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Kanonier Reichmann

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Everything posted by Kanonier Reichmann

  1. Just on that point "Deutschejunge", it will be very interesting to see if the Allies are able to win on a roughly 50% basis with this latest round of the Tournament 2000 Rugged Defence board where it's an all infantry Meeting Engagement at 1,000 points each. What I found in chosing the forces for each side was the much greater flexibility of the Germans which should (in my view) prove decisive. ie If you go with the Poms you're forced to accept the mighty Piat and 2 inch mortar and if you chose the Yanks on a company basis you simply don't get enough infantry squads due to the 3 accompanying Bazooka teams and the ultra slow 50 calibre. The bottom line on infantry is that the German side, in my view, has a slight edge due to their much greater flexibility with their vast array of choices when compared with the Allies, who have to accept more generic choices which don't necessarily ideally fulfill the specific scenario parameters. Regards Jim R.
  2. In terms of sacrifice, devoting the entire economy to fighting a war and over such a long period of time... a resounding YES! Oh, and in answer to a query about whether there was any other Pommy general who could have done a better job than Monty... anyone ever heard of Wavell? BTW, also hopeful of being the last poster to this thread before the "Lockman" cometh. Regards Jim R.
  3. One thing that has always puzzled me is why the Germans invaded Crete and not Malta. Surely Malta was of far more importance than Crete with it location perfectly straddling the Axis supply lines to North Africa. After the horrendous losses the German Fallschirmjager corps took which pretty much wiped them out as an effective airborne force from that day on, what the hell did the Gewrmans do with Crete? Soak up the sun? Because with its location too far removed from the main Axis supply lines that seems to be all it was good for... convalesence of the troops (in between fighting the local populace of course). Anybody else know of the major reasons for the operation and the thinking behind what to do with Crete once it was captured? Regards Jim R.
  4. One thing I learned from the movie was what a piss poor actor Maximillian Schell is. BLEAH! Regards Jim R.
  5. Hey... nothing weird about that! Imagine if you will that the Priest commander requested permission from his superior to hunt down that nasty German platoon command group he has spotted. The superior replies "sure, knock yerself out". Unfortunately the commander of the Priest took him literally! Regards Jim R.
  6. Good response. I'm glad I didn't upset too many of our friends across the Tasman but from what I've read about the NZ army in its current guise, my facecious remark may not have been too far off the mark. Stay happy... Jim R.
  7. Hang on... doesn't the New Zealand TOE consist of a bad tempered boy scout accompanied by a viscious looking dachshund? Sorry guys, couldn't resist. Regards Jim R.
  8. For me its gotta be the JSU-152. It even sounds mean when you say it! Imagine having the firepower of a Hummel encased in armour similar in stopping power to a Jagdpanther. Plus it just looks so "downright mean", as they say in the movies. Can't wait! Regards Jim R.
  9. Personally, I'd prefer them to remain unemployed. Regards Jim R.
  10. Gawd... don't get me started on Volvo's. One thing the game can DEFINITELY do without is a bunch of bloody Volvo drivers tooling around the battlefield honking their horns & driving as if they own the battlefield in a bloody Sherman (make that a Jumbo) so everyone has to get out of their way... including the enemy. Please anything but that! I'd go mad. Regards Jim R.
  11. It's gotta be the Hotchkiss H39 tankette. Looks crappy, sounds crappy, crew's crappy... SURPRISE, SURPRISE... is crappy! Regards Jim R.
  12. You're not getting withdrawal symptons now that you're not playing my son anymore are you Jarmo? Regards Jim R.
  13. Ahhhhh... the dreaded "thingie", not to be confused with the dastardly "whojakapivvie", the veritable "whatsamacallit" and the inscrutible "thingemebob". Did they use those in artillery shells? Regards Jim R
  14. Yes, thanks for the correction Andreas. My apologies Germanboy, I should give credit where credit's due! Regards Jim R.
  15. OK, thanks for the info. on Gunslinger. I obviously read too much into his sudden disappearance. Rergards Jim R.
  16. OK Andreas, interesting test results. I'll concede the point based on your testing and the fact you COULD be bothered to go to the trouble. I'm far too lazy for such an excercise so my frustrating experience with the 20 mm Flak gun must simply be down to bad luck or poor positioning or both. Regards Jim R.
  17. No, I'll tell you what's worse than conscripts... it's the Home Guard. Look forward to using them in CM 3 "The Early Years" in hypothetical scenarios where the Germans have invaded England. Regards Jim R.
  18. I have always wondered why Gunslinger disappeared off the face of the earth (ie this bulletin board) after having put so much time in doing mods for every single freakin' bmp file in the game. His mods were widely acclaimed at the time for his toned down more realistic look and yet soon after releasing this "opus" he disappears! Does anyone know what the hell happened to him or why he vanished? Personal dispute? Banned by BTS? The loss of an artist with his talent from the Combat Mission community I have always felt to be a terible shame. Regards Jim R.
  19. Nope, flamethrower only mounted in the bow. I remember seeing a post from Charles or Steve confirming that with a Crocodile, the message "Bow MG blocked" actually means the flamethrower can't fire at the intended target due to being hull down. His explanation for this was that in the rush to get the game released they didn't have time to change this fairly minor discrepancy. Regards Jim R.
  20. Hey, don't get me wrong... I still think the entity known as rexford posts some really good stuff on AFV's and the way Combat Mission handles them differently compared with his data. I'm certainly not in the :Username: camp of wishing to denigrate his/their contributions if I'm interpreting "Users" posting correctly. Just like to poke a bit of fun to lighten things up occasionally. Regards Jim R. Regards Jim R.
  21. Jeez Simon, give the guy (or collective) a break! He/Them have just been trying to impress the headmaster (BTS) with his knowledge and various sources... even if some of them may be a bit dubious. In my view he's/they're well on the way to becoming head prefect of the Grognard School of Combat Mission (motto: "Pro Grognard et Patria"). Regards Jim R.
  22. For a fair comparison Vanir you should either chose the single barell 20 mm weapon or place 4 x M2 MG's at the same range & see how much they chew up that infantry. I'm betting the 50 cal's will be much more effective but as I said, I'm not spewing over it or anything by any means. Regards Jim R.
  23. In fairness to Daniel- Vanir, I believe he is referring to the fact that infantry ON THE MOVE and especially across the line of fire of the 20 mm cannon (both single & quad configuration) rarely suffer casualties from the weapon as it's treated as a cannon by the game & the shells almost invariably land behind the moving unit doing little to no damage. This is in contrast to an M2 MG of course which gets the benefit of spraying its shots thereby inflicting greater casualties on infantry moving ACROSS its firing line and the game not having to calculate where each shell lands. In my humble opinion it certainly detracts from the general usefulness of the 20 mm cannon, especially against infantry, but it's hardly a game breaker. Regards Jim R.
  24. Judging by the wording of the title, you're getting a response similar to the school-teacher in "Ferris Bueller's Day Off". e.g. "The first president of the United States is? ... anyone, anyone... "Gee" ... anyone, anyone... "George"... anyone, anyone ..." etc. etc. etc . Regards Jim R.
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