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Everything posted by Airborne

  1. Was in London a couple of years ago--great city!! I went to the Imperial War Museum and , yes, they do have many books in the gift shop. I would recommend checking out the museum if you have the time. Missed out on seeing the RAF museum--bummer.... Have fun----Chris ------------------ Land Soft--Kill Quiet
  2. Just thought I'd throw my 2 cents in. I was an anti-tank section leader (2 squads) in a AT company (Airborne) with the 82nd. I spent the last 4 weeks of Fort Bennings infantry school learning the TOW missle system -Tube Launched, Optically tracked, Wire-command link guided missle system). In my 4 years with the 82nd, I spent approximately 1/2 of my time doing strictly infantry/grunt work. We --the 11Hs -- as well as the 11Cs (mortars) were infantry first. take it easy all---enjoy the game--Chris ------------------ Land Soft--Kill Quiet
  3. Just rented this movie (RAN}. Was very disappointed. I recently finished Taiko by Yoshikawa (also wrote Musashi). Taiko was very good. Am reading Shogun now.
  4. Just got my copy of CM today. Marriage and parental responsibilities are heading for the toilet!! ------------------ Land Soft--Kill Quiet
  5. I'm no programmer/mod-maker... "I just drives'em baby, I dunno what makes'em work" (name that character!), but how difficult would it be to add such squad types to CM as an expansion/mod?
  6. "And don't get me into a discussion about DVD. I don't watch movies very much and I just don't think the perceived differences in picture quality between VHS and DVD is worth the extra bucks." Steve, Give DVD its due. My wife bought me one and I almost immediately ordered Das Boat. You have many more options with DVD. There are directors cuts, added scenes and also segments on the "making of". This movie is also able to be played in German with subtitles or dubbed. There is also an option to play the entire movie with the director and some cast members discussing it. Finally, there is an index to quickly jump to a particular scene. I think DVD is well worth it-- Chris
  7. In the Valley demo (still waiting for the game), I forced the German Panther crew to abandon ship by shelling with 105mm. I did not have any direct hits but some mighty close ones.
  8. Done. Just ordered the game. The demo hooked me. Remember grunts: you're up, you're seen, you're dead. (the 3 second rush)
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