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Everything posted by Hamstersss

  1. Poor Jeff, there will be noone to lock up our battle when I start slaughtering you pathetic soldiers. ------------------ Did someone compare this to the Ealing comedies? I've shot people for less. -David Edelstein
  2. Jeff, It is, of course, good to see how respectful you've become now that you realize the gravity of the situation. Your forces aren't merely in peril, they're all ready dead. The logic eluded you, of course, as you're the epitome of a by-the-books commander. I only wish I was at home so that I may continue butchering your forces. Oh, and Croda, you twit, there is no "us" until you send me a godforsaken turn! ------------------ Did someone compare this to the Ealing comedies? I've shot people for less. -David Edelstein [This message has been edited by Elijah Meeks (edited 09-11-2000).]
  3. This isn't the Cesspool, its a younger, fresher Cesspool. No more tired Hamster jokes, just the hardcore, mean taunting that made the Cesspool great. That's right, its Extreme Cesspool, Cesspool X, with the off-base, hip commentary you loved about the original Cesspool without the incessant in-jokes, thos outrageous outings or those extramarital extracurricular activities. And if you believe that, then you're stupid enough to be one of my opponents, so shut up, sit down, send me a turn and die. ------------------ Did someone compare this to the Ealing comedies? I've shot people for less. -David Edelstein
  4. Jeff, You will eat, I repeat, eat those words. I make a solemn vow, on my honor, that you will wish this battle never happened. You will need to spend 6 months in a sanitarium after I am done with you. You will curse the day you ever ordered a virtual soldier into combat when I am finished. Your forces will be so terribly defeated that you will never play another PBEM game with me again. Your pathetic, leaderless forces are marching into a meat grinder, my friend, and when I'm finished, I will feed them to you. ------------------ Did someone compare this to the Ealing comedies? I've shot people for less. -David Edelstein
  5. Let's get something straight, right now. First off, Raskal and Croda have a problem using that ubiquitous technology known as E-mail. As much as I enjoy seeing illiterate sub-morons punch out their various attempts at using technology, I would much more prefer to just smash them like the proverbial Meekshead with the proverbial brick. I have tried to tell these two ape-men to attach files rather than use their primitive cut-and-paste method of sending PBEM data but they seem as incapable of using E-mail as their are a bathtub, soap and simple etiquette. Would that CM was made of Zebra skins and teeth from the flying rat, then maybe they'd be able to send me a freaking turn. ------------------ Did someone compare this to the Ealing comedies? I've shot people for less. -David Edelstein
  6. Real cool, Bates, keep up the good work. ------------------ Did someone compare this to the Ealing comedies? I've shot people for less. -David Edelstein
  7. Sure, I was just interested in utilizing it for a little more, kinda like a shell around CM with ICQ as a stop-gap TCP/IP. Just wondering how ICQ works, from a technical sense. ------------------ Did someone compare this to the Ealing comedies? I've shot people for less. -David Edelstein
  8. Bates, you now officially have more respect. What's your functional knowledge of ICQ? ------------------ Did someone compare this to the Ealing comedies? I've shot people for less. -David Edelstein
  9. Hey Pham, you're blowing this way out of proportion. The name was found offensive by a number of people and Bates wasn't being taken seriously because of it. He changed it to be a nice guy, not because it was beat into him. He never had to change it so don't act like we made him change it. ------------------ Did someone compare this to the Ealing comedies? I've shot people for less. -David Edelstein
  10. Hey Bates, that was a cool thing changing your nick. You now, officially, have some respect. ------------------ Did someone compare this to the Ealing comedies? I've shot people for less. -David Edelstein
  11. So you don't have any moral issues with badmouthing CM and trying to sell your game on BTS's website? ------------------ Did someone compare this to the Ealing comedies? I've shot people for less. -David Edelstein
  12. Bummer. Virtual cardboard is so appealing. ------------------ Did someone compare this to the Ealing comedies? I've shot people for less. -David Edelstein
  13. Oh good, maybe you could post a demo on Bates's website. ------------------ Did someone compare this to the Ealing comedies? I've shot people for less. -David Edelstein
  14. Does it have lots of cardboard??? ------------------ Did someone compare this to the Ealing comedies? I've shot people for less. -David Edelstein
  15. More respect? More??? Don't you mean some? ------------------ Did someone compare this to the Ealing comedies? I've shot people for less. -David Edelstein
  16. Holding virtual lighter in the air, "Higher Rez, Higher Rez! You Rock!!!!!" ------------------ Did someone compare this to the Ealing comedies? I've shot people for less. -David Edelstein
  17. It can't be ressurected but it can be reincarnated. You rock, Peng. QUOTE -------------------------------- There was a time when the written word didn't require pictures to convey meaning. Those of you who may have picked up a book in which the only picture was perhaps a dust jacket photo of the author might remember this time. It existed somewhere between children's story books and your first email or BBS smilie. If you recall correctly this time included entire words, spelled correctly, and typically some sort of punctuation which would separate the sentences into what many teachers used to call "complete thoughts." Sometimes the author would use a rhetorical device ( some early rhetorical devices ran at only 33MHz!) with funny old Latin names like "praeter itio," which I won't mention. Sometimes authors used nice techniques called Irony, Satire and Sarcasm (an ascending tri-colon). What seems odd to us about these techniques today is that the words that the author used conveyed the meaning. Certainly there were thickies that didn't quite "get it" when Irony would smack them accross the noggin, but that's precisely because they were thick. One despairs that even the cunning