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Everything posted by Hamstersss

  1. Now and than what? You mean now and "then"??? Even if that's what you meant, how does that compare to now and always, ever damn minute of every damn hour of every damn day of your life, eh? ------------------ Did someone compare this to the Ealing comedies? I've shot people for less. -David Edelstein
  2. More FOW is always preferable to less FOW. However, I thought also that a gun hit didn't always mean a gun damaged. So, I must say, did one of my PBEM oponents, and I did get the chance to hold back an entire reinforced company and an armor platoon with a single immobilized, gun-damaged KT. ------------------ Did someone compare this to the Ealing comedies? I've shot people for less. -David Edelstein
  3. It makes sense, I had a crew of Volkstrum do that to me. After they shot off 6 rounds and didn't damage the tank at all, they then walked up to the screen and complained. It seems the crew was made up entirely of grognards drafted in the middle of a CM/ASL bash, and they figured that based on the armor penetration ability of the 50, coupled with the range of American tanks they should be facing at that point in the war, in that theatre, against that opponent, they had an, averaged, rare chance of a kill. After lodging their complaint, I promptly executed all of them. ------------------ Did someone compare this to the Ealing comedies? I've shot people for less. -David Edelstein
  4. Pillar, you limey bastard, any rat stupid enough to compare real-time to WEGO should be shot! SHOT! ------------------ Did someone compare this to the Ealing comedies? I've shot people for less. -David Edelstein
  5. It sucks. On multiple levels. ------------------ Did someone compare this to the Ealing comedies? I've shot people for less. -David Edelstein
  6. I'll be back home from work in an hour or so and then I'll kick your butt from here to Tripoli! ------------------ Did someone compare this to the Ealing comedies? I've shot people for less. -David Edelstein
  7. The squads were split into teams and were too close together. If set up too close together, teams will rejoin at the start of battle, though each team will have had its own foxhole. I do this all the time in defensive QBs to trick the enemy into thinking more troops are dug in than there really are. ------------------ Did someone compare this to the Ealing comedies? I've shot people for less. -David Edelstein
  8. Wow Mark IV. You are, of course, right. I'll limit my troll-feeding, littering tendancies in the future. ------------------ Did someone compare this to the Ealing comedies? I've shot people for less. -David Edelstein
  9. What, you don't like football! Its clearly labeled O/T! I followed the rules! I followed the rules! No, not the brick, again! ------------------ Did someone compare this to the Ealing comedies? I've shot people for less. -David Edelstein
  10. Hey Basil, let's get a few things straight. One, I know more O/T then I do about WWII, so yes the majority of my contributions will be O/T. Two, I'm a wild and crazy guy, so I liketo joke around and have fun, as I think all of my posts have been. Trolling is not going on a board and making a big joke (As my 'soon to be locked down...' thread was, as well as my 'I blame JP on Peng' etc) and its also not a discussion of a different war. Those times that I was out of line (When I asked about a problem I had with portraits and thought I knew more than I did regarding the .bmps, or when I caused Fionn to receive all that hate mail for my joke) I immediately apologized and took responsibility for what I did. A troll is someone who picks fights and tries to get attention. I try to have a good, inclusive time and enjoy debates. As to your Civil War thoughts, Sherman was by far a more modern general than Sheridan, as Sheridan may have destroyed the Shenendoah, etc., but Sherman kept a HUGE army alive behind enemy lines, marched them to the sea, razed three major cities and, what I consider the greatest achievement, marched through the Chatahachie swamps toward Charlston at a pace of 10 miles a day in the rainy season. To do that with an army his size, so far out of supply, is simply amazing. As to Longstreet, well most northerners love him, he's a very safe choice. Longstreet, though he may have made a good commanding general, we'll never know, showed his flaws in regard to risky fighting and using his men to the fullest to support attacks led by other generals. A better choice would be Jackson, the best choice would be Forrest (Hailed North and South as one of the two true geniuses of the war) and the cool choice would be Van Dorn, who did so much with so little. ------------------ Did someone compare this to the Ealing comedies? I've shot people for less. -David Edelstein
  11. An Athlon P3???? Wow! ------------------ Did someone compare this to the Ealing comedies? I've shot people for less. -David Edelstein
  12. Let's get something straight here, guys, this "What would the customer think?!?!" approach is as stupid as when Bush/Gore say "What would the children think????" People are going to buy CM regardless of the shape of the forum, which is actually quite healthy. This one ugly experience happens all the time on every message board for ever and ever. But maybe you're talking about the silly, irreverent, off-topic stuff. That's a result of CM being so damn good. There's very little left to talk about that hasn't been answered and most of us are milling about between PBEM games. There won't be a real serious CM discussion majority until CMMC starts up, at which point people will debate tactics, CMMC rules, CM in relation, etc. So hey, don't worry about it and don't lay on the "Oh the humanity" stuff so thick. ------------------ Did someone compare this to the Ealing comedies? I've shot people for less. -David Edelstein [This message has been edited by Elijah Meeks (edited 09-04-2000).]
