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Everything posted by thomasj

  1. Thanks Mark and Naja, will look into it thanks to your information. "It's a trick, get an axe!"
  2. Sorry bo idea here, but this post will take it back to the top again for you. "Good, Bad,.....I'm the one with the gun."
  3. It is a eye candy, but only to a degree. Several types of pillboxes had dramatically different armaments, and that means DANGER WIL...........! "This is my BOOMSTICK!"
  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Madmatt: NO! Now drink your WARM GLASS OF SHUT THE HELL UP! Madmatt <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Great Dennis Leary quote MadMatt! "Why?! We got the bombs pal! Two F'ing words. Nuclear F'ing weapons!"
  5. Found out about the game through The Adrenal Vault. They had it listed in thier newest demos. It was the gold demo, wish I had found out about the game much sooner though when R&D was going on big time in gearing up for the gold release so I would have caught all the great information that flew around. I would like to share the caption that caught my eye on the gold demo that the AVAULT used for the game. "Combat Mission is a 1-2 player, turn-based, simultaneous-execution 3D simulation of WWII tactical warfare. It combines unparalleled game depth and ease of use with a true 3D environment. The move to the 3rd dimension is not just to look cool, rather it it improves the accuracy of the simulation. Think of the world around us - it's all 3D. True 3D LOS, 3D spotting, 3D terrain, and 3D trajectories are a lot more realistic than 2D approximations, so that is what CM delivers!" Hats off to BTS for their game and the AVAULT for posting such a well constructed preview for the demo!
  6. Sorry, my fault for leaving the SS off my post. DOH!
  7. From what I understand you need a leader for a team that is fireing blind. Just pop a platoon looey to them, keep him in command range and they'll act as spotter as long as they have LOS, and command.
  8. This is great!, Now what does it really mean? "Wecome ya'll forners and people from other countries."
  9. KEWL info. The 2nd SS Panzer Division lives on.....go Das Reich! Bad boys, read about them if you have time.
  10. Raises questions. I hope they have included some of the variations of the fortifications that were implemented.
  11. Either way, I'm wanting the final game so bad if it got here tomorrow it would be to long of a wait.
  12. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mark IV: They were working on it. In late 1945 the Japanese built an experimental prototype of a one-man portable recoilless antitank gun, that combined features of the Panzerfaust and the German LG43. It was 82mm, weighed 90lbs., with a max range of 850 yds. (couldn't have hit a tank that far out, though), and came with a tripod and optical sight. Only one was ever built and a good thing, from our army's opinion of it. The supply lines between Germany and Japan were a little iffy by the time the Panzerfaust was developed so they had to roll their own.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Mark IV, Do you have any material referances that I could look into that on? I have never ran across that. Would be facinating to see what it looked like who was the engineer etc, etc........Thanks! James
  13. As a side note. Negotiations and surrender were completly trown out the window when Dresden was fire bombed, the shaken German army had a stronger than ever determination to fight the allies to the last and make them pay for what they had done. There are people today that will tell you that second to only the concentration camps, the fire bombing of Dresden was the largest atrocity ever commited during the war.
  14. There are really 2 very keys factors that lead the events to in favor of the ALLIES. The first would be the unrecoverable losses of the luftwaffe in the battle for Britan. Germany would have had proper air power to stop the allied air power that really broke their back, and this would raise the question if the allies would have been able to drop the bomb on Germany had it been prolonged because Germany was winning the race in research and developement on Jets, missles, tanks, and the BOMB. The lack of proper air power for Germany truley was the largest of the back breaking factors. FACT, germany would have won serveral battles if thier forces had any air support worth mentioning other than 2-4 planes. The allies would not have had thier success in bombing German factories and research centers, etc, etc.......you get the idea. The second, which is purely my opinion, would be the creation of the second fron with Russia so soon and the poor seasonal timing it was launched. Creating a huge strain in the logistics of Germany when their air power was really not up to snuff. let's face the facts, Germany had a treaty with Russia and would have been able to completley concentrate on the western front until all objectives were accomplished, then and only then move on to the East. To me and several people I have talked with concerning this issue, the largest single factor in the war was the unacceptable losses the luftwaffe took in the battle for Britan, had it not occured Geramny would have had Air superiority and that was the major trump factor for the allies through the war. Had they not been able to employe their planes as liberally as they had it would have most assuradly(sp?) been a completely different war.