and naughty MrWinky, the Cheeky Monkey, could not raise the intellect of the thick to a level of ironic awareness. And so it is with our little friend Sarcasm. It is often proclaimed quite loudly that sarcasm is difficult to parse from the written word, and so we should make our intent plain by adding MrWinky, or perhaps even a MrRazz to make double-extra super sure that the target of the sarcastic remark is "in the know." WARNING: the following statement is inregard to American English, which in my Ignorance is the only language I am able to speak and write. It is not in any way, shape or form meant to impugne any other language spoken here. END OF WARNING. The English Language is rich: it has evolved over centuries, borrowing from, stealing from and swallowing wholesale entire other languages. It is a Monster of a language. We have at least two ways of naming absolutely everything, dependent upon from which root language you care to select the name. We have so many ways of saying the same thing that it seems we cannot help but stumble accross a way to convey what we mean with only the words. And yet... OFFICIAL NOTE: the following does not fall under the above WARNING. That bit is over. And yet, we have become so careless, so self absorbed and in such a hurry to get our two cents in; such a blasted, egomaniacal rush, that we ignore the meaning of what others write. We do not take the time to digest the written word. We do not allow ourselves the opportunity to read what the other guy has written, so busy are we in our sweat to "respond" to our nemesis, that we now require a little helper to convey the meaning for us. It seems the symbols we all agreed upon to convey our meanings are too difficult to decipher. The ugly truth is that the helpers do not help. They diminish our capacity to communicate effectively with one another. They are frauds. The writer tosses off a smilie because he is worried the reader won't understand the written word. The reader tosses away the smilie because the writer didn't really mean it. The writer should take the time to write what he means. The reader should take the time to understand. Smilies do nothing to enhance our discourse. ---------------
  18. Who had Friday?!?!?! ------------------ Did someone compare this to the Ealing comedies? I've shot people for less. -David Edelstein
  19. I'm holding my virtual lighter in the air and yelling, "You Rock!!! You Rock!!!! Play Beercan!!!!!!" ------------------ Did someone compare this to the Ealing comedies? I've shot people for less. -David Edelstein
  20. More detailed buildings, with interiors and damage modelling. ------------------ Did someone compare this to the Ealing comedies? I've shot people for less. -David Edelstein
  21. First off, I meant no disrespect toward Miyamoto Musashi and can vouch for him in that, at that time, his complaints were warranted. The purpose of rehashing this was as Vanir said, just to demonstrate that people leave boards all the time, for various reasons. My secondary purpose, as always, was to mix up the board a bit. I enjoy doing that as I feel it keeps people on their toes. I will continue to do it until BTS tells me not to. I think it is good to keep people from taking things too seriously, as I am right now. ------------------ Did someone compare this to the Ealing comedies? I've shot people for less. -David Edelstein
  22. Boy, SF, that's a bit melodramatic. Let me summarize the current CM serious discussions: Armor Should be Purchaseable in Platoons and Companies Concrete Pillboxes Really Are That Tough(&Axis Flamethrowers are too Cheap) New Mods Posts About How The CM Board Isn't Serious Enough The Ongoing L88 Discussion/German Optics Searchable Questions (On-Board Indirect Artillery, Mortar HTs, Pushing Tanks off Bridges) Ambush Too Restrictive What's the drivel: Cool Things That Happened to my Forces in CM Mockery of Cool Things That Happened to my Forces in CM Whiny Posts About the Quality of the CM Board Mockeries of Whiny Posts About the Quality of the CM Board PBEM Opponent Searching The Cesspool So, its clear that a lot of the drivel is just mocking people who complain about the drivel. Some more of it is people mocking other types of silly posting. However, the on-topic, CM related threads seem to be holding their own against the morrass of drivel. I don't think they need any help. Addendum: There was more here but it can be summed up with, "Blah blah blah, the board is doing just fine, let's stop trying to fix it if it ain't broke." ------------------ Did someone compare this to the Ealing comedies? I've shot people for less. -David Edelstein [This message has been edited by Elijah Meeks (edited 09-07-2000).]
  23. OK, let's say this idea goes through, how many posts would be on the CM-Only and CM2-Only boards? Few. How many CM issues have been swamped or destroyed by O/T posting? Few, if any. You guys are mistaking a lack of topics for a lack of a suitable atmosphere. There just aren't that many on-topic discussions left. ------------------ Did someone compare this to the Ealing comedies? I've shot people for less. -David Edelstein [This message has been edited by Elijah Meeks (edited 09-07-2000).]
  24. I like this idea. I assume they would be cheaper because it promotes following a realistic OOB, right? This helps a lot of us non-grogs who would be very happy to play realistic games but don't know enough about OOBs to fill out our forces right. ------------------ Did someone compare this to the Ealing comedies? I've shot people for less. -David Edelstein
  25. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Master Bates: Elijah, you disappoint me. I propose a series of 10 different topics, with statements from senior CM board contributors which are of a condescending and lofty air, which condemn Elijah. Hopefully Elijah will then be provoked into posting an offensive picture, followed up by a *killer blow* of respected contributors pleading with BTS to ban him. Now, kids, I know that sounds like a tall and unlikely story. In such an incident I would of course be on Elijah's side, closely supported by Seaman Staines as well. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Bates, I don't even understand what you've just posted. Would you care to explain a little firther? ------------------ Did someone compare this to the Ealing comedies? I've shot people for less. -David Edelstein
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