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Everything posted by thomasj

  1. Do it man.........all input is what to me makes this site the BEST!
  2. Everything that I would really say has alrady been said. The one BIG thing though is your MOS selection, if you go in make sure you get a technical MOS, 74B is the one for systems administration and that has the highest rate of civilian hires into the IT world after time is served. Just got out last year after 9 years of service and three major deployments. If you go, completely leave home and try to get stationed in Germany or Korea so you can see the world, living in those areas for 2 to 3 years wwould really help you see the world in a new light. If you go to Germany you will likely deploy to Bosnia SFOR mission or Kosavo for the KFOR mission, Korea you probably won't be deployed. Just FYI information, Best go active and see the world verses part time.
  3. For finding out information on individual cards, many gaming pages have hardware sections dedicated to talking about video cards alone. Good example would be the Adrenal Vault and Computer Gaming Magazine. Now as for the cards that are good. That is a tough one, because everyone and I mean everyone has their opinion and views on what is good. The bottom line is that every card out there has its major pluses and minuses. *Setting self up to draw fire.* I myself prefer 3DFX, I had the V3 3000 (16MB RAM)and loved it to death, runs all major 1st person shooters really well, supports both 3dfx glide and OpenGl. Ran the CM Demo with no hangs and cost about $150 last time I looked. Price should drop though since their new cards, V4 and V5 are now out. Just dropped some serious money and got my V5 5500(64MB RAM, 32 on each video processor), to me it's a very sweet card that has all of the support I listed for the V3 3000, and 2x & 4x FSAA"Full Scene Anti-Aliasing" in short smoothes blocky edges off redered graphics, but cost around $299. Keep in mind though that all cards have pluses and minuses and that in the end it's what you like and enjoy, I am more then sure that others here are going to talk to you about the RivaTNT series and the new GF(GeForce). I stick with 3DFX mainly because they seem to be the trend setters like sound blaster is for sound. Hope this helps & good luck.
  4. Though one! MP44 ranks the highest for all purpose. MG42 Squad level.......Best MG. Germany has the MG3 now and it is almost the same. PanzerFaust-Antitank, light & very effective. P-38, personal side arm if I couldn't get the MP44 or MP40. Hope that is what you were looking for.
  5. Wolfe, Lemmie know if you hear anything about this. I'll do the same. Checked with 3DFX and sent them an email, no reply yet though.
  6. Hmmmmmmmmm Full BIO eh? OK. 27 Married 9 Year Army Vet Occupation: Department of Defense IT Deployed, yes Gulf Shield/Storm, Warsaw"94", IFOR"Bosnia 95" Balding:Not yet. "Thank god!"
  7. 99% post are from work. Same with most others. E1@work > modem@home.
  8. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Woody: Hey ThomasJ, Cool site ! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I thought you people would love it. Just happned to remember one day the name of the book one German general had written about tank strategy and did a search on it and what do you know.
  9. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by crocky: Haven't you heard the latest BTS have send copies overseas first and then progressively closer to the US Sooooo everbody should have their copy about the same time about Fri 23rd <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> MAN! That would be TOO KEWL. I hope this applies to us APO people also. I was thinking it would be well into 10-14 days before I would see it, even with my 90 day preoder. I know..not as long as some of you have been waiting, but it sures feel like it's been decades!
  10. Well it's really good to know that it's not just my cards/machines.*HUGE SIGH!*. Now on to beating 3dfx.
  11. kverdon, Tried emailing you but I got a unknown user message back from Earthlink. Got a question for you concerning the V5 5500. Got my 2 V5 5500's today and installed them, something strange though. When I set the Direct3D & OpenGL/Glide to fastest performance and then run CM there are all sorts of crazy SH!T, dialog boxes are stange colors and the text in some are not visible. When I set everything to 2xFSAA or 4xFSAA everything is fine except a box appears where my mouse was once in while when I click, but everything else is fine. Double checked drivers, etc. All other titles no prob. Same thing happens on both machines and they are completely identicle. You seen this weird stuff or am I just having the luck of the Thomas? I'm hoping that you have seen this and maybe it's a gold ver quirk to the V5 5500, because all my other titles are screaming along. Thanks for your time. Hope to hear back soon as this has me worried. James
  12. I guess to comliment BTS & ourselves I would have to say that great things attract great people or is it great people create great things? Gray matter overload..........arrrrrrrrrrgh Must click.......
  13. I have the making of documentaries/films for : "The longest day" & "A bridge too far". There are according to the films and the books that came with them, one original of every tank in the movie. The tiger that is see in the close ups was taken off the blocks from the royal museum in the UK and brought back to running status for the film then put back afterwards in mothball status. The same holds true for the other tanks in the film. All of the vehicles destroyed by special effects were TIN/Fiber glass dummies and can be seen to shake badly when going down the road in a couple of the XXX Corp shots. This is all according to the Making of documentries/films and books that came with my Collectors edition DVD's.
