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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

phil stanbridge

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Everything posted by phil stanbridge

  1. Read my post again mate, I never said that. All I said was I wasn't surprised. Also, FWIW, the components you buy in your dell machines - what are they? Do you know? For that sort of money there's no way on earth they will give you something for nothing. You will not have decent spec kit. Simple as. Why do you think people (like myself) go out and buy decent kit - because you can't buy it from people like Dell, off the shelf. [ April 11, 2003, 07:43 AM: Message edited by: phil stanbridge ]
  2. I've got two cards now. I mainly use my GF4 4200 for the likes of CM, but I really want to be able to use my 9700 Pro. It looks so much better with fsaa and ansi filtering. I just wished the fog worked then I'd be happy.
  3. Fantastic news! Just awaiting the new cmmos updates which should be available today, then I have an 'action-packed' weekend ahead of me... Just don't tell the missus..
  4. I'm a little baffled by this. Isn't an Indeo codec purely for video useage? In which case it's struggling to play the intro movie. I would say the problem would lie more with the compaq build than within the game. I've never experienced this problem myself. It's not surprising (to me). You always get problems with Dell, Compaq and such like when it comes to OEM O/S builds. They tend to 'customise' them. Which is why I like to build my own. Then you know what you're getting.
  5. Hi Surgical, what sort of pc are you trying to run the drivers on? I've got a Toshiba laptop and I can only run the Toshiba certified dets on it. The pc I've built myself has no such problem. Have you tried a format and then reinstalled the drivers? It's a bit drastic but sometimes it has to be done. I'm always formatting C:
  6. This is excellent news, but one question - taking into account it will use more or less the same engine, ie similar directx routines and such like, will we suffer the same 'techy' problems we have now? How do BFC intend to rectify this situation?
  7. Just for bumpage really, these drivers defo work. Played a couple of QB's last night, no significant slow downs or problems at all. Just to reiterate in case my above post doesn't make sense, if you are using an AGPx8 Nvidia card, and have had problems with all the latest drivers and can't use the 30' series, then you can get away with 31.00.
  8. The 31.00 dets appear to work with my Asus MX440 AGP 8x. The FSAAx2 is the only setting that requires an alt-tab. Nice fluid frame rate too. Mind you I haven't exactly pushed it yet - the heaviest scenario I tried was Tiger Tiger, and I had to remove the trees but this is to be expected with a 64mb card using FSAAx4(DS). Using Riva Tuner I really caned it and even turned on Ansi which really made the graphics look good, but brought things to a crawl. I have to say, I tried it with Delta Force and although it ran fine, the colours seem slightly washed out compared to the later drivers so it might be a comprimise for some. Can somebody just confirm that AA does work with these drivers in CMBB? It certainly looked like it, but is there any way to tell for sure? The jaggies looked to have gone.
  9. The thing is - you are using those drivers with a GF3. The problem is with the later cards (especially AGP 8x).
  10. That's great news. Now all I need is a stable system to play it on!
  11. ..I was going to order a 4200, but what shall I do? The only cards you can get now are 8X AGP. Which means either way I've a problem with drivers.
  12. Hmmm. So I have yet another problem. I'm using a 8X agp card.. Bugger.
  13. What do I need to do? I've got rid of my ATI cards, again. I'm determined to get CMBB playing properly. I'm currently using a GF4 MX440 which I had lying around, and is soon to be replaced by a GF4 Ti4400. I want to use these with the 30.82 or 30.87 drivers, basically the ones that are the *best* for this game. I'm currently using 31.00 and these are ok, so far so good but haven't gone into detail.
  14. I don't think it really matters whether you go Intel or AMD these days. I think it's personal choice. You'll always find Intel more expensive like for like, but IMHO I have found them more stable. This is my primary rig setup, used for CMBB. P4 2.53b @ 3.29ghz, phase-controlled Vapochill Asus P4G8X Deluxe 512mb XMS3200 TwinX (DDR) ATI 9700 N/P @ Pro speeds 550w Antec PSU Hitachi 17" tft Believe it or not I saved myself £600 by building this little lot myself. Generally I look at what is top of the range, and knock it down two or three revisions where possible. Ie, I could have got the 3.06ghz P4 but these cost buckets, and I saved myself about £250-£300 just by buying a 2.53 and as you can see I'm running it faster anyway! Go DDR ram. RDram is on its way out. Up to you which card, but the ATi looks amazing in comparison to a GF4, plus it is faster.
  15. I'm in the UK, don't know if that will cause a problem.
  16. ..yeah as he said.. And don't forget to downgrade your machine every so often so that you can keep playing it!
  17. You can have my second one mate if it's that much of a problem. CDV jobby.
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