  15. Reminds me of several soldier poems I have seen through out my military career. If I can find them, I'll post a few. Great stuff Kurtz!
  16. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mattias: Kverdon, Thanks, exactly the kind of answer I wanted. Real world (CM that is) observations are what will decide it for me and since the card would set me back almost 400$ (accursed 25% VAT) it is vital to get info from the "horses mouth". And no, you don’t sound like a commercial, just that as soon as you say something is good on this forum you can bet your life that someone will come along to tell you how utterly rotten it actually is. Just seems to work that way, could be me next time. M.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Where you at, having to pay a 25% VAT? I am here in the Netherlands and maybe I could help Being US Army and all and VAT exempt!
  17. I usually open the forum when I get to work and refresh it about 30+ times through out the day. Get home log back on and spend about another hour or so. Sane?! Of course WE are! Just ask any of US.
  18. and as I recall once that the beach heads were istablshed it took the power of the armor to push further inland. But lets leave the beaches out of it for a minute and talk about "Operation Market Garden" I sure bet the US 82nd Airborn would have loved to have seen XXX CORP arrive soooner than it did and I would bet a lot of money the British 1st Airborn would have given about anything to have seen XXX CORP at all before their retreat. The Bulge anyone? Armor rules, even more so when its used in combined arms!
  19. The comedy post award goes to..........Babra! Like there were any doubts!?!? Love the wimper command!
  20. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Commissar: CM has some battles from Monty's Huge Screw UP (aka Operation Market Garden)so those wonderful bridges should be in there.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Monty's screw up!? He said it was 90% succesful though! I mean only 8,000 of the 10,000 were killed in Arnhem of the British 1st Airborn Division. Could have been worse according to Monty's staff. Thank God my grandfathers did not server in the british army.
  21. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by kverdon: I've died and gone to heaven <G>. Just installed my 3dfx V5 5500 Vid Card and enabled 4x Full Screen Anti-Aliasing. All I can say is WOW!!!. If you thought CM looked good before, with 4xFSAA its drop dead gorgeous!. Now to just get the full game in my hands. (Think work would get suspicious if I called in sick for a week <G>). Kevin<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Your killing me, still waiting on my cards to get in, that darn recall set back my preorder it guess . Can't wait for them to get here now, especially with your feedback on it now!
  22. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mikester: Actually, I'd heard the DOJ just plain plans on locking up Steve and Charles. This is due to the fact that 1 in 3 government employees have now downloaded the Gold Demo and spend all of their time at work playing the game instead of wasting their time on the usual worthless governmental nonsense that they normally do. Mikester out.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> DAMN! I've been caught already? Whatever happened to privacy!? Seriously though I have converted 5 people on my Post already. HEHEHEHEH It's when you think Big Brother isn't watching that he is!
  23. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Wesreidau: Blackhorse, thanks for the heads-up. Can you give me directions from Cleveland please? Thats Cleveland, UK. Oh..and Happy Birthday to the US Army!(salute)<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Check out the following locations for information to see if they are going to have celebrations for the occasion: Menwith HIll Hythe Ipswich & London. They all may have festivities, if not I know for sure there will be at the follwoing here in Europe: Hieldelburg, Germany Wurzburg, Germany Bad Kreuznach, Germany & Various locations throughout the Benelux.
  24. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Phandaal: That sounds like a hell of alot of fun. If I lived closer I would definately show up. Will they let you peek into the M1 or Sherman? I remember when I was little they parked a Sherman out near a high school and it was open to the public. I wonder if Ft Hood here in Texas will have anything like that. -Out Phandaal<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I would put money on the fact that HOOD will have a display of sorts on the occassion!
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