered that.
  2. We all bought shares in the Bellagio while you were gone. Otherwise, not much. SSN Hint Of The Day: Sneer at people who try hard. Now sod off.
  3. It's only because you guys never do anything anymore. Blow something up, get back in the papers.
  4. Ah, the flu is a lovely thing. I wish I could e-mail it to all of you. SSN Hint Of The Day: Bark orders. Now sod off.
  5. Elvis doesn't number files because he can't count higher than ten without dropping his pants or taking off his shoes. Numbering turn files is good. Steve</font>
  6. Hah! I made sure I always met them somewhere else. And went by boat. Didn't want to leave a trail they could follow... Game Updates: Agua Perdido: Send a turn. Dalem: What do you know, massed firepower works. He is being crushed like a hippie's last roach. OGSF: Send the last file and let's bury this turkey. Oh, and I want to brag about my superior skills in making airplanes miss. Aussie Jeff: We have now come to grips in the dark. I didn't know Romanians had such big hands. I blame rune for this. Gaylord: I see him. He doesn't see me. Just the way I like it. Seanachai: I think I'll buy him a beer or two. Just small ones. As soon as he sends a turn. Goanna: Send a turn. Lt. Hortlund: My Squire is in the factory and going ape-sh*t on the occupants. His brilliantly timed flanking maneuver failed though. Seems once Italians start running they don't stop. Mike: I am building up a T-26 army of invincible proportions. You'll get yours bub. Papa Kahn: Is down to his last big Kitty-Kat. It seems he wants to keep it as long as possible as he hasn't sent a turn lately. Leeo: Send a turn so I can practice my l33t stug killing skilz. Speedy: Gamey basteche thinks its fun to use IS-2's on P-IV's at 80 meters in the dark. MrSpkr: I have sent off a Armored Car Battle. I took the Russians so I can check up on the Squire. If I have forgotten anyone, too bad, deal with it. SSN Hint Of The Day: Ignore “No Smoking” signs. Now sod off.
  7. Hey Capt. In the future just post to this thread instead of starting multiple ones. Somebody will be along to help you out shortly. Also, you did read the FAQ, didn't you? This one and the CMBO FAQ have most of what you're looking for.
  8. You only really need to save the last two turn files in case something gets corrupted. Unless you want to watch them all later.
  9. Why, thank you. It would have been light tanks if there was a way to keep you lot from taking the stray KV-1.
  10. Let’s not be hasty. After all, he IS just a serf. Maybe he will wake up and realize the gamey possibilites inherent in the ampoulmet. Or whatever that white cigarettey thing is supposed to be. Then again, we could just sic AussieJeff on him.
  11. No sooner do I post the FAQ than this idjit uses a smilie. Sheesh... Hortlund!!! Get in here and take out the trash.
  12. It's just a hobby. Anybody have a link to the original "Peng, I Take Our Challenge Public" thread? Lindan's panzershark site is down. And where did Lorak's site go?
  13. It never was personal, BS-131. It was in the spirit of the MBT. Pissboy is pool slang for a serf. I was one myself. Oh, those were the days. Following the drunken sots called Kniggets around and trying to keep them from missing and hitting my shoes... But I digress. At one time we had a Scribe to keep things straight. Where did Lorak bugger off too? Playing games with elves in tights again? Please read the Peng FAQ and come back when your sense of humor has returned. Hortlund, you too. It'll be good for you to learn the lore. That goes double for the rest of you SSNs.
  14. Your preferences are of no concern. To anybody here. I imagine you'll be getting nothing but Russian setups from all the Cesspoolers in the future. So sod off now.
  15. Again, very good Hortlund. You are coming along well in your lessons. Remember, the actual outcome of the game counts for naught. What really matters is degrading your opponent in the MBT. All the world can now see what kind of pathetic creature this BS-131 is. If they wish to play a pissboy who will ONLY be the Germans, well, they get what they deserve. A opponent who only plays to win, not for the joy of it. This one will never be a Knigget. We shall throw him back to the depths of the Outerboards and slap a "Ignore" sign on his buttocks until he reconsiders. I doubt he has a good taunt in his shriveled soul with such an attitude. Sadly, it does not count as a victory in your Quest. The Justicar would have a fit. Although it does speak well of you to have squashed BS-131. It's how we keep the Pool from overflowing. Now go find another victim.
  16. This time it will be something where you can't hide in the shadows like a roach again. I will be the boot with a flashlight attached. It will be on its way after the cocktail hour.
  17. Hortlund is on a Quest and his hands are bound to the Axis Minors. You'll take what you get and like it. Or Sod Off. {trying to master the cabbage-eater side of the game, what a idjit, like we care, sheesh..}
  18. You think I read Boo's blabbering either? If you are a serf you should at least know to bold my name. Have a ***BOOT*** to remind you, pissboy. Our fine Sherman tanks were designed with the Brits in mind. It was to help them to brew up a cup. And to get even for the War of 1812.
  19. Aah, this one learns fast... Well done, Squire Hortlund. The irony of forcing a Finn to play as the Russians is perfect. I was waiting to see if you had the talent to pick up on it. No need to bold Jussi's name. That is reserved for the members of the Pool. Just pour derision upon his head and bring back the ears. Plenty of other SSN's around here for you to take care of. Should take all of two days for this Quest to fill out. How about the Austrian chap? Let him see what it's like to drive a fine Russian Armored Car instead of all that shoddy stuff his nation produced during the war. No wonder they lost. SSN Hint Of The Day: Don’t take “no” for an answer. Now sod off.
  20. Strange, for a moment there the Outerboard's dreams came true and we didn't exist. But back to tormenting them. No need to wait for Shaw, Seanachai. He is out town. Besides, he'd just say no anyway. Nothing so mundane as that, me lad. Now kneel... Squire Hortlund, You shall have A Quest. A Quest to make an Example in these Dark Times. A Very Gamey Quest indeed. Your Sacred Task Hortlund, is to engage the other Miscellaneous Squires and SSN's of your choice to Five (5) Setups. The Setups shall be of the 1000 pt. ME variety. All Points by both sides may only be spent in the Vehicle Category. You Shall be Any Axis Minor of your choice except Finns. The FINNS are RIGHT OUT!!! The Maps shall be lit by the Glorious Day, Moderately Hilly and with a Shrubbery, placed just lower than the other Shrubbery's for a nice tiered effect. Rural or Town, it matters not. The Rest of the Settings shall be Random Date, Random Zones but no Snow, Mud or Rain or other nasty weather. It wets the nest. In Short, you shall have No Excuse For Failure. Other than the usual lot (sun in your eyes, dog ate it, incompetence, etc.). When You have Completed this, the Quest for the Anointed Armored Car, then You Too shall be raised to the House Shavian. Now Rise, Squire Hortlund, Go Forth, and Do That Voodoo, That You Do, So Well!!! And bring back some Heads. Or come back on your Shield (preferred). Or Somfink. P.S. - muck out the Justicar's stables while he's gone, post no more pics, and take care of that pillock Nidan1, will ya?
  21. Season's over. This time of year, bring bait. Oh, and you might want to bring your ice skates too, the lakes are perfect for it this year.
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