  14. Seriously, I figured it was the least I could do. Now let's see if the word goes round and maybe you guys rewrite gaming history. I think you have a terrific shot IMHO. Again, Thank you BTS! James
  15. Just my way of saying thanks for everything BTS! -----Original Message----- From: Thomas, James Sent: Tuesday, June 13, 2000 2:22 PM To: 'brian@avault.com'; 'christopher@avault.com' Subject: Recognition of a game Brian/Christopher, First let me say thank you for your time in reading this. Second that I have in no way any ties to this game that I am about to talk about other then being a player and soon to be proud owner of two copies, I am strictly a customer. There is a game coming out this week, and the AVAULT is the location where I downloaded the gold demo of it. The game is called Combat Mission, Beyond Overlord. This game has no equal, it is simply the greatest squad level combat game ever. It’s historically correct concerning equipment, the engine is like none other seen for this type of game. To me it’s what Close Combat IV should have been. Not to mention the 3 years of production where the unparalleled customer support and input are taken into account, and responded to at extremely fast rates. If you play the demo it alone will show you the amount of attention that has been put forth in both game play and realistic effects of the equipment/people. The reason I write to you is that I am asking you guys to PLEASE to a look at the gold demo, write a preview/review on the game and let people know that it is there. The game will only be sold via their web page, so getting the word out is crucial to the creators of this game. Also in standing call them as you see them style and accuracy of the AVAULT could only help this game to become the blockbuster gamers have been looking for. One last thing of course is a HUGE thank you to the AVAULT for posting the gold demo and bringing this title to your vigilant readers attention. Mr. Thomas, James D. Chief Systems Administrator US Army, 39th SIG BN RSC-NL Voice # 360-7224 Fax # 360-7310 Thomasj@39thsigbn.schinnen.army.mil
  16. Just my way of saying thanks for everything BTS! -----Original Message----- From: Thomas, James Sent: Tuesday, June 13, 2000 2:22 PM To: 'brian@avault.com'; 'christopher@avault.com' Subject: Recognition of a game Brian/Christopher, First let me say thank you for your time in reading this. Second that I have in no way any ties to this game that I am about to talk about other then being a player and soon to be proud owner of two copies, I am strictly a customer. There is a game coming out this week, and the AVAULT is the location where I downloaded the gold demo of it. The game is called Combat Mission, Beyond Overlord. This game has no equal, it is simply the greatest squad level combat game ever. It’s historically correct concerning equipment, the engine is like none other seen for this type of game. To me it’s what Close Combat IV should have been. Not to mention the 3 years of production where the unparalleled customer support and input are taken into account, and responded to at extremely fast rates. If you play the demo it alone will show you the amount of attention that has been put forth in both game play and realistic effects of the equipment/people. The reason I write to you is that I am asking you guys to PLEASE to a look at the gold demo, write a preview/review on the game and let people know that it is there. The game will only be sold via their web page, so getting the word out is crucial to the creators of this game. Also in standing call them as you see them style and accuracy of the AVAULT could only help this game to become the blockbuster gamers have been looking for. One last thing of course is a HUGE thank you to the AVAULT for posting the gold demo and bringing this title to your vigilant readers attention. Mr. Thomas, James D. Chief Systems Administrator US Army, 39th SIG BN RSC-NL Voice # 360-7224 Fax # 360-7310 Thomasj@39thsigbn.schinnen.army.mil
  17. To quote Charles/BTS : "Sorry the patch won't work for the demo. It's possible at some future point we may 'update' the demo to whatever the current version of CM is by then, but it may not be necessary. And you guys won't care because you'll all have the full version long before then anyway. Charles"
  18. Just to throw in my $0.02 worth. I have to agree, Unless the target is of a higher risk factor the tank should not break target lock on the other tank. This is of course taking into account that someone near the tank has LOS. I had a tank targeted behind a building also, and my tank broke target to fire at a infantry squad that was over 300 meters away, and of course while my tank turned and fired the sherman came out turret ready and fired, minus one stugIII for me
  19. Hate to post again, but no solid answer on the topic. Will there be mouse scroll wheel support for the game? Would really be great, especially for when you are going through the elevation views or just moving around! Thanks, James
  20. My $0.02 is that I could only hope so! Too many GREAT games have fallen because of piracy. Would have been nice to have seen some sequels to some of them.
  21. Thomas........Thomas.......Thomas....... Has anybody seen Thomas? "Leave without pay is always better then leave wihtout job!" James D. Thomas 13-June-2000
  22. For just about everything you could want to know about the German Panzers, go to the following link : www.achtungpanzer.com Great information! Downloaded and printed it myself to keep from logging back there all the time. Only thing lacking to a degreee is information about the battles, though they do post information about the most notable actions they were in at the end of their areas.
  23. OK, got the drunk part, climbed the pole, fell a few times,"See attached medical bills", (JK). hacked maximus's credit card and placed 57,000 orders for CM . Seemed the proper number, being that many post and all. On to other matters. Any of you fine people that that are in, or find yourself in, The Netherlands, drop me an email and I will indoctrinate you into the real beer drinking world and that is a promise! Any of you that are in this area please drop me line being that I have 5 machines setup in my computer room for gaming and wold be more than happy to have a few guests for CM duels. "Whoa! Wrong book!"
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