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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Lars

  1. {Best Berli imitation on} No sh*t {Best Berli imitation off}
  2. Oh, for a moment I thought it might be urology and therefore something exciting... *snort* </font>
  3. There may be a bit of delay in getting turns out. That cunning bastiche Papa Kahn just sold me a new house. So not only do I have to tear down and re-setup the home computer system, which means I'll probably lose our game, I'll be paying him commission for the privilege of doing so. This has to go down as some kind of Peng Challenge Fu…
  4. You sure it's not Simek's? Like the meat shop? As in, "Yes dear, I'll go down to Simek's and get two"?
  5. You do realize that if you get hit by a bus tomorrow, you can't just nip down to the bank and make a withdrawal, don't you?
  6. In SC, invading North Africa would have been foolish. But in real life, you'd do it for the same reasons the Allies did. Need to open a second front to take the pressures off the Soviets, but not ready yet to invade France. Also nice bonus of putting pressure on the junior partner, Italy. So put those existing divisions to work instead of waiting for the D-Day build-up to be complete. Gonna be fun to put a Strategic Bomber down there after you clear out Libya.
  7. Ah, excellent news! Any chance he's going to come back at ya with Operation Torch?
  8. That was the old wife. The new one is a little more accommodating.
  9. Seems to me maybe Britain should start the game with a sub. I just don't want the lower half of the map to never even really enter the game like it did in SC1.
  10. From the reports I've gotten about Saturday, Lars may still have been too hungover to get out of bed (4 days later...)</font>
  11. Lars, As you likely know from your own readings, the Med convoy war was quite different than the "Battle of the Atlantic." Not so much submarines attacking convoys and troop transports, as it was... naval bombers and small patrol craft and destroyers and the like. Though, surely, the GErmans DID send some U-boots to the Med later in the war.</font>
  12. Thanks for the screenshot! Looks great. Nice to see that German/Sweden run. The only niggle is there's still no Convoy route in the Med for the Italian run to North Africa or the Brit run to Malta and the rest of the Med. These still to be added?
  13. Are the convoy routes shaded a different color? With so many of them it would be nice this time if they were shown instead of having to go on a hunt for the sweet spots.
  14. Oooh, now me so horny. C’mere G.I…me have new use for carrot…
  15. He dint say how he was sacrificing them... could mean something other than killin em, right? </font>
  16. Better would be if some of those minors switched sides, as they did historically. But I don’t want the game to just end with an autosurrender. Sometimes I want to deliver a proper crushing, so make it a popup option.
  17. Hmm, explains why he’s getting on the airplane and coming here then…
  18. Could the US have won all by itself? Yes. It just would have taken longer and I think you’d have to reconsider what “victory” means. Even if Germany had defeated Russia and Britain, the industrial arms race they were engaged in against the US was hopeless. Just because you have captured all those resources doesn’t mean you have the manpower to put them to productive use. Since we don’t have a Japanese theater, maybe a (very large) increase of US MPP after, say, 1946 to reflect a Japanese defeat and letting the clock keep running might be a interesting variant. As for Italy, if Germany goes down, there should be a popup to ask if you’ll accept their surrender, because the writing is on the wall.
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