  13. You have to be funny? Nobody told me what I posted had to be funny. ------------------ Did someone compare this to the Ealing comedies? I've shot people for less. -David Edelstein
  14. You're a time zone late and a rupee short, Bugger, the crisis is over, everyone is through being offended and we've moved on to burning Peng in effigy. Go post something crazy on the Cesspool. Chop chop. ------------------ Did someone compare this to the Ealing comedies? I've shot people for less. -David Edelstein
  15. Well if you guys managed to win a war or have a decent labor movement or something you'd have an excuse for a holiday. And no, Boxing Day doesn't count. ------------------ Did someone compare this to the Ealing comedies? I've shot people for less. -David Edelstein
  16. Ya, Rugby... No armor, no stopping, no semblance of human decency... Its almost as bad as cricket or soccer. ------------------ Did someone compare this to the Ealing comedies? I've shot people for less. -David Edelstein
  17. Thanks, Seanachai. We need to do a CM Loony FAQ so that we can keep them all straight. ------------------ Did someone compare this to the Ealing comedies? I've shot people for less. -David Edelstein
  18. Iggi, the point, I believe, was not that of actual comparison between the combat quality of the German and American tanks. I don't think anyone disputes the quality of German tanks. The qoute is merely a pointed remark in response to all the propaganda of the German war machine, which is to say, "They may have had better tanks, better soldiers, better guns and better tactics but we still kicked their asses." I think Silesian-Jaeger feels that, on these forums, there's a preponderance of the first half of this statement and not enough mention of the second half. If I am wrong, Silesian, let me know. When Grant came East and went up against R. E. Lee, his generals said things such as, "He may be a fine general but Grant never faced Bobby Lee." Grant said, "Lee will do this and Lee will do that, you'd think he was going to do a triple somersault and end up behind our lines. Stop thinking about what he's going to do to us and think about what you're going to do to him." My point? Lee was a spectacular general, and the German army was spectacular, as well, but they were both beat and its unhealthy to pave over that. ------------------ Did someone compare this to the Ealing comedies? I've shot people for less. -David Edelstein
  19. Yes, under normal circumstances, but wasn't Stransky the plagiarist who was laughed off the forum??? ------------------ Did someone compare this to the Ealing comedies? I've shot people for less. -David Edelstein
  20. Bear with me, Simon, I've been hit on the head with a brick multiple times so I'm kinda slow. Gaz is Stransky? Your logic and detective work is excellent, and I'm glad you haven't looked into any other usernames... Because if you did, and somehow I was related, you may end up with a marmot head in your bed... ------------------ Did someone compare this to the Ealing comedies? I've shot people for less. -David Edelstein [This message has been edited by Elijah Meeks (edited 09-04-2000).]
  21. Send it this way! ------------------ Did someone compare this to the Ealing comedies? I've shot people for less. -David Edelstein
  22. Its not a threat at all. Just a reenactment. Of LAPD Suspect Procedure #18. Except with five guys. And a broom handle. ------------------ Did someone compare this to the Ealing comedies? I've shot people for less. -David Edelstein
  23. And my Raiders kicked some Charger ass! Of course, now I can't talk and I'm sunburned like a lobster but it was well worth it! ------------------ Did someone compare this to the Ealing comedies? I've shot people for less. -David Edelstein
  24. He's assimilated Smilie!!!! Oh no, poor smilie. ------------------ Did someone compare this to the Ealing comedies? I've shot people for less. -David Edelstein
  25. Send me a setup, coffeeboy! emeeks@oilbased.com (My hotmail address butchers text files) ------------------ Did someone compare this to the Ealing comedies? I've shot people for less. -David Edelstein
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