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Everything posted by Kingfish

  1. Site problem. Are you looking for a specific scenario / Op? Let me know and I'll try to get it to you.
  2. I believe this is the screenshot you are referring to: If so, then you'll want to go here: Belgian Combat Mission Website In fact, I suggest you go there anyway and d/l every scenario he has made. Simply the best Bulge scenarios out there. [ July 01, 2003, 08:33 PM: Message edited by: Kingfish ]
  3. Rescue from page 7, and another update... The pack is less than two weeks away from release, and we've been busy. Since the last update another 3 scenarios have been sent to the team for testing. Two are medium sized, the third is Franko's monster op. This gives us a nice mix of 3 med / 3 huge. Scott Boston may also contribute a scenario designed for solo play. All in all things are rolling along nicely. How about a few teaser? The long climb up to Kinch's "Point 256" The main bridge over the Donets burns in Kinch's "Ghost column at Rzhavets" The 5th Guards tank army prepares to roll forward in Franko's "Tank Warning" [ July 01, 2003, 12:34 PM: Message edited by: Kingfish ]
  4. The NABLA system...N A B L A Nambla is something entirely different. Do a google search if you are interested in finding out.
  5. Keep in mind that the scenarios you listed were either off the CD or part of the Stalingrad pack, which itself was released a month later. The designers of these scenarios were for the most part still used to CMBO, where 25-30 turns was the norm for a scenario, even for something as big as 'Our backs to the Volga'. It is only after several months of playing CMBB do we now realize that the standard scenario should be up around 35-45 turns.
  6. Just another guess, but are you trying to do this with Axis forces? I believe only Allied forces can use boats...right? </font>
  7. AFAIK, the foxholes in CMBO are 'one size fits all'. I think the same holds true for craters.
  8. I just ran a small test in 1.03 and had no problem loading a 10-man squad into each boat. Both in the editor and during setup you can load the boats whether they are on land or in the water. Once the game is started the boats must be listed on land for a unit to board. Edit: Just ran the same test with a 12-man squad. No problems encountered. [ June 26, 2003, 07:27 AM: Message edited by: Kingfish ]
  9. On the contrary, do give arcs, but make sure they are armor only and cover a wide area. Otherwise, you'll run the risk of having your armor focus on his infantry while his own tanks centers yours in his crosshairs.
  10. One huge advantage to deploying on the top floors is that you can taunt English Knights with a fake French accent, threatening to 'Fart in their general direction'.
  11. The first batch of T34 / T70s should make it to the gulley with minimal losses. They are speedy enough, and the Germans are firing from extreme range. After that it gets harder, as the majority of reinforcements do not have the speed, plus the Germans are closer and have received their own reinforements. Be prepared to lose a few tanks in the subsequent rushes to the gulley.
  12. I can think of no better proof of the value of AARs then in what they are providing me at the moment - a well documented description of my scenario, Hosszupalyi, complete with screenshots. Why is this so important? Because I've come to find out that my copy is corrupt. Every attempt at opening it, either in the editor or as a game, crashes me back to desktop. Therefore, I cannot open it to make the final tweaks before releasing to the public. My only option now is to rebuild it from scratch. That is why the AARs are so valuable to me right now. OOB, reinforcement schedules, unit strength and experience, map features, it's all there in the AARs. Many thanks to those who took the time to write one, and special thanks to those who went that extra step and included screenshots. I really do appreciate it.
  13. The total so far is: Franko - 1 Op. He may have a few more in the works. I'll edit this post when I find out. Jwxspoon - 1 scenario. This will come in one and two player versions. Kinch - 2 scenarios Kingfish - 1 scenario. Possible second in the works. Rune - 1 scenario
  14. Question: What is the purpose of the rail that runs along the left rear of the StugIIIB? This pic shows it best: StugIIIB
  15. Der Kessel scenarios are so popular that just about anyone has them, so if you need one (or more) simply post here and ask for them. I have a large collection of Andrea's and Berli's scenarios, plus a few more from the other DK designers.
  16. Uh, one of the designers was decked out in full Goth gear and listening to Ministry when he designed it. He also had a rabbit sitting on his lap, pissed off and showing his teeth.
  17. So this is what we are waiting for then. </font>
  18. Of the 5 scenarios I've tested so far one features a Pz III, another has 2 Stugs and one more features 2 Halftracks, and that's about it. For the most part they are all small infantry-type scenarios of maybe a platoon or two total.
  19. It's not mod-related, since I've never downloaded any to begin with. Whats really weird is how many times this scenario was opened, tweaked, tested, tweaked again, tested again, all without a problem. It was then used in the ROW III tourney, so thats another 36 people who played it without a problem. I'll try your suggestion, but will work it backwards, adding a unit until she crashes. Pakfan, I got your e-mail. When I get home tonight I'll send it your way. Thanks for helping out.
  20. I went ahead and reloaded the 1.02 patch, but that didn't help. I have posted on the tech forum looking for help.
  21. As the title suggest I cannot open a scenario I designed and tested in 1.02 (I'm still using 1.02). Every attempt at opening it, whether in the editor or as a game, crashes me back to desktop. Some have suggested that I am missing a BMP, so I reinstalled the 1.02 patch but it didn't fix the problem. All other CMBB scenarios open without a problem. Any suggestions?
  22. I need someone to e-mail me the 1.02 BMP folder. I have a scenario that was designed, tested and played in 1.02, but for some reason it no longer allows me to open it, either in the editor or as a game. Every attempt crashes me back to desktop. The consenses at CMHQ-Chat is that I am missing a BMP, although how that happened is a mystery. All I need is the folder, and without any mods. My address is sc112565@aol.com Many thanks
  23. I think what Moon meant to say was that at extreme and long ranges a squad will go thru it's ammo load at a slower rate. This is due to the fact that at such ranges you will have the only the LMGs firing (maybe 1-3 rifles included) while at much closer ranges everybody joins in the fun.
  24. I'm not sure if this has been mentioned already, but Panzer Lehr also had a Tiger Bn as part of it's OOB. Clicking on the 'Detailed Order of Battle' link and scrolling down to the June '44 OOB shows 3 Mark VI Tigers present.
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