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Posts posted by Sven

  1. 28 minutes ago, Centurian52 said:

    They will fire on the player's orders. I use mortar teams a lot to deal with HMG teams or ATGs (or just massed infantry behind cover) without bringing in an HQ or FO as a middle man.

    This discussion isn't about firing mortar rounds. It's about using their handheld weapons.

  2. 11 hours ago, IanL said:

    Well as a good commander you will of course value your special weapons teams since they have valuable skills and are hard to replace. So, you likely have a standing order that they withdraw to the rear once they are out of ammo so as to not risk loosing them to enemy fire.


    True. :)

    However, with the possibility of the enemy wading towards you over the water it'd be like shooting ducks.

  3. I always play with the tree setting at "nearby trunks". However, all of sudden the are not covered with trees have gotten much bigger and the visible area smaller. Does anyone have a clue why this is?

    I upgraded to 2.12 not too long ago. Did something change with the settings with that update or can it be something else?

  4. 9 hours ago, Vacilllator said:

    My view of it is just like that shown by @BFCElvis (except for @Juju's interface, updated by @Ithikial_AU of course, highly recommended but I understand why John doesn't use it).

    Just wondering, can you go back a few turns and try it again with the recent intel?  Might not help in the PBEM but perhaps we can all learn something from it.


    I went back till the turn they arrived. They were "not deployed" to begin with and with the deploy button greyed out. Just as it is now after re-embarking.

  5. 7 hours ago, Baneman said:

    I think Elvis has it right - there must be something wrong with your installation - I've just tested dismounting and remounting mortar teams into their halftrack and I cannot reproduce this - even if I remount the mortars into the wrong halftrack ( ie. the one from the other team ), on my machine they then show as "Destroyed" in the artillery UI, not "Not Positioned" ( which is odd, but obviously a code wrinkle ).

    Is yours a recent install ?

    I don't think that message was aimed at me?

  6. On 2/4/2022 at 10:51 AM, George MC said:

    Hhmm not sure I'd say they are tricky to use. Do you mean tactically or with regard game mechanics?

    Very mobile in-direct fire support. No set-up time and armoured so can be 'relatively' close to enemy and quickly bring targets under direct fire. They are an integral and flexible part of the armoured panzer grenadiers fire support.

    I meant in-game. That's mostly because I've never seen them before, I guess. :)

  7. 14 minutes ago, George MC said:

    Aye you need the mortars on the tracks to fire em from the tracks. If that makes sense. To fire the mortars from the tracks, once they remounted, select the actual mortar team on-board the track and plot a mission like that. Alternatively you can use em as on call in-direct fire. You’ll find platoon and company leaders and FOOs can call them in as in-direct fire support. 

    OK, thanks.

  8. 8 hours ago, IanL said:

    Trees are not decent cover. If you want tanks to be in cover they have to be behind a terrain feature - aka a hill. Anything else is like hiding behind a shower curtain and expecting it to protect you from bullets.

    I'm not talking a few trees, but areas of woods where shots get through with extreme precision. But, like Vanir said above I guess it's just something we have to accept, even though I feel it's something Battlefront should address. 

  9. 58 minutes ago, womble said:

    Yes you are whining. It's unbecoming. Look up confirmation bias. Because your account is not representative of the reality.

    I know what that is and also it was rhetorical when saying "anything, anywhere". My point are the amazing shots between trees 100 m through a forest, and so on. Placing a tank in decent cover is useless, since there hardly is any cover. But they do hit more often than not. 

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