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Everything posted by Grobdeutschland

  1. The 17pdr on the firefly is a better gun then the hellcat's 76mm. Wasps are to be used as an added punch. I hold them towards the end of a battle when I know where the ATs are & deploy them (hopefully) away from danger.
  2. Thanks Germanboy, for saying what I said the long way. I sometimes assume people know the basics ------------------ "Far better it is To dare mighty things... Then to take rank with Those poor, timid spirits Who know neither Victory nor defeat." Theodore Roosevelt 1899
  3. Capt, was not the League of Nations the 1st real international police officer? This was the brainchild of President Woodrow Wilson (& yes I know it failed ), so how was it an "Canadian Idea" to form a world peace keeping force?
  4. I knew that REMF thing would bring you out of your hole. Now, like I said before...someone is always going to bitch & I really don't give a damn. It's a put up or shut up kinda world. I see no end to this topic. We Americans will just have to consider this international whining as the price we pay for being the top dog. Aaahh...life is so cruel. How dare you write about my "last defence" defeat w/o mentioning that super-stug who killed 3 hellcats- 2 of them in a shootout at the same time! I will bleed you long & hard Mr. Engineer...Choo, Choo.
  5. Good links & I love the pics! ------------------ "Far better it is To dare mighty things... Then to take rank with Those poor, timid spirits Who know neither Victory nor defeat." Theodore Roosevelt 1899
  6. The shermans also gave the russian army something to shoot with until they were able to make their "real armor" in great #'s. I love placing HMGs on Puma's, it then becomes a light AT & HMG unit on wheels...send it to a flank & wait for a enemy unit If 1 never comes then use it speed to get where the action is. ------------------ "Far better it is To dare mighty things... Then to take rank with Those poor, timid spirits Who know neither Victory nor defeat." Theodore Roosevelt 1899
  7. I love the wasp flamethrower- a vet wasp can sweep in & burn the bad guys as they fight your INF...the wasp is the best kept british secret. ------------------ "Far better it is To dare mighty things... Then to take rank with Those poor, timid spirits Who know neither Victory nor defeat." Theodore Roosevelt 1899
  8. Use lots of ways pts, they can be adjusted & canceled. ------------------ "Far better it is To dare mighty things... Then to take rank with Those poor, timid spirits Who know neither Victory nor defeat." Theodore Roosevelt 1899
  9. Oops...wrong topic ------------------ "Far better it is To dare mighty things... Then to take rank with Those poor, timid spirits Who know neither Victory nor defeat." Theodore Roosevelt 1899
  10. I should win! B/C all the platoon's gear is rubble now! I demand to be crowned victor
  11. "With a possible change in weather you really have to keep on your toes.As it is know,if you've got fog you can set up knowing it won't change.With variable weather you set up for fog but then you have to give some thought to what you'll do if it gets better or worse" That's why I like to play with Random weather & ground- It makes buying units & planing ahead a tricky task. ------------------ "Far better it is To dare mighty things... Then to take rank with Those poor, timid spirits Who know neither Victory nor defeat." Theodore Roosevelt 1899
  12. Just use a jackson-it can blast & bust. It's not as good as the AVRE's firepower, but it's faster & cheaper. ------------------ "Far better it is To dare mighty things... Then to take rank with Those poor, timid spirits Who know neither Victory nor defeat." Theodore Roosevelt 1899
  13. Hmm...Rubble? ------------------ "Far better it is To dare mighty things... Then to take rank with Those poor, timid spirits Who know neither Victory nor defeat." Theodore Roosevelt 1899
  14. I also feel they're too inaccurate. But they seem to be modeled well in CM. I've read lots of WW2 books mentioning how deadly they were. Germanboy is right on the nose. One interesting aspect was the terrifying moaning sound they (nebelwerfer) made. According to Company Commander's author (Good book, if a little dry) Charles B. Macdonald, the GIs nicknamed them "Screaming Meemies". ------------------ "Far better it is To dare mighty things... Then to take rank with Those poor, timid spirits Who know neither Victory nor defeat." Theodore Roosevelt 1899
  15. Thanks alot guys. I'll give it a try. I have a LAN connection between the 2 comps & I'll love to show my PS2 buddy what a real wargame is like. I always try to "buy" Vet units- I feel they can hold 2x thier #'s & well worth the $$. Some buys are better then others- A vet KT will put you back too much
  16. Clubfoot is correct, I always use Vets to ambush. Good backup club.
  17. Oh Capt, BTW, I have not even started my setup yet. I'm having some friends over & I'm too "busy" preparing stuff. I'll be done soon & then I'll make you eat your words on the battlefield...you REMF!
  18. Hey Capt, You are right & you are wrong, but if there is a country who can be a superpower & can "govern" the would better then us, then by all means...step right up & take your swings. This "world police" crap all the other nations throw on us is getting old. We will try to be the "nice guys" & if somebody doesn't like the way we do it...too bad, b/c somebody will always have **** to complain about. I see nothing wrong with pusuing a global strategy that places the country's own interests & goals before the rest of the world's. All the other nations do the same & I find thier criticism to be extremely hypocritical. Yes, our policies may "bite us" in the ass sometimes, but so do the policies of other nations...the sellout of the Czech's to Hitler by Chamberlain & other democratic leaders (the U.S. included) is a good example. I feel this is the best nation in the world. Is it perfect? No. Does a perfect nation even exits? No. This is all a matter of perspective & I'm sure you & others feel the same about thier country. If the human race is going to survive & prosper, all the nations in the world will need to work together, however, I don't live my life by second guessing all the choices I've made & I don't feel my country should either. ------------------ "Far better it is To dare mighty things... Then to take rank with Those poor, timid spirits Who know neither Victory nor defeat." Theodore Roosevelt 1899
  19. It's the amount of pts. the attacker gets-more on attack then on probe missions. ------------------ "Far better it is To dare mighty things... Then to take rank with Those poor, timid spirits Who know neither Victory nor defeat." Theodore Roosevelt 1899
  20. Pak40, your right on the money I use Pumas like that always- while the allies try to kill my armor, the puma's flank'em-the 5omm cannon can KO a Sherman from med. to far range. ------------------ "Far better it is To dare mighty things... Then to take rank with Those poor, timid spirits Who know neither Victory nor defeat." Theodore Roosevelt 1899
  21. I think all you guys gave great advice, but I'll put my money on Pedro's strategy. I always use T's & KT's so I know what to fear & his tactics will get results more often then not. Also, for the money they cost, Blackvoid is correct- 2 flanking hellcats will beat 1 tiger, always. But the counter to a flanking hellcat is another cost effective cat-The Puma ------------------ "Far better it is To dare mighty things... Then to take rank with Those poor, timid spirits Who know neither Victory nor defeat." Theodore Roosevelt 1899
  22. I love this forum, I don't know why I never realized it's value before. Keep it coming you guys.
  23. Impressive, I will give those hawkeyes a try. Thanks. BTW I/O , I have 64 ram in that old box.
  24. You have to compare them. Some have more men and/or different weapons which change the best way to use them, i.e. Gerbirgisjager are great for close-range combat b/c of the many SMG's the SQD carries. ------------------ "Far better it is To dare mighty things... Then to take rank with Those poor, timid spirits Who know neither Victory nor defeat." Theodore Roosevelt 1899
  25. Hmm...sounds good, but a HMG can do more, it can kill many Vec's & puts the fear of God in the INF. Thanks for the info.
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