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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Lars

  1. Update From The Front: Just in from the latest dispatches! The brave Finns, led by our own Bard of the MBT (and it will always be there), have been repelled by a band of untutored, illiterate peasants dressed in browns sitting in the hunting shacks of Vipurii swilling vodka and laughing at the feeble attempts of the Finn's commander to flog them forward. Pay attention lads, if you want to be a Great Captain, don't start by putting your own troops to sleep with Skaldic poetry readings. Save that for afters. The score: Seanachai: 8 Lars: 92 The uberGnome has suffered a TOTAL DEFEAT!!! again... tsk tsk, he didn't even make it to the minefields and my reserves never had to leave the barracks. I didn't even get to shoot off the AT gun. BTS, fix or do somfink. SSN Hint Of The Day: Ask for a rush job except when there is a charge. Now sod off.
  2. You don't vote for King There's supposed to be some farcical aquatic ceremony with a watery tart throwing a sword at him. I hope the moistened bint hits Meeks with the scimitar this time. Preferably in the head. {edited just in case she misses} [ March 07, 2003, 11:36 AM: Message edited by: Lars ]
  3. Dear Lady, I would love to fulfil your request, but sadly, the Dread Lord Protector of the MBT has forbidden it (thanks Shaw). However, Milady, do not give up hope. I do believe there is a loophole allowing you to take him to Squire and keep him as your very own poolboy forever. If that fails, I recommend using your feminine wiles on Berli to take him. I sure he couldn't stand up to you for long... [ March 07, 2003, 09:41 AM: Message edited by: Lars ]
  4. Jealousy will get you nowhere, Foul Joe. I have powers beyond your imagination. Steve </font>
  5. Cast out the Pet Rock of the MBT? Surely you jest. How about just a temporary ban until he finally figures out how to SEND A TURN!!! Comes to the same thing I guess...
  6. Yeah, we guard the line for you. You should be more grateful. And don't you forget it.
  7. Ahh, your father had good taste in shotguns. With a 26" barrel the trigger is so much easier to reach. At least he didn't follow the herd and buy another bleedin 12 gauge. Dang idjits who like to carry a extra 2 pounds through the woods all day is why you can't find any shells for it. Of course, in your neighborhood, you probably could have scrounged up something in the back alley. SSN Hint Of The Day: Nurture conspiracy theories. Now sod off.
  8. He's been bouncing all over the Forum today. I think he forgot to take his Ritalin...
  9. You're in the California wine industry. They'd hang you for a spy.
  10. You know, Persephone, I've actually done that. I blame this godforsaken climate, one of my cousins for helping me drag the boat out there, and, of course, strong liquor. P.S. – Thanks for making sure I had the bigger perch. SSN Hint Of The Day: Tell people they are in your will even if they aren’t. Now sod off.
  11. Well, maybe half would and half wouldn't. Wouldn't take individual modeling of the men, just a random trigger whether they would split or not. It also would make the hares scamper in more directions so they wouldn't all commit suicide in one spot. Also, a split squad might get away while the half that froze took the brunt
  12. I like your idea of having them split, that's a good one. Would make putting the buggers back into fighting shape even harder. I don't think we can justify adding more intelligence though.
  13. I prefer Ross Perot, he makes that giant sucking sound. Besides, Pat has big thumbs.
  14. Because they just ain't thinking clearly. They could have took off in any old direction. Run the test about 100 more times and see if you spot a pattern. If you do spot a pattern, that might qualify as a bug.
  15. It didn't come with a save game function, did it? Have at you then, princess.
  16. Because they're panicked? [ March 04, 2003, 12:17 PM: Message edited by: Lars ]
  17. That's it. I will not be called a redneck. I throw my empty beer cans in the ditch, not the middle of the road, which makes me a good old boy. I demand satisfaction, so send a setup and we shall settle this like gentlemen on the field of battle. Or at least I will since I'm not the one wearing a big girl's blouse trying to be the daughter your mother never had and playing this game.
  18. Nope, read this over a couple of times and it still doesn't make sense. But then again, it's Lars after all. All the inbreeding those dour Scandinavian type people must do during the long winter months has culminated in something like Lars. </font>
  19. For the geographically impaired, the Cheeseheads are one state to the right. </font>
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