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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Lars

  1. Didn't fit the German or Soviet doctrine of the time. You don't really need strategic bombers if you're planning to overrun the country.
  2. Just finished Blood Red Snow by Günter K. Koschorrek. Very good read.
  3. Far too modern for the Mutha Beautiful Dig into antiquity... Official Pet Rock of the Peng Challenge Thread</font>
  4. Hmm, time to organize the posse... Should be no shortage of recruits to catch the Outlaw Justicar and his sidekick, the Fluffette. Between the two of them there should be enough built–up hatred to muster a army. In fact, I should probably screen applicants to keep the posse from growing into a horde.... ALL RIGHT! LISTEN UP!! LINE FORMS TO THE RIGHT!!! Please state qualifications to join the Insane Kanigget Posse. Previous experience not necessarily required but any training in extra-judicial lynching would be nice. Outrageous French Accent a plus. Pay of 1 shilling a day plus eats supplied by the Crown. A BONUS of being the one to pull the lever and give PanzerLeader a Rope Necktie will be awarded to the Brave Kaniggit who brings in the incredibly dangerous OutLaw Justicar!!! There that ought to do it.... Now, to keep the trail from going cold I should hire a Bounty Hunter and set him on Shaw while the Insane Kanigget Posse forms up. Hmm, needs to be able to think with stunning clarity like Shaw, have dogged determination, and most importantly, work cheap. Oh Gaylord? Get over here, I have a proposition for you... SSN Hint Of The Day: Follow the letter of the law, not the spirit. Now sod off.
  5. Well, if the king decrees... Happy Hour is off lads. You know who to blame.
  6. You pick the ex-Justicar's Court Bailiff to deputize? You best rethink or even Meeks will reconsider your appointment. Nay, I'm afraid you're on your own here. If you can't even organize a proper lynching you don't deserve the title. Your challenge will be answered when time permits. Meanwhile, I'm going to sit here, run my Tavern, and rake in the loot selling tipples to the tosspots hereabout. Today's Special – Two for One Happy Hour, Free Hamster on a Stick Appetizers
  7. This is the third game I've bought from Battlefront. No worries.
  8. I always wanted my own bar. I'll save a hiding spot in the backroom of the Ale House for you Shaw. A Ronin always needs a hideout, eh?
  9. Sod that for a lark then. The die is cast, the Rubicon crossed. THE JUSTICAR IS DEAD! LONG LIVE THE KING! Time to setup shop for meself, I think...
  10. My Liege, My Liege, I beg you to reconsider. Take the title, it is a worthy one and will provide many opportunities to undermine, err support, yeah that's it, support the Apostate King Meeks and lead him to the paths of righteousness. Think Papal Infallibility, think The Inquisition, think Cardinal Richelieu.... Not to mention the Nunneries. SSN Hint Of The Day: Brag a lot. Now sod off.
  11. I'm with you Lord Dread Protector!!! He, Meeks, has sinned openly, so he should be tried, sentenced and executed in the face of the world, and not secretly made away by poisonings and other private deaths (although that would be ok with me). He was trusted with a limited power to govern by and according to the laws of the land, and for the good and benefit of the Cesspool. Meeks, J'accuse , of a wicked design to establish an unlimited and tyrannical power to rule according to his will. Regicide! I call for Regicide! Or at least a trial.
  12. Oh it's twue, it's twue. I have a spot on the dance card open after being cheated by OGSF. At your pleasure, Charles I. Your head will suffice.
  13. You hijacked my thread for this, Seanachai? You were right, the Cesspool couldn't organize a proper piss-up in a distillery. Still, I'll sit back and enjoy the pomp and circumstance. Question. After Meeks is King, how long till the revolt and beheading? I would nominate Yecknodathon. Then you would have King Stork and King Log nicely wrapped up. No no no, Hortlund, this just won't do. Only games against Cesspoolers count. If you're going to be in the Shavian House, believe me you have to follow the rules. The Justicar is always watching you know. I would feed you the BOOT for this but for the gamey brilliance of using captured Russian Ba-10's against Nidan. Bet he never saw that one coming. Try Snarker for a game, he's annoying. SSN Hint Of The Day: Assume everybody agrees with you, but keep trying to convince them. Now sod off.
  14. Advance one tank till he has to fire. And have about four on overwatch to blow him away when he does.
  15. Advance one tank till he has to fire. And have about four on overwatch to blow him away when he does.
  16. Now that that almost meeksian apostasy is taken care of just a little note to point out that OGSF IS THE BIGGEST, LOW-DOWN, TWO TIMING, FOUR FLUSHING, GAMEST BASTACHE THIS SIDE OF THE ROCKIES!!!! A DRAW!!! A STINKIN DRAW!!!!! I had squads, and tanks, and guns, and even tanks with guns that worked. He had TWO, count them, TWO (2) men left effective and they were only that way because I never found where they were cowering. And PLANES. Oh, lets not forget the planes. He had swarms of them. They were everywhere. But they’re not here now and shouldn’t count against the score! THEY FLEW AWAY DAMMIT!!!! BTS, FIX OR DO SOMFINK!!!!
  17. THE RULES: S) Go away. O) Go even further away. D) {***sigh***} If you’re still reading this, you still have a chance to go away. Try again. But if you insist, PAY ATTENTION!, or we will send you to the gulag. O) This is the Peng Challenge. Challenge someone SPECIFIC, just make sure it’s not Peng. Try a newbie SSN such as yourself, not a Knigget or an Olde One. If you don’t know what a SSN, Knigget, or Olde One is, go away, do a search or sumfink, and then insult somebody. F) The key word being CHALLENGE, sound off like you have inherited a pair from someone other than your pet hamster. If you can’t manage this, go away. F) Do not sound off about your pair. Try to act like you have a modicum of wit, style and panache OR Half of a Brain. If you won’t keep this thought in your Half of a Brain, we will boot it to the other Half, and then, sadly, have you liquidated. !) If you have any questions at all, post absolutely NOTHING! We will get back to you shortly. And go away (are you starting to see a trend here?).
  18. And since you're not a Knigget its even more annoying. Ignore the serf, go here. [ January 16, 2003, 09:24 PM: Message edited by: Lars ]
  19. Tell them Civ3 is a piece of cake in comparison. Then challenge their manhood.
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