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Kanonier Reichmann

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Everything posted by Kanonier Reichmann

  1. I was fortunate Frunze. My Panzerschrecks were able to account for 3 of the 5 Cromwells which left my one remaining Stug to only have to deal with the remaining two. As for the minefields, that's exactly where I placed them. It proved to be a good spot didn't it. Regards Jim R.
  2. A bit of both I'd suggest there, a bit of both. Mind you, I'm surprised Wolfe didn't make use of the lovely buildings in the vicinity as cover. Perhaps he'll join in the thread to discuss his reasons for having those guys in the open (albeit in foxholes). Regards Jim R. Regards Jim R.
  3. Jeez, I was wondering why the T28 had a cellar door hatch. Was this tank intended for areas where there was a high incidence of twisters? Regards Jim R.
  4. They're missing....along with car 54. Regards Jim R.
  5. Errrmm...KABOOM! I'm guessing... just on the wrong side of the map, that's all. Regards Jim R.
  6. In what suburb do u live? And what was your order number?</font>
  7. Hi H. Good to see you're around. I'm surprised you consider TRP's for the Polish to be a great deal of use. I didn't know the Poles had them but even with them, I don't see how they'd be terribly useful for a defending force using mainly buildings as cover. ...SNIP... Couldn't agree more. Thankfully for me I was able to get my re-inforcements on relatively unmolested, otherwise they may well have suffered the same fate as your opponents. From my point of view I thought critical issues with that scenario were initial placement of the 3 mine tiles the defender had as well as where the Panzerschrecks were emplaced. In my game as the Germans my 2 anti-personnel mines were very effective in stalling the initial Polish infantry attack which bought time for my re-inforcements to appear in one piece. As for the Panzerschrecks, my two teams were able to destroy 3 of the 5 Cromwells which took the pressure right off the 2 re-inforcing Stugs- not that one of my 2 lasted at all long once in the vicinity of it's allocated ambush position. Funnily enough, the 75mm A.T. gun in my game did bugger all, hardly firing a shot the whole game until right at the end when there were some infantry targets to take pot shots at as I knew by then that it wouldn't be needed for anti-tank duty. I'm sure your game was quite different however. As for splitting the German squads, I found I didn't need to as they held up pretty well against the enemy infantry by ensuring they weren't too close to the front walls of buildings that would be prime targets for H.E. shelling by tanks. My overall impression of the scenario was that it quite decidedly favoured the Germans. I guess that shows it must be reasonably balanced then. Regards Jim R.
  8. Yeah, but you've got the final beta version...good enough in my book. Regards Jim R.
  9. All I can say Stix is that it bloody better! I'm dying here. Regards Jim R.
  10. Bugger! Stuffed up! Nothing to see here. [ September 26, 2002, 08:48 AM: Message edited by: Kanonier Reichmann ]
  11. JEEESUS H. CHRIST! Now the Pentagon knows of this secret Bocage weapon those damn sneaky Russkies have, we're suffering from a goddamn Bocage Gap!. Quick! Start a new secret weapons program to develop our own Bocage and close this yawning Bocage Gap. TOP PRIORITY!!! / / / / / P.S. Think Stanley Kubrick Regards Jim R. [ September 26, 2002, 08:44 AM: Message edited by: Kanonier Reichmann ]
  12. You simply plot the fire and usually (depending on the nationality and quality of the spotter), a spotting round arrives roughly 30 seconds before the FFE hits. Unfortunately, this can all happen in the one 60 second turn so you can loose a few rounds before deciding whether the spot you targetted is really the area to hit. Regards Jim R.
  13. Hi Mike. Just to let you know that my final game with Tabpub has finally been completed and that is it for me...finally! I'll be sending the 4 AAR's I owe you asap to finish off the commitment. Would you mind emailing me the various results for each game completed to date? The email address in my profile is till the correct one. Oh, and one more thing. Please put me down for the next mini-campaign involving the 3 new B&T scenario's. It sounds like fun. And I promise to complete them in a more timely manner, all things being equal. Regards Jim R.
  14. As a matter of interest. Are you running Windows XP, ME, 2000 or 98? I'm curious because I'm hoping I wont have the same problem as you seeing as I run Windows XP but I've heard there may be problems becasue of that particular operating system. Regards Jim R.
  15. Looks like that settles it then B.R. By the way... who the F#CK is James Squires? Sounds like some sort of poncy, aristocratic type and certainly not the type of name I'd be associating with "the working mans drink". Regards Jim R.
  16. Thanks for the heads up. I've certainly heard of Evil Dead & Evil Dead 2 but never bothered to watch either of them on video. Is this Campbell guy the director or lead actor of the films you mentioned? Regards Jim R.
  17. Excuse my ignorance. Who in the hell is Bruce Campbell? Any relation to Glenn? Regards Jim R.
  18. Yes, speaking of education, how does one spell look again? Or as you insinuated Stixx, perhaps NZ has their own dictionary to allow for the way they say the words. BTW, does Funta or Suvun Up go best with Fosh and Chops? Regards Jim R.
  19. Just a quick bump hoping that Jeff sees this. Regards Jim R.
  20. You'll be pleased to know TB that my final game with Tabpub is definitely on track to be completed before 30 September. There's only about 5 turns to go gefore Head for the Hills is finito. Regards Jim R.
  21. Jeff. I'm having a problem getting the results turn of the Wrong Hill battle to you. My mail to your email address that I've been using regularly keeps bouncing. Is it definitely correct to finish that address with .rr.com? I'll keep trying on that current address (in fact I even simply hit reply to your most recently received email but it still bounced!) If you have an alternate email address I can try that one instead. Regards Jim R.
  22. O.K., I'll give you your due then. As long as you can take losses and having them highly published as well as you obviously revel in your wins. Regards Jim R.
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