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Everything posted by Airborne

  1. Get well soon, fella. Jump on that Zantac. Chris ------------------ Land Soft--Kill Quiet
  2. Congrats and expect to be assimilated soon. ------------------ Land Soft--Kill Quiet
  3. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Offwhite: Isn't that "other one" commonly supposed to be Wellington?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Yes, the fellow that lost his leg was Lord Uxbridge (commanded the allied cavalry corp--the cannon ball just missed Wellington's horse Copenhagen. Uxbridge supposedly said, "By God, I've lost my leg." Wellington's reply was "Have you, by God?" Then seeing that he had indeed, he held him until help arrived. -----Chris ------------------ Land Soft--Kill Quiet
  4. A Probe is an operation where you are attempting to find out about enemy dispostions--looking for weaks spots, etc. Hope this helps a bit.. -------Chris ------------------ Land Soft--Kill Quiet
  5. GB101st I would definately recommend that you install the graphic and mod packs. I've also downloaded the winter cammo packs--very nice looking. Chris ------------------ Land Soft--Kill Quiet
  6. Trooper, I think you are right-sorry. I checked some armor books I have and it does look like the T34 series did not have a drive sprocket--although the pictures aren't very clear. ------------------ Land Soft--Kill Quiet
  7. Another good book to check out is Steel Inferno (I think). Its about the SS in Normandy. Sorry, don't remember the author. ------Chris ------------------ Land Soft--Kill Quiet
  8. Just played it today as the US. You should probably post these types of messages to the scenario section. Anyway, the jerries had a tactical victory. I lost 17 vehicles but destroyed 2 Panthers and a Stug. Also killed many soldiers (don't remember all the stats). I took out the last Panther by sending a squad (down to 4 men left) to the rear of the tank while it was busy engaging my crews (I had a whole army of crews). They tossed a grenade and caused the Panther crew to bail. Also had many vehicles bog down and get immobilized. -------Chris ------------------ Land Soft--Kill Quiet
  9. I have it too. Pretty good but somewhat dry. Lucas definately shies away from the negative/atrocities of the SS. ------------------ Land Soft--Kill Quiet
  10. I agree that plt/co leaders should be able to call in fire. Speaking from modern terms, even squad leaders (of which I was one) are able to call it in. Doesn't mean you'll get it--the cannon cockers have priorities. This is a "game" however, and one of the best handling of arty that I've seen. Tac Ops is very good also. Most of all--have fun! -----Chris ------------------ Land Soft--Kill Quiet
  11. "You sure about the sprocket wheel at the back? A T-34 doesn't have a sprocket wheel, it uses rollers in the drivewheel which engage the track guides." Positive. I'm staring at a 1/35th scale model of a Tiger I I made. The main drive sprockets are in the front. In the back are the small bogie wheels. In the movie, the drive sprocket is in the back--as in a T-34. -------Chris ------------------ Land Soft--Kill Quiet
  12. Welcome also, 82nd Abn (81-85)--I'm sure you had more excitement with the Screaming Eagles!! I don't think you'll be disappointed at all with this product. Did you buy that 101st based game at Normandy? I didn't and read some pretty bad reviews of it. -----Chris Schall------ ------------------ Land Soft--Kill Quiet
  13. When I first saw "Ryan" I was (of course) blown away by everything. THen I noticed that the 'Tigers' had the drive sprockets at the rear--not in front as on an actual Mk VI. Still it was awesome. ----Chris ------------------ Land Soft--Kill Quiet
  14. I know that the American "jabos" were flying within days of the German 44 winter offensive--Bulge-- but only in small groups. They harassed Kamfgruppe Pieper and would certainly fly in cloudy conditions hoping to spot something in breaks. -----Chris ------------------ Land Soft--Kill Quiet
  15. My first game was Luftwaffe by Avalon Hill. That hooked me in the mid 70's and I've since tallyed up over 100 boardgames. Mostly AH and SPI--love those monster games that never got played. One of my favorites is Highway to the Reich (Market-Garden) by SPI. One of the few giants that I actually got to play against an opponent. Just a year ago, I bought the venerable B-17 and London's Burning--mainly to play solitare when I'm on the road. Even though they were seldom played much, there was just something about pushing the counters around and investigating every inch of the maps in classics like Wacht am Rhein and Atlantic Wall---both giant SPI games. I still occasionally get some board games out for just that purpose--the computer has made actually playing them obsolete. One summer, before I went in the Army, had an awesome time playing the mammoth War in Europe (45 sq feet of maps) with my brother and cousin. I could go on forever.....you've brought up some great memories with this topic. Chris ------------------ Land Soft--Kill Quiet
  16. Very good :username. Where can I buy one? Fortunately, I work out of my house. If I don't get called out to work---I'm killin' things!!! -------Chris ------------------ Land Soft--Kill Quiet
  17. This great game is unplayable--here's why. I simply can't find enough time to spend on it. I've got a 2.5 year old and a 2 week old. Plus, I keep finding myself jumping online to check out this message board--afraid I might miss something. I've had the game over a week now and have only finished 1 scenario. Ahhhhhhhhhgh!!!!! -------Chris ------------------ Land Soft--Kill Quiet
  18. The early version (Stuart) used by the Brits in North Africa was one of my favorites. This light tank, used as a main battle tank, really put it to the Italians. Still great as a recon vehicle in NW Europe. I would love to see this great game set in North Africa in 1942 around the Gazala Battles. One of my favorite tactical boardgames (remember them!) was Tobruk by AH. It would be great to create some of the scenarios from that game. ----------Chris ------------------ Land Soft--Kill Quiet
  19. I'd have to agree with many that the Panther V was (arguably) the best tank in the world until the early fifties. That is, after they worked the early bugs out. ---------Chris ------------------ Land Soft--Kill Quiet
  20. Don't know if this has already been mentioned--there are too many postings. In the modern military the grid square on maps is all important for navigation and adjusting artillery fire. I suspect there was something like it in WWII--but not sure. I probably won't use it in this game but I don't see a problem with it. Chris ------------------ Land Soft--Kill Quiet
  21. The fact that vehicles tend to 'merge' with one another or run through other vehicles or grunts is one of the few glitches in this otherwise excellent game. ----Chris ------------------ Land Soft--Kill Quiet
  22. The TC must have been 'chillin out' and had one or both legs dangling outside the hatch. Chris ------------------ Land Soft--Kill Quiet
  23. "Hey guys, nice screenshot - but i must ask. what is that exactly under the tree on the near left of the picture, it looks like a PICNIC HAMPER!! Really! Please someone take a look and tell me i am wrong!!!" Looks to me like it's a primed satchel charge--get the hell out of there!! Chris ------------------ Land Soft--Kill Quiet
  24. Why make another Pearl film? It's been done enough already and, like the previous posts, with hollywood involved, it'll probably suck. I am looking forward to the Lord of the Rings--with guarded optimism. I don't remember many female elf characters--I thought the hobbit might be riding with Eowyn of the Rohirrim. Chris ------------------ Land Soft--Kill Quiet
  25. That's what this game is all about. I was playing a scenario where I had 3 panthers fairly close together along a road. A sherman came tear-assing around the corner and ran full speed in an attempt to get past me (and take an objective I guess). He was moving so fast my panthers couldn't engage but fortunately, a pioneer squad in support tossed a satchel charge at him as he careened on past. THe funny part was he didn't immediately stop. He coasted about 5 tank lengths an came to rest on a small hill. In disbelief, I had to replay that one a couple of times. ------------------ Land Soft--Kill Quiet
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