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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Lars

  1. Kobold2, {you do realize that name just makes you a second-rate German miner imp? Sheesh, even they got it right on the first stab...} your worst nightmare is about to be realized as soon as Shaw figures out how TRP’s work. Look for the setup about, oh, say September if he’s true to form. So until then, sharpen your pickaxe and practice breathing in a flooded mineshaft. I’m coming to fill in the hole boyo.
  2. Oh dear, the Gnome's hallucinating again. Go to bed Seanachai, Fiefdom's not up yet. {unless you have their home address, of course...}
  3. Parabellum, I believe this is your cue to add another notch in your belt. A French/German rematch should be entertaining to the Pool after all. Please post the entertaining bits as the cheese-eating surrender monkey gets ground beneath your treads.
  4. You're both welcome to go out on the boat this weekend. If you bring the really long graphite fishing rods I'll toss you the keys.
  5. Not really. I'm pretty sure we traced the problem to the Aussies.
  6. It's hell when the needle skips, eh? It's hell when the needle skips, eh? It's hell when the needle skips, eh? It's hell when the needle skips, eh?
  7. I hate toggle buttons if they just flip from, say, the "10" strength to a "10" supply to a "10" readiness. I always forget to turn the damn things off and run around with the wrong info. Bad, bad idea. Now if that supply state pops up in addition to the "10" strength, then sure, I'd go with the toggle. That way I could leave both numbers up if I like the clutter and you can have the clean look.
  8. Yep, those are already adequate. Perhaps a little red/yellow/green light for supply state would be nice. And my pet peeve, a indicator of experience on the HQ unit. Of course, I could just edit out "Rommel" and make him "#8".
  9. So now we have pictures of two losers standing in front the loser's box?
  10. You all suck. My life is great. I drink. In other news, all turns up and out.
  11. Nobody is going to believe that. If you had worn the Grossdeutschland uniform while playing, you might have had a chance of pulling that particular (or peculiar) deception off.
  12. AAAAaaaaannnnd I'm Back!!!! Orlando was the little snot-nosed urchin-infested hell-hole that it's justly famous for. 90F and abundant sunshine every day makes for a very yellow hotel swimming pool come four o'clock. At which time the breeders of these mewling brats can no longer stand being herded in human cattle lines on boiling concrete for the dubious pleasure of hearing "It's A Small World After All" in a leaky rowboat on rails. Or stand their horrid off-spring any longer. So they'd bring them all back to the hotel and ruin my day. After a week of this, I gave in and called Boggs. He graciously offered to buy lunch so we drove on down. Went to a nice little place on the shores of the local alligator refuge and had good meal of oysters on the half-shell and stuffed shrimp. With beer. Then it was back to Casa Boggs to sit by his pool. Which didn't have any kids in it but was still yellow for some reason... And listen to him play guitar and sing. Strangely, this part wasn't mentioned on the phone. At all. I've never heard "It's A Small World After All" played so poorly, but at least I saved $100 in theme park tickets (pic taken of this for Persephone). Must be a Florida thing. Consider taking lessons in your next life or going to Six Flags instead, OK Sparky? This situation obviously called for more beer. Btw, did you guys know that Herr Boggs works at a brewery? THAT DOESN'T MAKE BEER?!?!?!? Hah, you're outted now Boggs!!! Richly deserved scorn shall be heaped upon your head for making sody-pop and health drinks instead of the ambrosia of the gods. Sheesh, get a real job... Luckily, there was a twelve pack of ambrosia in his frig, which Shary and I polished off while making approving noises as guitar strings twanged and squealed. Or maybe that was just Boggs twanging and squealing. Who knows, it was hot and I was drinking fast at this point. Fortunately, Boggs had to run off to a graduation party soon, and the beer was running out anyway, so it was time to depart. Seriously, it was fun Boggs. A pleasure to meet you and you'll have to come up to Minnesota so I can return the hospitality. We'll take you out on the lake and do the bar crawl with the rest of the Pool denizens. Currently, it's cold enough out to see your breath so I know you'd enjoy it. Bring a swimsuit, mwuhahahaha....
  13. Just checked the weather for Lake of the Woods. If we all get together and do a little praying, it just might snow on the Gnome's fishing opener. Meanwhile, Orlando is forecasting upper 80's next week, heh, heh....
  14. I think you could do it if you provided a new terrain type linked to the harsh weather. Movement and supply was very difficult in the Arctic, which was why there wasn't much fighting there. Realistically, we'd only be talking a Corps on either side here anyway so I'm not sure its really worth it. But I would like to have the space further north at sea to model those Murmansk convoys.
  15. Oh no, don't go trying to pawn your responsibilities off on me!!! You wanted the funny hat and Joe's old smelly shoes, so he's your problem.
  16. Well, this is your first chance to come up with something novel and shine in the post, isn't it? Don't just stand there mining booger nuggets, take some action, Justicarette!!! {And when I say Justicarette, I'm thinking of something like the Chevette, only smaller and crappier}
  17. I think Grand Admiral Erich Raeder is the one who's name would be on it, Roosevelt.
  18. It's an idea but I think it would just muck up the game system. The only two countries who would ever build one would be the Germans and the Brits. The Brits should probably get one at the start anyway and if I were the Germans I think I'd just go for more subs. The bonus's you put forward aren't really great enough to make me bother with building one. Long Range air would give me the spotting anyway and be more useful in other ways. Really, I think you're Naval HQ idea could be more neatly folded in to an Intel Tech. The intelligence battle went back and forth in the Atlantic, with the Germans breaking the Brits convoy code repeatedly and the Brits breaking the German Ultra repeatedly. So if you could just rig Intel Tech to affect naval spotting to a greater extent than other unit's spotting, depending on who's on top, you've gotten most of what you want. And besides, you just know the flyboys will be wanting their own HQ next. Dang map will be overrun with them at this rate.
  19. Why on earth would I launch a southern invasion of France to get out of Italy's mountains just to turn east and head right back into them?
  20. Given the choice between getting promoted to Uber-Pixel-Sturmbannführer and full battle video playback, I'm going with the video.
  21. I agree. Why would anyone want a bovine camera? Er, except maybe porn for Yecknod?
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