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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Priest

  1. I would just like to calmy say good for them for releasing their product and hip hip for us so that we can play this wonderful piece of technology. Enought of that now... HELLLL YEAH!!!!!! WOOOT! WOOOT!!!!!!!!!!! (hits head on ceiling) OW! HELLLL YEAH WOOT WOOOOT!!!!!!!
  2. Scipio you are becoming a bore, be quiet. We get it, someone shoved a stick up your arse when you just happen to be reading Moon's post. Too bad, get over it. Because I live in California I payed more for my car, I pay more for the license each year (a ridiculous amount) and it has less horsepower and more weight because of the smog restrictions. But I get the joy of living in California, which is a great place to live. So you live in Western Europe, so that means that you do not get the words Waffen SS. Whoopee, who the hell cares, you still get to play the game. Welcome to reality, life is not fair. Man you would think you would have learned that from somewhere by now. One more time because obviously you are having a slow day... Want... Steve wants to drive a T34 to work every day Reality As stated in previous threads, it would cost him his marriage. Now go poor yourself that cup of shut the hell up Steve offered and relax a bit, CMBB is just around the corner! PS: BFC lock this one up please, a request from a member. [ July 11, 2002, 12:15 AM: Message edited by: Priest ]
  3. Right XPAV = Idiot Check! One more down, many more to go.
  4. My thoughts as a newbie were "THIS FRIGGEN ROCKS!" Welcome!
  5. Halfdane The product is done and it is finished with regards to CMBO. They did fix the problem, it is called CMBB. I am sure Charles and Steve did not hope they were going to have to re-write the TCP/IP code for CMBB, but then this bug appeared. They decided that it could not easily be fixed in CMBO (if at all!) and so decided to amend their plans for CMBB to include the fix for this so it does not plague CMBB. Hence they have once again listened to us and provided, the fact that it is not a perfect solution is very likely not their fault but that of reality as it may not be feasible or even possible to do the massive changes that the fix may require in a patch. The workarounds work, and I play massive amounts of CMBO over TCP/IP and rarely does this ever get in the way and never have a had a game become unrecoverable.
  6. Hubert, BFC, BTS I stand by you all. My 25 dollars is ready when you are Hubert, hell my 50 dollars is ready when you are. I put my money behind those who have earned my respect and who deserve it. Just say when my friends.
  7. Jason is correct that example was quite a long time ago, but it was one of plenty of examples. What made "on the tip of my tongue" was that it was one of my first successes with them. Anywho I do not play many QB games so Jason you point theories are completely out the window for me (not for others, not that they are invalid, just have no importance to me). I just played a very interesting scenario where a company of Vet+ German PZGrens with a understrength Company of Tigers attacked my position which was defended by 4 platoons of engineers, a Cromwell (75mm) and 4-5 Churchill VIIIs. Do not worry no spoiler possible here it was a hrmmpph custom scenario. I won. The Churchills outpreformed the Tigers in the city which was expected. (what was not expected was that one Church would bag four Tigers but hey what the heck!) What was interesting is that the FT teams I received did quite well. I only lost one team all the others survived with full members and all but the dead team expended all of their ammo and all of the teams caused casualties, two lit buildings on fire. This is an example of a great rip roaring time with FTs but I have had a decent amount of others with similiar results, not quite as good but similiar. I think it comes down for me at least to a couple of things. 1.) I play very long games (60 turns+) which decreases the slow speed of a walking FT. 2.) I play very big games which increases the chance I have transport for the FT and increases the amount of targets I can ambush or attack with the FT. Many smaller games I have played the FT either never got to the battle or never had anything come near it to shoot at it.
  8. Ugh I am getting tired of writing these words... Hi Mom...again...for like the millionth time...
  9. Lets see do I trust BFC? Yep. So do I mind the fact they are being secretive? Nope. Do I know at least three or more testers? Yep. Have I asked one question about CMBB to them? Nope. When it is done it is done. And I am sure BFC has a reason and that is good enough for me. Hey and Dorosh you go play GI Combat and make sure you concentrate on their forums for a bit, we will hold the fort down here I am sure. See you in lets say, what, a year...
  10. Of course better units are preferable. Personally I think green units can be effective, you just have to be patient, careful, and make sure CnC is maintained. Are they as good as vets or even regs? Of course not that is why they are green!
  11. Hi Kitty, do not know? Nice to hear from you though!
  12. Or the ever famous Jerry MacGuire line... "You had me at Pershing..."
  13. Marry me! No wait that is sick, uhm get a sex change and then Marry me! Yeah that is the ticket!
  14. Here is one for ya... This is very similiar to someone calling a field medic a doctor. I mean they do practice a level of medicine and the soldiers did call them "doc" right? Does that make them doctors? Probably not. Just like calling someone a sniper does not mean that they are. They may be sniping, just like a field medic practices medicine but is not a doctor, the same goes for being a sniper.
  15. Do the Germans have better HQs in SC when the attack Russia? If so then there is your radio and doctrine advantage. Yes the soviet tanks are superior but if the HQ bonuses are worse (to begin with) due to the experience in the west well that is damn fine abstraction by Hubert!
  16. Really Ron (make mental note!) Also the 6 pdr was put on the last version of the Crusader IIRC. Basically British gun development went something like this. 2pdr 6pdr 75mm dual purpose (there own design that fire American ammo) (IIRC) 17lber Only the 75mm was designed initially with a HE round. I do not know if the 2pdr ever got one but the 6 pdr and 17lber did. The original cruiser tanks and early infantry tanks all had 2lber guns. Cruiser Mks Coventer Early Churchills Early and mid Crusaders Matildas Valentines As mentioned before the Valentine and Churchs were upgraded and I think the initial prototypes for the Cromwell had the 6 pdr also. Eventually all of the tanks mentioned above (Valentine, Church, and Crom) all got the 75mm gun. The 17lb was tried in the Cromwell, (the Challenger) but really was not successful until integrated into the Comet, which really was almost a entirely new chassis. The Churchill was tried and became the Black Prince, it too was not successful. Really the Firefly on the Sherman chassis utilized that gun for the British army in the ETO, well and the archer of course. And was the Archer based on the Valentine chassis??? Damn need to be home with my books!
  17. (hands out like a zombie) MUST HAVE MODS...MUST HAVE MODS...
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